EnglishparagraphParagraph on Trees – Long and Short Paragraphs

Paragraph on Trees – Long and Short Paragraphs

Trees are Nature’s bounty. Trees are of many different kinds. There are flowering trees, which bear blossoms, and non-flowering ones, which do not bloom into flowers. There are evergreen trees, which stay green through the year. There are also deciduous ones which may shed their leaves during a particular season annually making their branches turn bare. Trees make landscapes beautiful. Trees are invaluable to man and terrestrial life forms. Trees maintain ecological balance and equilibrium. Trees must be protected. The felling of trees must be prevented. Tree plantation activities must be encouraged to make our environment green, beautiful and healthy.

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    You will find here below a number of long and short paragraph on Trees of varying word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Trees will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Trees according to their particular requirement.

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    Long and Short Paragraphs on Trees in English

    Paragraph on Trees 100 Words

    Short Paragraph on Importance of Trees

    There are many different types of trees that grow. Trees are food for man and all herbivorous animals. The roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of trees may be edible. Trees are also home to many wildlife species. Animals seek the shade and shelter of trees. Birds build their nests in trees. Reptiles and insects also live in trees.

    Trees help in binding the soil. Trees and forests also play a role in maintaining the hydrological cycle and rainfall patterns. Trees are Nature’s bounty. We must not cut down trees. We must protect trees, and help grow more trees.

    Paragraph on Trees 150 Words

    Short Paragraph on Benefits of Trees

    Trees give us many benefits. Trees are the green cover of the planet. Trees need water, sunshine and air to grow. The process of photosynthesis that occurs in trees, that helps them grow, uses oxygen and gives out carbon-dioxide. Thus, they contribute to the oxygen in the air that we need to breathe to stay alive. They also use up the carbon-dioxide that is present in the air, and thus prevent the accumulation of the greenhouse gas that leads to global warming and climate change.

    Trees also help in binding the soil. When trees are cut off, the most fertile top soil layer gets washed away easily in rains or floods. Trees are food to man and all herbivorous animals.

    Trees must be protected. The felling of trees should be prevented. Trees give beauty to a place. Tree plantation activities must be encouraged to make our planet cleaner and greener.

    Paragraph on Trees 200 Words

    Paragraph on Value of Trees in Our Life

    When seeds and saplings are planted and grow into trees, they make a place greener and more beautiful. Attractive, colourful and sweet-smelling flowers bloom on trees. Trees may grow to be very tall, or may be short in height.

    Trees provide shade. They are also home to many animals, birds, reptiles and insects. Animals run up trees to save themselves from predators. Birds build their nests in trees. Butterflies and bees also visit the flowers that bloom on a tree.

    The different tree parts such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds may be edible. These edible parts are eaten by man, as also by herbivorous and omnivorous animals and birds.

    Trees are very valuable for keeping ecological balance in ecosystems. Trees give out oxygen, and absorb carbon-dioxide during the process of photosynthesis. Thus, trees help in recharging the air with oxygen that is vital for life forms that breathe in oxygen to stay alive. By absorbing carbon-dioxide, trees also control the levels of the major greenhouse gas that causes warming of the air.

    Trees have been falling recklessly. Deforestation is one of the factors that has led to global warming and climate change. Trees must, therefore, be protected.

    Paragraph on Trees 250 Words

    Long Paragraph on Importance of Trees

    Trees have many different uses. Trees may be ornamental in nature. Beautiful looking trees with brightly coloured and fragrant flowers are usually planted as ornamental trees. Trees are also ornamental in nature if their flowers or fruits have a unique shape or colour. For example, the flowers and fruit of the canon ball tree are unique.

    Why Trees are Important to Us

    There are trees that have medicinal uses. Certain parts of trees may be of medicinal value. The neem tree, for instance, which is native to India, is used as a curative for many health conditions.

    Trees also have cultural and religious significance. There are communities that respect and worship trees. The peepal tree, for example, is a tree that is highly revered and worshipped.

