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RNA Full Form

Structure of RNA

The ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is a polymer of nucleotides. RNA is very similar to DNA, the primary difference being that RNA contains ribose (a five-carbon sugar) instead of deoxyribose (a two-carbon sugar). The purine and pyrimidine bases in RNA are also found in DNA but reverse order. RNA Full Form

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    The RNA molecule is a single-stranded polymer, with the nitrogenous base of one nucleotide hydrogen-bonded to the sugar of the next nucleotide. The phosphate group of one nucleotide is also hydrogen-bonded to the sugar of the next nucleotide, forming a “backbone” for the RNA molecule.

    Helicase is an enzyme that unwinds the DNA double helix, making the two individual DNA strands available for transcription. RNA polymerase is a similar enzyme that unwinds the RNA molecule, making the RNA strand available for translation.

    RNA Full Form

    Types of RNA

    There are three types of RNA:

    • mRNA is messenger RNA: It is made in the nucleus and carries the genetic code out of the nucleus to the ribosomes, used to create proteins.
    • tRNA is transfer RNA: It is made in the nucleus and carries amino acids to the ribosomes, which are used to create proteins.
    • rRNA is ribosomal RNA: It is made in the nucleus and helps create proteins in the ribosomes.

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    Functions of RNA

    • RNA is a nucleic acid involved in the transmission of genetic information.
    • RNA is responsible for the synthesis of proteins.
    • RNA plays a role in the regulation of gene expression.
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