Table of Contents
Trees are our wealth on planet Earth. We depend on trees for our sustenance. We depend on trees for the oxygen that keeps us alive. Our food too comes from trees. Trees keep up the ecological balance in our ecosystems on earth. Not only man, but all life forms depend on trees. If we cut off the trees we put the lives of all life forms at peril. Do we want to endanger life on our planet? Not at all. We want to save our planet and all life forms. So we need to protect our trees. We all need to come together in the cause of saving trees around the world. A green world is a safe world for all of life.
Long and Short Paragraphs on Save Trees in English
You will find here below a number of long and short paragraphs on the topic Save Trees of varying word lengths.
We hope these paragraphs on Save Trees will help students in completing their school assignments.
These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences.
Students can select any paragraph on Save Trees according to their particular requirement.
Paragraph on Save Trees 100 Words
Trees help us keep our life going. Trees provide us oxygen which we depend upon to breathe. It is oxygen that keeps up life. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees do just the reverse. They use up carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis and give out oxygen. If we do not save trees we will not have a constant and abundant supply of oxygen for all life forms to breathe and live.
We also depend on trees for food. The edible parts of trees feed and nourish us. Trees are also beautiful and provide us with shade.
Importance of Trees in Our Lives Speech | Save Trees Slogans |
Importance of Trees in Our Life | Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech |
Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees | Trees Paragraph |
Trees Slogans |
Paragraph Save Trees 150 Words
Trees are a natural resource. They are a treasure and we must protect them. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of ecosystems on earth. If we destroy trees we destroy ourselves.
In the process of photosynthesis in trees, carbon dioxide is used up and oxygen is released into the air. This helps in keeping a constant and abundant supply of oxygen in the air, and helps life forms to breathe. If there is no oxygen to breathe in we cannot live. So our life depends on trees.
Trees also keep down the heat on Earth. If there are no trees the heat on the planet will be intolerable. Besides, due to large amounts of heat created due to factors such as the smoke generated from industries and vehicular traffic there is global warming resulting in climate change. Trees can help in solving this big crisis. Trees should therefore be saved.

Save Trees Paragraph 200 Words
If there are no trees life on earth cannot be sustained. Trees provide us what we vitally need to stay alive. They provide us with oxygen. If we cannot breathe in oxygen we will perish.
Trees produce oxygen as the result of the process of photosynthesis that takes place in them. In this process, carbon dioxide and sunlight are used up and oxygen is produced that is released into the air. There is thus a constant supply of oxygen from trees during daylight hours when photosynthesis occurs in trees.
It is this process that also keeps the levels of carbon dioxide in the air at low levels. If trees are cut off carbon dioxide levels go up. Carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas, the result is a warming up of the atmosphere. This phenomenon is known as global warming. It results in climate change that is affecting people around the world. The easiest way to combat global warming is to save trees and also grow more trees.
Trees also help us by providing us food. Not only does man, but all herbivorous creatures too, depend on trees for their sustenance. By cutting off trees we harm ourselves. It is therefore important to save trees.
Save Trees Paragraph 250 Words
Trees are a beautiful expression of nature. They are home to many birds and animals. When trees are cut off many wildlife species lose their homes. When trees are felled on a large scale in an area there is a destruction and loss of habitat. It affects the wildlife that live in the habitat.
Trees take long to grow but it takes very little time to fell them. The benefits trees provide to our environment and life cannot be replicated through anything else. It is therefore important that trees are not recklessly chopped off.
Trees provide us oxygen. Oxygen is released by trees as a result of the process of photosynthesis that occurs in them wherein they use up carbon dioxide. We live by oxygen. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Trees therefore provide the oxygen that is vital to our life.
When trees are destroyed there is a greater concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas a greater concentration of the gas leads to greater warming of the planet. Besides, greater levels of air pollution have occurred due to various man made reasons causing higher carbon dioxide levels in the air. All this has lead to the phenomenon of global warming that has led to climate change around the world.
Trees can solve the crisis of global warming as they can trap carbon dioxide in a big way. Trees must therefore be saved for the sake of our own life and for the life of our planet.
Save Trees Paragraph 300 Words
Trees are a boon of nature. When we cut trees we destroy our own lives. We also destroy many other life forms that depend on trees for food and shelter.
Our earth today is subject to pollution of air, water and soil. Besides, we are also suffering from reduction in availability of water on our planet due to the drying up of lakes and pollution of water bodies. Trees play a big role in maintaining the hydrological cycle on earth.
Trees also maintain the level of the water table so that water can be sourced from underground through wells and be used by us for our varied needs.
Trees also prevent flooding and the silting of water bodies because they help in holding the soil. It is the top soil which is rich in nutrients, and this is held by trees. If there were no trees the top soil would easily be washed away in a flood. Therefore trees also play a role in maintaining the fertility of soil.
Trees are a source of food for man and all herbivorous creatures. Tree parts such as roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits are eaten for their nutritive value. Tree parts may also have medicinal properties and may be used to treat various health conditions.
