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Article on Global Warming: Global warming or climate change has become a worldwide concern. It is gradually developing into an unprecedented environmental crisis evident in melting glaciers, changing weather patterns, rising sea levels, floods, cyclones and droughts. Global warming implies an increase in the average temperature of the Earth due to entrapment of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere.
There is a crying need to raise awareness about global warming if we have to save the world from disaster. Here we are providing you some useful article on global warming under various categories according to varying words limits. You can choose any of them as per your need:
Article on Global Warming
Article on Global Warming 1 (300 words)
Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. The Earth’s temperature is on the rise and there are various reasons for it such as greenhouse gases emanating from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, burning of fossil fuels or deforestation.
Impact of Greenhouse Gases
The rise in the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to substantial increase in temperature. It is because CO2 remains concentrated in the atmosphere for even hundreds of years. Due to activities like fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation, transportation, and heating, human beings have contributed to increase in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
Global Warming: A Gradual Phenomenon
Recent years have been unusually warm, causing worldwide concern. But the fact is that the increase in carbon dioxide actually began in 1800, due to the deforestation of a large chunk of North-eastern American, besides forested parts of the world. The things became worse with emissions in the wake of the industrial revolution, leading to increase in carbon dioxide level by 1900.
Cause of Concern
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperature is likely to rise by about 1-3.5 Celsius by the year 2100. It has also suggested that the climate might warm by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years.
Impact of Global Warming
- The sea levels are constantly rising as fresh water marshlands, low-lying cities, and islands have been inundated with seawater.
- There have been changes in rainfall patterns, leading to droughts and fires in some areas, and flooding in other areas.
- Ice caps are constantly melting posing a threat to polar bears as their feeding season stands reduced.
- Glaciers are gradually melting.
- Animal populations are gradually vanishing as there has been a widespread loss of their habitat.
As per Kyoto protocol, developed countries are required to cut back their emissions. There is a need to reduce coal-fired electricity, increase energy efficiency through wind and solar power, and also high efficiency natural gas generation.

Article of Global Warming 2 (500 words)
Global warming has become a serious environmental problem which threatens to put the future of humankind in peril. According to experts, the major factor behind this rising phenomena of excessive emissions of carbon dioxide, as well as other greenhouse gases could lead to the flooding of lower lying coastal areas and also cities. It is even feared that some countries might even disappear completely in near future. Another worrisome fallout of global warming manifests in the changes in the weather patterns leading to severe weather conditions, drought, floods, and other uncommon extreme weather conditions.
Reasons for Global Warming
The biggest culprit is Carbon dioxide (CO2), a major constituent of the environment. It is causing a warming effect on the Earth’s surface area by increasing the evaporation of water into the atmosphere. Now water vapours itself being a greenhouse gas, this aggravates warming further due to the heating of more water vapour to be evaporated. The CO2 levels are unlikely to come down in the wake of the continuing burning of fossil fuels. Apart from CO2, Sulphur, CFCs, and Methane are also contributing to global warming.
Over-exploitation of natural resources, coupled with population growth, technological advancement, industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation are also leading to increase in the production of these gases. Even when we cook food, we produce a huge amount of CO2. We are over-utilizing technologies, burning fossil fuels, coal, lubricate, and gas. When gasoline is burned in internal-combustion motor of automobiles, it produces huge emission. Besides, Sulphur has formed a cluster resulting in adverse impact on environmental pollution.
Steps to curb Global Warming
Several measures are required to curb the problem of global warming. We can contribute towards less production of CO2 by adopting renewable energy instead of consuming oil, coal and gas. Tree plantation is another way-out as we know that trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. We will also do well to use less energy and to recycle more products. Especially, we should reduce our over-dependence on electricity as it is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide.
We can save Planet Earth, only by tackling the problem of global warming. Let’s resolve to reduce the production of CO2. The way to do it is to less use of oil, coal and gas. Rather we should embrace renewable energy. Let us reduce our dependence on electricity, as its production releases a huge amount of CO2 simultaneously. So, less use of energy and electricity can help us in dealing with the problem of global warming. We have to avoid producing a great amount of CO2, Sulphur, CFCs, and Methane gases as they are harmful to the environment. A massive tree plantation drive should be undertaken as trees soak up CO2 and at the same time trees generate more oxygen.
There is also the need for going for plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power. At individual levels, people should prefer buying cars with the best fuel economy, and should not unnecessarily use them.
Article on Global Warming 3 (600 words)
Due to various socio-economic factors, the Earth is getting warmer year by year. According to experts, since 1900, the whole planet has warmed up only by around 0.8 degrees Celsius. By the end of the 21st century, however, global warming is likely to cause an increase in the Earth’s temperature of around 2-5 degrees Celsius. It has led to Climate Change with frequent changes in the Earth’s weather, which is harmful to the planet.
Factors leading to global warming
As the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere (air) is warming up, the gases in the atmosphere are unable to prevent heat from leaving the planet. Due to large-scale de-forestation, we have too much carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that are holding in too much heat.
Impact of human activities on Global Warming
We do some things in everyday life that create much more gas than needed in the Earth’s atmosphere. For instance: burning oil, gas, and coal for energy for our cars, our homes and industry. This creates too much greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Climate change is causing extremes of hot and cold weather. This can harm the plants and animals of the Earth and it may even cause more extreme storms and droughts.
