EnglishrhymesDog Rhymes for Kids and Children in English

Dog Rhymes for Kids and Children in English

Rhymes on Dog

Dogs are very faithful pet animal and mostly liked by the kids. We have provided various interesting and meaningful rhymes on dog for the kids studying in the nursery class. Parents can use any of the rhyme according to their need. All the rhymes are very simple and easy, written especially for small kids learning purpose.

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    You can use appropriate facial expressions, smile, action, body movements, dog toys, dog costumes, etc to make dog rhymes more interesting, entertaining and easy learning of kids.

    First of all you choose any one rhyme given below and then decide easy learning way for your kids.

    Dog is very watchful

    Dog is very watchful,

    He is also thoughtful,

    He keeps his owners happiful,

    And always become helpful.


    I like my Johnny very much

    I like my Johnny very much,

    He is very soft on touch,

    He never do teeth brush,

    What I say, he is as such.


    My dog is very little

    My dog is very little,

    But he is not brittle,

    He perform nice job,

    Even in the deep fog.


    My doggy has smiling face

    My doggy has smiling face,

    He always makes a nice race,

    He never bite me in any case,

    But chase me in good pace.


    My puppy

    My puppy has two little eyes,

    He always say me good bye,

    But show a smile when I return,

    Just like he has something earn.


    I go to walk with my dog

    I wake up early in the morning,

    And I go to walk with my dog,

    On the way I saw a frog,

    Where road was full of fog.


    My doggy runs very fast

    My doggy runs very fast,

    And show me a nice cast,

    He never gets a while tired,

    For which I really admired.

    I want a dog

    I have a deep desire,

    As I want a dog acquire,

    Who never get retire,

    So that, I do not need to rehire.


    My doggy

    My doggy start barking,

    When see anyone wrong working,

    He never sees day or night,

    And always be ready to fight.


    Having dogs is really good

    Having dogs is really good,

    They help us as they could,

    They provide us a safety hood,

    And they always do what they should.


    My doggy runs

    My doggy runs all through the town,

    He daily chase me in the lawn,

    By wearing a goggles brown,

    And getting ready before the dawn.


    Dog and mouse

    Once a dog was chasing a mouse,

    By roaming all around the house,

    Dog could not get the mouse,

    And started barking very loud.


    Dog was barking

    There are monkeys on the tree,

    They were jumping very free,

    Dog was barking on the ground,

    By making round and round.


    Dog is very clever

    Dog is very clever,

    He becomes ready ever,

    He gets back never,

    And always acts as saver.

    Dog saves us from thief

    Dog saves us from thief,

    He is the animal very chief,

    He eats food very brief,

    He never becomes a while grief.


    Dog was sleeping

    Once a dog was sleeping,

    And a cat was weeping,

    Dog gets disturbed,

    And chasing cat for perturb.


    Little puppy

    Come little puppy do dance,

    Whenever you get chance,

    You will be backward,

    If you don’t try to get forward.


    Come little puppy come to me

    Come little puppy come to me,

    I am very free chase me,

    You can take rest under tree,

    Then we drink ginger tea.


    Johny Johny little Johny

    Johny Johny little Johny,

    Why you look so bonny,

    I like your soft hair,

    And your daring dare.


    My puppy is very smart

    My puppy is very smart,

    I love him from my heart,

    He is very faithful,

    And never make us shameful.


    My dog is my buddy

    My dog is my buddy,

    He is a little puppy,

    He is not very foodie,

    That’s why not very chubby.

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