Trees are a source of providing oxygen to and using up carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore they help in providing us the very vital element for our breath. If there is no oxygen we cannot live. Trees thus also help in keeping the levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere in check. Global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Saving trees is therefore very important for our life and the life of planet Earth.
Save Trees Paragraph 350 Words
In today’s world we are faced with global warming. It is an issue of big concern. It is a phenomenon that has been caused by man made factors. Excessive air pollution has been responsible for the generation of huge amounts of greenhouse gases that have caused a rise in the temperature on Planet Earth.
Excessive vehicular and industrial pollution have caused unprecedented air pollution. This has resulted in the building up of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the air. There has also been an indiscriminate felling of trees in varied habitats and the clearing of large tracts of forest areas. This has been done for creating industrial and residential areas, for carrying on agriculture and to build roads and railway tracks. The loss of enormous numbers of trees has aggravated the problem of global warming.
Trees can help in keeping global warming in check, as they use up carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air due to the process of photosynthesis that takes place in them during daytime. Trees not only use up the carbon dioxide present in the air, but also help in releasing an abundant and constant supply of oxygen into the air. A greater green cover can help in reducing global warming. It is therefore important that trees are not destroyed.
Trees are also home to many birds and animals. When trees are felled many wildlife species lose their homes. When trees are destroyed on a large scale in a habitat it causes a loss of wildlife and disturbance to the ecological balance in the ecosystem. Hence it is important to protect trees and maintain pristine forest cover.
Trees are also a source of food. Man and all herbivorous creatures depend on trees for their sustenance. Tree parts such as roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits may be consumed as food or as medicine. By cutting off trees we lose the supply of nutritious food and useful medicines.
Trees are vital to our life. All effort must be made to save trees, and grow more trees, if there are no trees our lives are endangered.
Save Trees Paragraph 400 Words
Air, water and soil pollution have assumed enormous proportions on our planet. We are also experiencing a reduction in the availability of water due to pollution of water bodies. We need fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink. And trees play a big role in releasing oxygen into the air and maintaining the hydrological cycle on earth.
Trees are a source of providing oxygen in the air and using up carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore they help in providing us the very vital element for our breathing. If there is no oxygen we cannot live. And trees help in keeping the levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere in check. Global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Varied human activities such as increased vehicular traffic and industries have lead to excessive pollution of the air and accumulation of greenhouse gases. Besides, the felling of trees and clearing of forests has led to increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the air. Global warming leads to climate change that affects the lives of man and other animals adversely. Saving trees is therefore very important for our life and the life of our planet.
Trees also prevent flooding and the silting of water bodies because they help in holding the soil. Besides, if there were no trees the top soil would easily be washed away in a flood. It is the top soil which is rich in nutrients. And this is held by trees. Therefore trees also play a role in maintaining the fertility of soil. Trees maintain the level of the water table so that water can be sourced from underground too and used for our varied needs.
Trees are big source of food. Man and all herbivorous animals depend on trees for food. The edible parts of trees which include roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers and fruits, feed and nourish various life forms. Vegetarians depend wholly on plant products for their food.
Trees in gardens and on avenues offer us pleasant and aesthetic surroundings. A walk in a forest is a very refreshing experience. Beautiful trees with colourful flowers and fruits are also home to varieties of birds and animals.
Trees are nature’s boon to us. We must therefore make all efforts to save trees for the life of our planet and all the life forms that inhabit it.
Frequently Asked Questions on Save Trees
What is good food for a tree?
Trees thrive when they receive a balanced mix of nutrients. Compost is an organic substance that enriches the soil, providing vital minerals and microorganisms. Other organic matter like decomposed leaves can also boost the soil's health. Fertilizers, whether organic or synthetic, provide specific nutrients that might be lacking in the soil.
How do plants save us?
Plants play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. They photosynthesize, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, vital for our survival. They act as natural filters, removing pollutants from the air and serving as carbon sinks, which help mitigate climate change impacts.
How can we save trees in the forest?
Forests are the lungs of our planet. To conserve them, we need conservation strategies that prevent illegal logging and promote sustainable timber harvesting. Reforestation, planting trees in deforested areas, helps restore ecosystems.
How do trees save life?
Trees are indispensable to life. They produce oxygen, vital for most organisms. They serve as habitats for various species, and their roots prevent soil erosion. Their canopy provides shade and reduces temperatures.
Why should we save trees?
Trees maintain a balanced ecosystem. They help air quality by filtering pollutants and producing oxygen. Their roots anchor soil, preventing erosion. Trees house diverse flora and fauna, contributing to biodiversity.
How can we save trees for kids?
Educating the younger generation is key. Children should learn the importance of trees. Tree planting can instill responsibility. Encouraging them to recycle, reduce waste, and spread awareness can foster stewardship.
How can we save our trees?
Trees require concerted conservation efforts. Reducing deforestation through sustainable practices is a start. Empower and educate communities to manage forests sustainably. Awareness campaigns can highlight tree importance, leading to community-driven conservation.