EnglishEssayTime is Money Essay in English for Children and Students

Time is Money Essay in English for Children and Students

Time is Money Essay is a phrase commonly used to imply the significance of time and that wasting time is equivalent to wasting money. The origin of the phrase dates back to the 15th century. A Croatian merchant – Benedetto Cotrugli, was the first to write the phrase “Time is Money” in his book “Della Mercatura et Del Mercante Perfetto.” Later, Benjamin Franklin, one of the United States’ founding fathers, used “Remember that time is money” in one of his 1748 books.

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    Time is Money Essay

    Long and Short Essay on Time is Money in English

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    Short Essay on Time is Money (200 Words) – Essay 1

    The phrase “Time is Money” practically suits every person in society. Let us consider a few examples: A businessman getting late for an important client meeting better understands the worth of time. He knows that time is precious, and he might have to let go of the business deal if he loses time.

    Similarly, a student who has the ambition of procuring a good-paying job after studies understands the value of time more than anything else. S/he knows that getting a decent remuneration will be complicated and impossible if they waste time and don’t study well.

    Essay on Time is More Precious than Money (300 Words) – Essay 2


    We all agree that time is Money, and Money can only be generated by properly and efficiently utilizing our time. The statement equates time with Money, but it’s only half the truth. Some explanations prove that time is more valuable than Money. In this essay, we will make arguments in support of the statement “Time is More Precious than Money.”

    Reasons for Time is More Precious than Money

    The most valid argument supporting the statement “Time is More Precious than Money” is that Money, once lost, could be regained, but time, if lost, can never be recovered. The amount of Money one has fluctuates with time; you might be poor today, but tomorrow you may be rich, or vice versa.

    On the other hand, time is an ever-progressing phenomenon, changing every second I write this line. If for some reason, I decided to stop writing for a couple of minutes or so, then no power in the world could help me go back into those lost minutes. More examples could establish the statement “time is More Precious than Money” as a fact.

    Consider an affluent person who urgently needs medical care but cannot get it because he got stuck in a traffic jam. He is caught up in a situation where his whole monetary worth can’t save him the time he needs. Indeed in practical situations like these, time is more precious than Money.


    Time is worth more than Money as Money is a commodity that could be lost and regained or vice versa, but time once lost, can’t be regained whatever Money you are willing to spend. Thus it is established that “Time is More Precious than Money.”

    Essay on Time is More than Money (400 Words) – Essay 3


    Time is always considered more valuable than Money since one can spend time to earn Money, but vice versa is not possible. Money can never add some extra moments in life. Money, if lost, can be earned again, but if time is lost, it could never be recovered unless one believes in the impossible concept of a time machine. Everyone gets a limited time, but only an intelligent person utilizes it fruitful and productive.

    Expansion of Phrase “Time is more than money.”

    The phrase’s literal meaning showcases the importance of time and how it is considered more valuable than Money. You can do more with a day than a day’s pay. The time spent with our friends, family, and close ones remains in our memories irrespective of whether we have Money. Time is more precious than Money because though a person is a billionaire, he can’t add extra days to his life.

    Sometimes the time spent with someone is so priceless that it can’t be bought with Money. It takes time to earn Money, but Money can’t buy a single moment. Everyone has a limited time; one who values it becomes successful, and one who wastes it always complains about its shortage.

    Time Vs. Money

    Time never comes back once spent, but Money can be earned back once spent. Time availability remains the same for rich and poor, but Money is available to the rich but not the poor. Time cannot be stored, but Money can be stored for some time. Time is always limited and can’t be increased, but Money can be raised by earning more. Time is not constant and keeps on moving, whereas Money could remain constant for some time. Money’s value might decrease over time, but the value of time remains constant forever.


    In the materialistic world, people consider Money the most important and valuable thing in life, but they forget the importance of time. Nowadays, people are sacrificing their family time by spending it more on their work, and in this way, they cannot spend quality time with their family. It is also said that people spend time earning Money but don’t get time to spend it. Proper time management always makes a person successful and respectable in society by making him more punctual and improving his quality of life.

