BiologyRole of Digestive Enzymes – Types and Important FAQs

Role of Digestive Enzymes – Types and Important FAQs


  • Digestion is the process of breaking down food into smaller pieces so that the body can absorb the nutrients.
  • Digestion begins in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with saliva.
  • The saliva contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • The food then passes down the esophagus and into the stomach, where more enzymes are added to continue the digestion process.
  • The food is then broken down into smaller pieces and passes into the small intestine, where the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • The food then passes into the large intestine, where water is absorbed and the waste is eliminated.
  • Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in the body. Enzymes in the saliva and stomach break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller pieces so that the body can absorb the nutrients.

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    There is Mainly Two Process of Digestion Which Happen in Mouth, They are:

    1. Mechanical Digestion:

    Mechanical digestion is the physical breakdown of large food particles into smaller pieces by the teeth. The teeth cut, grind, and crush food into smaller pieces that are more easily digested.

    2. Chemical Digestion:

    Chemical digestion is the process of breaking down food molecules into smaller pieces by enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that are found in the saliva and in the stomach and small intestine. They catalyze (speed up) the chemical reactions that digest food.

    Different Types of Digestive Enzymes

    There are a variety of digestive enzymes, each with a specific role in the digestive process;

    • Proteases break down proteins into amino acids.
    • Lipases break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
    • Amylases break down starches into sugars.
    • Cellulases break down cellulose into glucose.
    • Lactases break down lactose into glucose and galactose.
    • Sucrases break down sucrose into glucose and fructose.

    Function of Different Digestive Enzymes along with their Secretion Location

    1. The main function of digestive enzymes is to break down complex molecules into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and used by the body. Digestive enzymes are secreted by the pancreas, liver, and small intestine.
    2. Pancreatic enzymes include amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, and protease, which breaks down proteins. These enzymes are released into the small intestine, where they help to digest food.
    3. Liver enzymes include bile salts, which help to break down fats, and glucuronidase, which helps to break down complex sugars. These enzymes are released into the small intestine and the bile duct, where they help to digest food.
    4. Intestinal enzymes include carbohydrase, which breaks down carbohydrates, and peptidase, which breaks down proteins. These enzymes are secreted by the small intestine and help to digest food.

    Different Types of Digestive Enzymes are Produced Inside Stomach, they are:

    • Pepsin: It is a digestive enzyme that is produced in the stomach. It helps to break down proteins into smaller peptides.
    • Amylase: It is a digestive enzyme that is produced in the mouth and stomach. It helps to break down carbohydrates into smaller sugars.
    • Lipase: It is a digestive enzyme that is produced in the stomach and small intestine. It helps to break down fats into smaller fatty acids and glycerol.
    • Protease: It is a digestive enzyme that is produced in the stomach and small intestine. It helps to break down proteins into smaller peptides.

    Role of Pancreas in Digestion Process

    • The pancreas is a glandular organ that is responsible for the secretion of digestive enzymes and the production of hormones such as insulin.
    • The digestive enzymes that are produced by the pancreas help to break down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.
    • The hormones that are produced by the pancreas help to regulate blood sugar levels and the metabolism of food.

    Enzymes Produced by Small Intestine

    • Enzymes are produced by the small intestine in order to digest food. These enzymes include pancreatic amylase, pancreatic lipase, and intestinal amylase.
    • Enzymes produced by small intestine are responsible for the digestion of food.
    • These enzymes include pancreatic amylase, pancreatic lipase, and intestinal amylase. Each of these enzymes breaks down a specific component of food.
    • Pancreatic amylase breaks down starch into maltose and glucose. Pancreatic lipase breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Intestinal amylase breaks down starch into maltose and glucose.

    For more visit Digestion and Absorption – Definition, Mechanism and Important FAQs

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