    Trees are also food for man. Tree parts such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds may be edible. All herbivorous and omnivorous animals also depend on trees for their food.

    Trees are also home to many different animals, birds, reptiles and insects. Birds build their homes in trees. Insects like bees and butterflies swarm to the fragrant flowers on trees. This helps in pollination that helps flowers turn into fruits. Bee hives in trees are also the source of honey.

    Trees must be protected. Falling of trees must be avoided. Trees serve to maintain ecological and environmental balance and equilibrium. As trees take a long time to grow, deforestation cannot be rectified quickly. Besides, the benefits of pristine forest cover cannot be replicated easily by planting trees.

    Paragraph on Trees 300 Words

    Long Paragraph on Role of Trees in Our Life

    Trees can be found all around us. Trees grow in gardens and parks. Trees also grow along avenues. Trees grow in the deserts, mountains and plains. There are also trees that grow along rivers and other water bodies. An abundance of many different trees makes up a forest. Many factors determine which tree can be spotted at any particular place. Climatic conditions, soil type and altitude affect the kind of trees that grow in a place.

    Trees Provide Food to Man and Animals

    Trees may bear beautiful and colourful flowers. Trees may also bear edible fruits. Edible tree parts are consumed by man as food. The edible parts include roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Fruit trees are often cultivated by farmers.

    Animals, birds, reptiles and insects also depend on trees for shelter and food. Birds mostly build their nests and raise their young ones in trees. When predators chase their prey, the preyed creatures may run up a tree for safety. All herbivorous and omnivorous animals depend on trees for their food too.

    Trees and forests maintain the balance in the food chain. Forests are home to a large number of animals. The herbivorous animals like deer, elephants and rhinoceroses depend on trees and other vegetation for their food. The carnivores like the lion, tiger and leopard in the forests depend on animals like deer and buffaloes to satisfy their hunger.

    Trees Help in Giving Us a Healthy Environment

    Trees play a role in maintaining a healthy environment. Trees use up the carbon-dioxide present in the air, and release oxygen into it during photosynthesis during daytime. The unhealthy build-up of various greenhouse gases including carbon-dioxide due to a number of man-made factors can, therefore, be reduced by trees. Deforestation and indiscriminate felling of trees are, in fact, important causes of the increasing global warming and climate change being witnessed on our planet today.

    Paragraph on Trees 350 Words

    Long Paragraph on Trees Our Best Friend

    Trees are a most precious gift of Nature and are our best friend because they create a friendly environment on the earth for a healthy life. Trees grow in varied geographical areas and climates. Trees grow in the deserts, mountains and plains, and on the banks of water bodies. Likewise, trees grow in areas of hot, cold and rainy climates.

    Trees can be classified into Different Categories

    Every region has its native tree species that are most suited to the ecology of the place. When new trees are planted in a place, it is best to plant the native tree species of the place. Planting exotic trees in a place disturbs the local ecological balance.

    There are trees that grow to a great height, while there are some that are even dwarfs. Trees are classified according to different characteristics. Trees may belong to flowering or non-flowering categories. Flowering trees may bloom once annually or with different periodicity. There are some unique trees like the Kurinji that bloom once in twelve years.

    Trees are also classified as evergreen and deciduous. While evergreen ones stay green through the year, deciduous ones shed their leaves and turn bare during a particular season each year.

    Trees Help in Preventing Global Warming and Climate Change

    Trees take in carbon-dioxide and give out oxygen as a result of the process of photosynthesis that occurs in them. Therefore, trees replenish the levels of oxygen in the air that is so vital for us to breathe and stay alive. Trees also control the levels of carbon-dioxide in the air. Thus, they keep the accumulation of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere in check. It is when carbon-dioxide levels rise dangerously high that the temperature of the atmosphere increases causing global warming and climate change. Trees and forests, thus, play a central role in preventing ecologically and environmentally hazardous phenomena like global warming and climate change from happening.