    Essay on Time is Important than Money (500 Words) – Essay 4


    Time is more important than Money; if someone wastes time, s/he will surely lose Money. Moreover, time in a way, is more precious than Money as it cannot be purchased by Money. The time lost, no amount of Money can help you bring it back into your life.

    Reason for Time is Important than Money

    Time is more valuable than Money, is a fact, and the phrase today is used and acknowledged by millions. There could be thousands of arguments in support of the statement. Time once lost can never be earned back is a truth. You can use your time to make Money, but you can’t buy Money with time. No matter how much Money you are willing to spend, it will not be possible to get back the already gone time.

    Ever wonder what makes the difference between success and failure. From a layman to a high-ranking professional, everyone has the same 24 hours at their disposal. How they have used those 24 hours has made all the difference in their lives. A successful person always uses their time efficiently to earn Money and progress. Money is earned through time, and you can’t earn a penny by wasting time. This statement itself establishes that time is more valuable than Money.

    Time is given to you, and you have the right to use it the way you want, just like Money. But, there is a difference – if you lose or spend Money, you can always regain it by working a little more. On the other hand, if you lose your time, then no amount of Money in the world can help you but it back. Time once wasted is gone forever and can’t be recovered.

    Patients rushing to the hospital to get medical attention know that time is more valuable than Money. He would probably pay any amount to get to the hospital in time; because he knows that he could earn Money once he can save his own life.

    Consider an entrepreneur who wants to be on time for their first big business deal. He would probably take the fastest mode of travel, not minding the expenses. Why? Because he knows that time is much more important than Money in this situation. The success of his first deal, his reputation, and his future at this moment depend entirely on time but not on Money.


    Time is absolutely important than Money, and almost everyone must have experienced the truth of the phrase at some point in their lives. Whether one agrees or not, it is a well-established and proven fact that time is more valuable than Money.

    Long Essay on Time is Money – Meaning, Story, Explanation (600 Words) – Essay 5


    “Time is Money” is an equating statement, implying that time is equivalent to Money. The statement establishes a direct proportionality between the two; if you lose/waste time, you will lose Money and gain Money if you use the time. It is a proverb that has been widely used in our everyday lives. In the following essay, we will go through the meaning of the phrase “Time is Money,”; read a short story supporting the phrase, explain the phrase, and finally conclude the essay with a conclusion.

    ‘Time is Money’ Short Story

    One evening, when the father came home from the office, tired and a little late, the kid had already eaten his dinner. The boy suddenly asked his father – Dad, how much you earn in a day? Father was not very pleased with the question and replied – that’s none of your business! Why do you want to know? But the kid insisted, saying he just wanted to know out of curiosity. After some reluctance, the father told him he earns thousand rupees daily. Next, the kid asked his father if he could lend him 100 Rupees. This made the father furious, who ordered the kid to go to his room and sleep. Poor child, having no clue what went wrong, retrieved the room and went to bed.

    The father sat wondering what could have prompted the child to ask such a question regarding his earnings. However, as time passed, his anger subsided, and he went to the room with his son, probably thinking he had overreacted. When the father reached into the kid’s room, the latter was still awake. Apologizing for getting angry, the father took out a 100 Rupee note from his pocket and gave it to the kid.

    Happy with joy, the child thanked his father, proceeded to his table drawer, took out the Money in the drawer, and started counting it. Once again, the father was surprised and a little angry. He asked where you got all the Money from. Why did you ask for more if you already had enough? The son’s reply had his father in tears. The kid said, father, I had collected Rs 900 over a long time, but today when you gave me Rs 100, my savings equal to your one day’s earning. So, may I request you take all thioney and spend a day with me tomorrow. The man was crushed. He was literally in tears and hugged his son as never before, promising him that tomorrow he would be on leavwouldime is Money – Explanation.


    “Time is Money” is a famous proverb and an indisputable truth. How much money you have is decided by how efficiently you use your time.

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