Also Read: Article of Human Activities in Global Warming for Children and Students
Step to slow down the warming
We can begin by using less energy in our own home, school or church. Let’s make it a habit to turn down our heat, turn off lights and electronics. Let’s reduce our dependence on our vehicles, and walk and car pool more. Also, let’s go for renewable energy such as wind power and sun power, and recycling as it uses less energy. Buying energy-efficient LED bulbs is another good idea. They last 25 times longer and save 75% of energy compared to incandescent light bulbs. We also need more forests, as they soak up some of the greenhouse gases that warm up our Earth. So, more and more tree plantation drives are needed.
The responses of India to Climate Change
Ahead of UN climate conference in December 2016, India has rightly said that the developed countries should not only talk about mitigation through emission cuts but also lay greater emphasis on adaptation and extending adequate finance and technology to poor nations so that they can prepare themselves for the adverse effects of climate change.
Union environment minister Prakash Javadekar said adaptation was vital to respond to the impacts of climate change. He said adaptation, capacity building, and strengthening rural communities would be the top priority for the government to address the challenges posed by climate change.
We must enhance the understanding of the interconnectedness between climate change and the nature around us. We should strive for the possible mitigation options which could be a sensible combination of technical and social adaptations that would be required to deal with the consequences of global warming. According to a 1991 report to Congress by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, the U.S. could reduce current emissions by 50 percent at zero cost to the economy as a result of full use of cost-effective efficiency improvements. We should stop using fossil fuels in the way we presently do, otherwise, the amount of carbon we will release will soon exceed the amount of carbon in the living biosphere. We must achieve a major increase in renewable energy use to help offset the ill-effects of global warming. Clearly, apart from the initiatives by the government and voluntary organizations, complete people’s participation and efforts are needed to check the menace of global warming.
Article on Global Warming 4 (800 words)
Global warming or climate change is a serious problem. It is one of the biggest threats to mankind. It is mainly caused by emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases due to rapid industrialization, urbanization and other air polluting sources. Continuous discharge of these gases results into enormous rise in temperature.
The world as a whole is facing the problem of global warming. The increasing level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has been heating up the atmosphere of earth.
The causes and consequences of global warming: Global warming is responsible for rising of sea levels as it melts the glaciers gradually. Glaciers are the perennial source of water in most of the rivers and other water bodies across the world. Rising of sea level is the one of the biggest problems faced by the whole world due to global warming. Already several countries in the world settled along the coastline of different seas are bearing the threat of extinction due to massive flood which has engulfed their low lying land considerably.
Frequent hurricanes and unusual weather patterns are the other problems associated with climate change. Moreover, rising temperature due to global warming is also responsible for loss of aquatic life and spread of dreaded diseases due to insects.
Continuous production of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas is the biggest demon responsible for global warming, which is manifested in the continuous rise in the level of Earth’s temperature.
In fact, gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur, CFCs, and methane are responsible for global warming. The continuous burning of fossil fuels leads to an increase in the carbon dioxide level. CO2, which is itself a greenhouse gas, causes a warming effect on the earth’s surface area by increasing the evaporation of water into the atmosphere due to heating. Other factors responsible for increasing the production of greenhouse gases are population growth, technological advancement, industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation.
Greenhouse gases have a heating impact on the environment, which is very adverse to human life. Due to increase in the sea level, lower lying coastal areas as well as cities face the danger of flooding. It is feared that this way some countries might even cease to exist. Global warming also leads to change in weather patterns. It leads to many areas of the earth experiencing severe weather conditions, such as drought, floods, and other unusual weather conditions.
Huge population growth too is a factor for increase in global warming. We are over-exploiting technologies, which is manifest in the burning of fossil fuels, coal, and emission of gas. Burning of gasoline in internal-combustion of automobiles leads to great amount of carbon emission. Apart from it, sulphur cluster gas also has a harmful impact on environmental pollution. Even simple task such as cooking food produces a big amount of CO2.
Long-term effects of global warming may manifest in submarine landslides and increased seismic and volcanic activities. It could lead to tsunamis as warmer ocean water thaws ocean-floor permafrost or releases gas hydrates. An increase in landslide frequency has already been reported in some world regions such as the French Alps. Due to ice melting and deglaciation, the Earth’s crust may be impacted leading to post-glacial rebound, with land masses experiencing no depression by the weight of ice.
What’s the way-out?
We need to spread adequate awareness with regard to the menace of global warming. It can be fought only by the collective efforts of the world community.
We have to take proper initiatives to prevent global warming such as stop producing more CO2. For this, we should reduce the consumption of oil, coal and gas. We should concentrate on using renewable energy. Additionally, we can plant more trees because trees are very helpful to soak up CO2 and at the same time generate more oxygen. When we generate electricity, we produce a huge amount of CO2 simultaneously. We have to use less energy and electricity. We have to avoid producing a great amount of CO2, Sulphur, CFCs, and Methane gases as they are out-and-out harmful to the environment.
We need to curb the emission of CO2 by undertaking massive plantation of trees. Let trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Let’s reduce our dependence on the consumption of electricity, oil, coal and gas – sources of carbon dioxide – and switch to renewable energy. Let’s make less of energy and embrace recycling of products. There is a need to make suitable changes in the modern consumerist lifestyle that tends to overuse the resources of the world. There is a need to make collective efforts on the part of scientists, governments and individuals to tide over the problem of global warming. If urgent efforts are not mounted by all countries to check the problem of global warming worldwide, it would threatens to put the future of mankind in peril.