    Trees are Invaluable to Man and Wildlife

    Trees make spaces inhabited by humans beautiful. Landscapes are pleasing because of the trees that grow in them. Edible tree parts also make for man’s food. Trees also provide food and shelter to wildlife. Trees play a major role in maintaining ecological balance. Forests are also useful in maintaining the hydrological cycle and rainfall patterns that keep water bodies well-fed by rains. Trees must, therefore, be protected.

    Paragraph on Trees 400 Words

    Long Paragraph on Trees are Green Gold

    Trees are Nature’s bounties and are called as Green Gold. A tree full of brightly coloured and fragrant flowers is delightful. Trees make a landscape or any space we live in pleasing.

    There are Many Different Types of Trees

    Trees are of many different types. There are flowering ones, that bear flowers in a particular season or through the year. There are non-flowering ones too that do not bloom. Trees may be evergreen ones remaining green through the year, or may be deciduous, and shed their leaves annually, during a particular season. Trees are also classified as medicinal, ornamental or commercially useful ones.

    Planting Trees is good for Our Environment

    Trees grow according to the soil conditions, altitude, and climatic conditions of a place. Every place also has its own local or native tree species. It is ecologically wise to grow native tree species in a place. Growing exotic trees may not be good for the environment as the local birds and insects depend on and also help in the growth of native tree species.

    Trees are planted in gardens, parks, commercial and residential areas and along avenues. The choice of planting trees also depends on the preferred aesthetic combination of the colours of the flowers. For example, the golden shower trees that bloom into yellow flowers, and the gulmohur trees that bear orange blossoms, can be planted alternately along an avenue for an interesting colour pattern during summer when both the trees are in full bloom.

    Trees are Invaluable in Maintaining Ecological Balance

    Trees are of great value to us. Tree parts such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds may be edible and may be consumed by man. Trees are food for all herbivorous animals and birds too. Trees are also a source of various products such as wood, rubber, oils and resins. Trees are home to many animals, birds, reptiles and insects too.

    Trees have an important role to play in maintaining ecological balance and equilibrium. Trees help in holding the soil, and binding the top fertile layer of the soil. Trees help in maintaining the hydrological cycle. They, thus, help in maintaining the monsoon cycles and rainfall patterns. Trees also help in keeping the water table level high.

    Trees give out oxygen and consume carbon-dioxide during the process of photosynthesis that occurs in them. Thus, they help in providing oxygen which we need to breathe to stay alive. By consuming carbon-dioxide, a greenhouse gas, trees help in checking global warming and climate change. Trees are invaluable and, therefore, must always be protected.

    Paragraph on Trees for Class 6 to 8

    Paragraph on Trees for Class 6

    Trees are nature’s treasure, offering countless benefits to us and the environment. They can be found in different parts of the world, from hot deserts to cold mountains, and even beside lakes and rivers. Depending on where they grow and their features, trees are grouped in various ways.

    For example, some trees are tall, while others are short. There are trees that bloom with flowers, and some flowers, like those of the Kurinji tree, appear only once in many years. Moreover, there are two main types of trees: evergreen trees that stay green all year round and deciduous trees that drop their leaves in a specific season.

    One of the essential roles of trees is to help control the planet’s temperature. They do this by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, a process called photosynthesis. Too much carbon dioxide in the air can lead to the Earth getting warmer, a phenomenon known as global warming. Trees help prevent this by balancing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    Not only do trees beautify our surroundings, but they also give us food. Many animals rely on trees for their food and shelter. Forests, which are vast areas filled with trees, play a key role in making sure there’s enough rain and helping maintain the Earth’s water cycle.

    In short, trees are vital for both humans and wildlife. They keep our environment balanced and make the world a beautiful place. Protecting trees is crucial for our future.

    Paragraph on Trees for Class 7

    Trees are one of Earth’s most vital resources. Everywhere we go, from bustling cities to quiet countryside, trees are a common sight. They stand tall and proud, telling stories of centuries gone by. Across various regions, from the freezing poles to the scorching deserts, trees have found a way to thrive, adapting to the most challenging conditions.

