MCQsCBSE Power Sharing Class 10 MCQs Political Science Chapter 1

CBSE Power Sharing Class 10 MCQs Political Science Chapter 1

CBSE’s Power Sharing multiple-choice questions (MCQ) aid students in grasping the concepts related to power distribution, a crucial topic in Class 10 Social Science curriculum. These MCQs, alongside CBSE Class 10 Social Science notes, facilitate a thorough understanding of the chapters. By practicing these MCQs, students can enhance their exam readiness and approach board exams with confidence.

It’s advisable for students to tackle MCQs and sample papers to gauge their preparation level. The following MCQs on Power Sharing assist students in revisiting and reinforcing key concepts covered in the chapter. They cover topics such as the ethnic makeup of Belgium and Sri Lanka, majoritarianism, accommodation, and various forms of power sharing.

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    Additionally, students are encouraged to explore MCQs and answers for all subjects in Class 10 Social Science—History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics—for a comprehensive study experience.

    Power Sharing Class 10 Question with Answers

    Question: What is power sharing?
    Answer: Power sharing refers to the distribution of political power among different levels of government, such as federal, state, and local, as well as among different social groups.

    Question: Name the two forms of power sharing.
    Answer: The two forms of power sharing are horizontal division of power and vertical division of power.

    Question: What is meant by the horizontal division of power?
    Answer: Horizontal division of power refers to the sharing of power among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary.

    Question: Give an example of horizontal division of power.
    Answer: In a democracy, the legislature makes laws, the executive implements them, and the judiciary interprets and ensures their enforcement. This represents horizontal division of power.

    Question: What is the vertical division of power?
    Answer: Vertical division of power refers to the distribution of power among different levels of government, such as central, state, and local governments.

    Question: Which country follows the system of vertical power sharing?
    Answer: India follows the system of vertical power sharing with its federal structure consisting of central, state, and local governments.

    Question: What is federalism?
    Answer: Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country.

    Question: Name one country that follows the federal system of government.
    Answer: The United States of America follows the federal system of government.

    Question: What are the two levels of government in India under federalism?
    Answer: The two levels of government in India under federalism are the central government and the state governments.

    Question: Explain the concept of community government.
    Answer: Community government refers to the participation of local communities or social groups in decision-making processes and governance at the grassroots level.

    Question: Which country has adopted the system of community government effectively?
    Answer: Switzerland has effectively adopted the system of community government, known as the system of Communes.

    Question: What is meant by ethnic composition?
    Answer: Ethnic composition refers to the presence of various ethnic or cultural groups within a society or a region.

    Question: Why is power sharing desirable in a multicultural society?
    Answer: Power sharing is desirable in a multicultural society to accommodate the diverse interests, identities, and aspirations of different ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups, thus promoting unity and social harmony.

    Question: Explain the concept of coalition government.
    Answer: A coalition government is formed when political parties with different ideologies or interests come together to form a government by sharing power and responsibilities.

    Question: Which Indian political party formed a coalition government at the center in 1999?
    Answer: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA), led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), formed a coalition government at the center in 1999.

    Question: What is meant by the accommodation of conflicting interests?
    Answer: Accommodation of conflicting interests refers to the process of reconciling and accommodating the diverse and often conflicting interests of different social groups within a political system.

    Question: Why is accommodation of conflicting interests important in a democracy?
    Answer: Accommodation of conflicting interests is important in a democracy to ensure inclusivity, representation, and social stability by addressing the grievances and concerns of all sections of society.

    Question: What role does the judiciary play in power sharing?
    Answer: The judiciary plays a crucial role in power sharing by ensuring the protection of fundamental rights, interpreting the constitution, and resolving disputes between different organs of government and levels of government.

    Question: Explain the term ‘social division’.
    Answer: Social division refers to the division of society based on factors such as religion, ethnicity, language, caste, or class, leading to differences in identity, interests, and perspectives among various social groups.

    Question: How can power sharing help in reducing social divisions?
    Answer: Power sharing can help in reducing social divisions by providing opportunities for different social groups to participate in decision-making processes, fostering dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among them.

    Question: What is meant by the ‘doctrine of separation of powers’?
    Answer: The doctrine of separation of powers refers to the division of governmental functions and powers into distinct branches, such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary, to prevent the concentration of power in any single institution.

    Question: Who proposed the doctrine of separation of powers?
    Answer: The doctrine of separation of powers was proposed by the French political philosopher Montesquieu.

    Question: What is the role of the executive in power sharing?
    Answer: The executive is responsible for implementing laws and policies formulated by the legislature, thereby sharing power in the governance of the country.

    Question: Give an example of power sharing at the international level.
    Answer: The United Nations (UN) is an example of power sharing at the international level, where member countries come together to address global issues and share responsibilities for maintaining peace and security.

    Question: How does decentralization contribute to power sharing?
    Answer: Decentralization involves the transfer of power and decision-making authority from the central government to local governments or community institutions, thereby promoting greater participation and empowerment at the grassroots level.

    Question: Explain the role of political parties in power sharing.
    Answer: Political parties play a crucial role in power sharing by representing the interests and aspirations of different sections of society, competing for power through elections, and forming governments based on popular mandate or coalition agreements.

    Question: What is the significance of the Panchayati Raj system in India?
    Answer: The Panchayati Raj system in India represents a form of decentralized governance at the grassroots level, empowering local communities and promoting participatory democracy and inclusive development.

    Question: ow does power sharing promote political stability?
    Answer: Power sharing promotes political stability by ensuring that no single individual or group monopolizes power, thereby reducing the likelihood of conflicts, authoritarianism, and political instability.

    What are the challenges associated with power sharing?
    Answer: Challenges associated with power sharing include balancing competing interests, resolving conflicts peacefully, ensuring effective governance, and maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity.

    Question: How can citizens contribute to power sharing in a democracy?
    Answer: Citizens can contribute to power sharing in a democracy by exercising their rights and responsibilities, participating in elections, holding government officials accountable, and engaging in civic activities such as protests, advocacy, and community organizing.

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