EnglishEnglish Chapter SummariesThe summit Within summary

The summit Within summary

Introduction to the Chapter

The summit Within summary: Major H. P. S. Ahluwalia was a member of the first Indian expedition to Mount Everest, which reached the summit in 1965. He talks about his experience climbing the world’s highest peak in this class. He explains how physical conquering affects a person’s personal and spiritual life. Therefore after discussing the job of ascending the physical top, he now examines the task of climbing the summit within himself.

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    The summit Within summary

    Summary of the Chapter:

    The author opens The Summit Within by describing how he felt as he stood on the summit of Everest. Despite his tiredness, the peaceful scene made him feel a range of emotions, the most prominent of which was humility. A man who has been to the mountains, he says, is never the same again. He went on to say that after he reached the pinnacle of Everest, he would climb the summit of the mind. His mind began to question why people climb mountains. Most people would simply respond, “Because it exists,” but the author had a more personal response. He had always been enthralled by mountains and would become depressed when he was separated from them. He talks about the physical hurdles present when climbing a mountain.


    A summit ascent necessitates endurance, perseverance, and willpower. The author also addresses the issue, “Why Everest?” He explains that it is the highest and mightiest mountain in the world. It’s no surprise that the ascent is challenging; the sensation of accomplishment, exhilaration, joy, and satisfaction that comes with standing on the peak is unrivaled. It’s an otherworldly sensation. He claims that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why he climbed Everest. He likened it to the reason why people breathe. Discusses how fellow climbers assist one another in achieving this goal. Climbers who have achieved fame have left records of assistance without which they would have given up. Standing at the top of the mountain makes you realize that the fight was well worth it. Therefore the scene inspires you to climb above your current circumstances. It allows you to communicate with God.

    He explains how to bow down and submit to the God you worship from the highest height. Pictures and artifacts of the Gods they worshipped had been left by the group. He then goes on to explain about the other summit, which is more difficult to reach. However, every climb, whether physical or spiritual, has the potential to radically transform you. He says that completing the Everest climb has given him the strength to confront life’s challenges and that ascending a summit, whether internal or external, is a valuable experience.



    Ques: What are the three qualities that contributed significantly to the author’s success?

    Answer: The author’s climb was made possible by three qualities: endurance, perseverance, and willpower.


    Ques: Why is it that perilous adventure is also pleasurable?

    Answer: An adventure that is perilous in nature is fraught with problems and stumbling blocks. In overcoming these challenges, humans gain a great deal of pleasure and fulfillment.


    Ques: What did the author find so appealing about Mount Everest?

    Answer: Because Mount Everest is the highest and most powerful mountain in the world, the author couldn’t resist climbing it. Many attempts have failed. It necessitates the use of one’s last ounce of strength.


    Ques: Climbing a high mountain is not done solely for the sake of fame. What is the point of doing it?

    Answer: True, no one climbs the highest mountain for the sake of fame. It puts one’s endurance, perseverance, and willpower to the test. One reason is that it exists, and the other is that it has the power to transform a person from the inside out. It spiritually and emotionally transforms the climber. A man who has visited the mountains never returns the same way he left.


    Ques: He becomes acutely aware of his own insignificance in this vast cosmos.” This understanding is what gives meaning to the emotion expressed in the first paragraph. Which emotion is it?

    Answer: “He becomes acutely aware of his own insignificance in this vast world.” After climbing the greatest peak, this knowledge determines the impact of “humility” on the person.


    Ques: What were the “reverence symbols” left by team members on Everest?

    Answer: The author left a portrait of Guru Nanak Dev as a token of adoration on Everest, while his fellow climbers Rawat and Phu Dorji left photos and relics of Goddess Durga and Buddha, respectively.

    Edmund Hilary built a crucifix in the snow beneath a pebble pile.


    Ques: What did his experience as an Everest climber teach him, according to the author?

    Answer: The author believes that his time as an “Everest” climber has given him the fortitude and inspiration to face life’s difficult situations with grit and drive.

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