EnglishEssayEssay on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy in English for Children and Students

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy in English for Children and Students

Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy: Mahatma Gandhi believed in the all-around development of a person by way of educating him on different levels. As per him, a person is truly educated when he is able to draw out the best from within. He advocated that only acquiring literacy does not mean being educated. Education involves a lot more. He stressed the moral education of a person more than the academic education.

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    According to him a true, honest, and morally sound illiterate person is far better than a morally corrupt highly educated individual. Nevertheless, he was also of the opinion that education is essential for development and growth, but the wisdom acquired by education must be used in the growth of the nation and welfare of fellow countrymen.

    Long and Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy in English

    Here we have provided long and short essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy to help you with the topic in your exam.

    After going through the essays you will understand what were the thoughts of Father of the Nation on Education.

    You can go with any Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy essay you choose best for you as per your need and present them whenever required during your school competitions.

    Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy – Essay 1 (200 words)

    Mahatma Gandhi was a highly learned and intelligent person. He studied Law and Jurisprudence from London and became an English Barrister. He could have easily chosen a lucrative career and a settled family life however his love for his country made him dive into the freedom struggle. He gave up his polished career to join the Indian struggle for independence and gave his heart and soul to it.

    He knew the importance of education and promoted the same. His educational philosophy was a bit different though. While the government stressed upon being literate and increasing the literacy rate and does that even today, Mahatma Gandhi felt that merely being literate was not enough. As per him, it was important to be educated and develop skills that match ones calibre so as to do well in life. It would not only help in that person’s growth and development but also prove to be good for the society.

    Gandhi ji believed that merely theoretical knowledge is not enough. It is essential to render practical knowledge to the students in order to develop proper understanding of the subject. He believed that every individual has the right to be educated and that education must be made compulsory for everyone. He worked towards promoting education in India.

    Essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s View on Education – Essay 2 (300 words)


    Mahatma Gandhi believed that education is one of the most important ingredients in the development of an individual as well as the society and the nation as a whole. A nation with educated citizens can develop at a far better speed compared to that with uneducated population. He believed that every child in India must be educated as education is the key to a good living.

    Gandhi Ji did not Conform to the Indian Education System

    Mahatma Gandhi wanted every child to attend school and seek education. He left no chance to propagate the importance of education. However, he did not conform to the Indian education system.

    His philosophy on education differed a great deal from the education system being followed in our country. While the schools in India focused on theoretical knowledge, Gandhi ji suggested laying emphasis on practical knowledge. He believed that it is a better way to invoke interest and create thorough understanding of the subject. He also believed that the students must be taught social skills and the need to support each other to grow as a nation.

    He believed that schools must work upon invoking the feeling of patriotism among students.

    Gandhi ji Aimed for Free and Compulsory Education

    Gandhi ji believed that education is the key to better living. He promoted the right to basic knowledge. He was well aware about the social and economic condition of fellow Indians. He knew that even though there are many people who want to send their children to school however they cannot afford the same.

    Thus, he appealed to make education free for students until the age of 14. He also wanted education to be made compulsory for all so that no one suffers due to lack of knowledge.


    Gandhi ji wanted to see our country bloom with educated youth as he believed education has the power to show the right path to an individual.

    Essay on Gandhi’s Aims of Education – Essay 3 (400 words)


    Mahatma Gandhi’s aim of education was to bring out the best in a student by working on various aspects. He believed that education must be such that it develops a student mentally, physically, morally, aesthetically and spiritually.

    People should be Educated, Not Just Literate

    The term literacy is often used synonymously with education. It is often said that we need to increase the literacy rate for the growth and development of the country. However, Gandhi ji did not conform to this idea. He believed that literacy alone cannot help.

    He emphasized the need to understand the difference between education and literacy and promoted education. He said that merely teaching children to read and write and learn different subjects would not help. They need to be trained thoroughly to understand various other aspects and grow at a deeper level.

    Education Tools Suggested by Mahatma Gandhi

    Gandhi ji strongly believed that a child can truly develop if we educate him properly and try to bring out the best in him. For doing so he suggested various tools. One of the main tools suggested by Gandhi ji to ensure better understanding of the subject was to focus on practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge. He believed that this was a good way to invoke the student’s interest in the subject and provide greater understanding about the same.

    Gandhi ji also emphasized upon teaching the students in their mother tongue. He believed that students can understand a subject better if it is taught in their mother tongue. As per him, this will bring in clarity of thoughts and ideas. Besides this way students would not only be able to understand better but will also be able to express their ideas and views with ease. The classroom sessions would thus become more interactive and interesting.

    Gandhi ji also believed that education must build a student’s character and not just impart knowledge on different subjects. He said that the students must be made socially aware from the beginning. Social awareness must be given to the students in school.

    He also appealed to use non-violent ways to teach and train students so that they enjoy their sessions and look forward to them rather than staying in constant fear of the teacher.


    Thus, Gandhi’s aim of education was simple. It was basically the all round development of the students and he suggested many tools and principles for the same.

    Essay on Main Principles of Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy – Essay 4 (500 words)


    Gandhiji’s educational philosophy has been widely appreciated and accepted. He had a very practical view on education and believed it should work on developing every aspect of a person and not just help him to read and write. He talked at length about the kind of education the Indian schools should render to their students.