    One of the fascinating things about trees is their diversity. Some trees have majestic heights, reaching out to touch the sky, while others are shorter, offering shade and comfort at ground level. Trees can be categorized based on their attributes, such as flowering trees that gift us with beautiful blossoms at certain times of the year.

    Apart from their beauty, trees play a critical role in sustaining life on Earth. Through a process called photosynthesis, trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide and release life-enabling oxygen. This not only ensures we have clean air to breathe but also combats the growing problem of global warming. By consuming excess carbon dioxide, trees act as Earth’s natural air purifiers.

    Moreover, trees are a sanctuary for numerous wildlife species. They offer food, shelter, and even mating grounds for various creatures. Birds build nests, insects find refuge, and mammals seek shelter beneath their expansive canopies.

    Furthermore, trees have economic value. They provide timber for construction, fruits for consumption, and leaves for various medicinal purposes. They play a pivotal role in many cultures and traditions, symbolizing growth, endurance, and life itself.

    In conclusion, for Class 7 students and everyone else, understanding the importance of trees is paramount. They’re not just static entities in our environment; they’re active contributors to Earth’s well-being. Conserving and planting more trees is an investment in a healthier and more sustainable future.

    Paragraph on Trees for Class 8

    Trees, often described as the lungs of our planet, hold an intricate web of life within their branches and roots. For Class 8 students diving deeper into environmental studies, the multifaceted significance of trees becomes even more evident. These silent sentinels have been on Earth for millions of years, witnessing the evolution of countless species and the progression of human civilizations.

    Every tree, whether it stands alone in a city park or as part of a dense forest, has a tale to tell. Their rings capture histories of climatic changes, natural disasters, and even human activities. The biodiversity they support is astounding. From microscopic fungi to large mammals, a multitude of organisms depend on trees for sustenance and shelter.

    In terms of their scientific importance, trees are paramount in regulating our atmosphere. They not only produce oxygen through photosynthesis but also act as carbon sinks, absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. This dual function helps mitigate the severe impacts of climate change and ensures a breathable atmosphere.

    But trees are more than just ecological warriors. They have cultural, spiritual, and economic value. Many societies revere specific trees, attributing to them religious or spiritual significance. Economically, industries like timber, paper, and certain food products rely heavily on trees.

    Moreover, trees have profound psychological effects on humans. Studies have shown that spending time around trees can reduce stress, increase attention span, and elevate mood. This is why urban planning now emphasizes creating green spaces in congested cities.

    For Class 8 students, recognizing the multifarious roles trees play is crucial. As they stand at the threshold of shaping the future, understanding and advocating for the conservation of trees will be pivotal in ensuring a balanced and sustainable environment for all.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Trees

    What is a mother tree?

    A mother tree is a significant, older, and larger tree in a forest that connects with other trees through complex underground fungal networks, serving as a central hub for nutrient exchange and communication.

    Who discovered the trees?

    Trees have been a part of our planet for millions of years. They were not discovered in the way we discover new species or planets; instead, they've been an intrinsic part of ecosystems long before humans came into existence.

    What is a tree scientist?

    A tree scientist is commonly referred to as a dendrologist. They specialize in the study of trees and woody plants, understanding their growth, diseases, and biology.

    What are the studies of trees?

    The study of trees is known as dendrology. It focuses on the classification, structure, and various aspects of tree species.

    What is the full meaning of tree?

    A tree is a large, perennial plant that has an elongated stem or trunk, supporting branches and leaves. Trees play a crucial role in our environment by producing oxygen and providing habitats.

    What is tree history?

    Trees have existed on Earth for over 370 million years. They've evolved over time, with some ancient tree species now extinct and others still present today. Trees have been integral to life's evolution and human civilization.

    How are trees important to us?

    Trees are vital for life. They produce oxygen, sequester carbon dioxide, offer habitats for countless species, prevent soil erosion, and play a crucial role in our planet's water cycle. Additionally, they provide us with resources like wood, fruits, and medicine.

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