EnglisharticleSwachh Bharat Abhiyan: Single Use Plastic Ban

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Single Use Plastic Ban

Under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, an initiative of the government of India in 2014, the government aimed to focus on every aspect of cleanliness. Some points to be focused at the starting where the problem of open defecation, cleaning of the rivers, and proper management of household waste.

In the year 2019, the government worked on banning single-use plastic. The Ministry of Environment proposed to end the use of single-use plastic by the year 2022. Also, the prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi asked people to say ‘No’ to single-use plastic. The government appealed for it to every citizen of the nation through broadcasting.

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    The first ban on the single-use plastic was taken from government organizations, zoos, parks, animal sanctuaries, and vegetable vendors. The government also directed people to carry cotton or paper bags when visiting shops. Never ask shopkeepers for the plastic bags.

    Apart from plastic bags, there was a ban on plastic bottles, plastic wrappers, and disposable plates made of plastics. The request of PM put a great impact on the people. They took it seriously and stopped asking for plastic bags. The change in the mind-set of the people was clear, and it brought hope for a plastic-free India.

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