    Main Principles of Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy

    Here are the main principles of Gandhi’s educational philosophy:

    • All Round Development

    Gandhi ji stated that the main aim of education should be to draw the best out of a person’s mind, body and soul. This is to say that he must not only develop at the mental level but also at physical, spiritual, aesthetic and intellectual level. The aim should not just be to provide literacy but to develop the students in every aspect.

    • Free Compulsory Education

    Gandhiji believed that education can change a person for good and also help in the development of the nation. Since many people in our country cannot afford to educate their children, he suggested free education for the children aged 7 to 14 years. He also suggested that education should become compulsory.

    • Mother Tongue as the Medium of Instructions

    Gandhi ji believed that our mother tongue must be the medium of instruction for education. This would help in better understanding and clarity of ideas. It would also help in better expression of ideas and promote interactive session.

    • Craft Centered Education

    Gandhi ji believed that handicraft was the means to develop the mind as well as soul. Thus, schools must not focus on theoretical knowledge. They must instead introduce craft from the pre-primary classes. This would help in invoking creativity, innovation and also enhance the mind-hand coordination among the various other benefits.

    • Creed of Non-Violence

    As per Gandhi ji, it was essential to apply the principle of non-violence while educating and training the students for their proper development. The use of violence invokes the feeling of fear and does not give the freedom of expression to the students. It hampers a child’s creativity.

    • Emphasis on Practice rather than Theory

    The Indian education gives importance to theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge takes a back seat. Gandhi ji stressed upon giving practical lessons to the students as he believed that this helps in active participation of the students in the class. On the other hand, during theoretical sessions students are just passive listeners and tend to lose interest in the lecture every now and then. Practical sessions help in creating a better understanding of the subject.

    • Social Awareness and Service

    Gandhi ji believed that it is important for everyone to be socially aware. This must be taught from the very beginning. Besides, love for motherland must also be invoked among students. They must be encouraged to live in coordination with their fellow citizens and help them whenever need be. Schools must conduct special programs to promote the same.


    Gandhi’s educational philosophy was quite progressive. Adopting his philosophies can bring about a positive change in the Indian education system.

    Long Essay on Educational Contribution of Mahatma Gandhi – Essay 5 (600 words)


    A well educated and qualified leader, Mahatma Gandhi left no opportunity to talk about the importance of education. He spoke at length about the significance of education and encouraged the people of India to educate their children for their better future. He also appealed to the government to support the education of children belonging to the poor families.

    Mahatma Gandhi Explained the Need for Basic Education

    Mahatma Gandhi talked about the importance of acquiring basic education through his articles. He also spoke about the same during his seminars and lectures. He believed that acquiring basic education is a basic human right as the development of man is not possible without education.

    Mahatma Gandhi Brought Reforms in the Education Field

    The impact of Mahatma Gandhi’s articles and lectures on the importance of basic education was so strong that it brought about reforms in the field of education. His articles were discussed in details and it gave way to the scheme of Basic Education under Dr. Zakir Hussain’s leadership. The below mentioned resolutions were passed based on the same:

    • Every Indian child must be given free and compulsory education for seven years to help him/ her attain basic education.
    • The process of education must focus on some kind of production work involving craft.
    • The mother tongue must be chosen as the medium of instruction.
    • Education must be self-supporting to certain extent.

    Two committees were set up subsequently – one to implement these resolutions and another to suggest action for synchronizing basic education with higher education.

    Mahatma Gandhi Changed the Notion behind Acquiring Education

    Mahatma Gandhi discussed the real problem behind people ignoring the importance of education. He said that the main problem is that people look at education as just a means of earning livelihood. They seek training and education only relevant to earning their livelihood. For instance, parents and teachers focus on students getting good grade in their examination whether or not they understand the concepts.

    This is because good grades help in acquiring admission in a good college that helps in getting a lucrative job. Similarly, the education of girl child was not given importance during his time because girls were not allowed to go out and work. They were restricted to the household tasks only. So, it was believed that they did not require education. This clearly showed that education was only seen as a way to earn livelihood.

    Mahatma Gandhi urged the people to change the way they looked at education. He emphasized that education is not just needed to earn but also to build character. Thus, focus must be on learning to grow and develop. People must seek education irrespective of whether they aimed to earn or not. He said that if we do not understand this small concept we would not be able to value education.

    His lectures did impact the general public. People started understanding the true value and importance of education. They were inspired to seek education.

    Mahatma Gandhi’s Contribution to Literature

    Mahatma Gandhi wrote quite a few books that served as inspiration for thousands of people during his time and continue to do so even today. His publications include My Experiments with Truth, India of My Dreams, The Essential Gandhi and The Words of Gandhi. He also wrote articles on Basic Education that served as a motivational force to bring about reforms in the field of education in India. Mahatma Gandhi also edited many journals including Young India and Harijan.

    By way of his writings, Gandhi ji tried to reach out to the general public and bring about positive changes in their lives.


    Thus, Gandhi ji contributed a great deal to the field of education. His educational philosophy was naturalistic and idealistic. He suggested ideas to mould the education system in such a way that it ensured the all round development of an individual.

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