NEET ExamNEET MCQNEET Biology MCQMCQ on Life Processes for NEET

MCQ on Life Processes for NEET

Life Processes MCQs

The basic processes that sustain life in living organisms are known as life processes. These processes include respiration, nutrition, transportation, metabolism, excretion, and reproduction. Mastering multiple choice questions (MCQs) on life processes is crucial for NEET exam preparation, as they help assess a student’s understanding of these fundamental concepts.

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    Life processes MCQs cover a wide range of topics, such as the characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living things, the modes of nutrition in different organisms, the sites of photosynthesis and respiration, and the mechanisms of transportation and excretion in plants and animals. Practicing these MCQs helps students develop problem-solving skills and familiarize themselves with the exam pattern.

    By solving life processes MCQs for NEET, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their study efforts accordingly. Regular practice of these MCQs, along with a thorough understanding of the concepts, can significantly improve a student’s performance in the NEET exam.

    Life Processes MCQs with Answers

    Here are the most important Life Processes MCQ questions and answers:

    Which of the following is a life process?

    • A) Photosynthesis
    • B) Respiration
    • C) Excretion
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: D) All of the above

    In plants, the process of converting light energy into chemical energy is called:

    • A) Respiration
    • B) Photosynthesis
    • C) Transpiration
    • D) Fermentation

    Answer: B) Photosynthesis

    The primary site of respiration in eukaryotic cells is:

    • A) Nucleus
    • B) Ribosome
    • C) Mitochondria
    • D) Golgi apparatus

    Answer: C) Mitochondria

    Which of the following is NOT a component of blood?

    • A) Plasma
    • B) Red blood cells
    • C) Neurons
    • D) White blood cells

    Answer: C) Neurons

    The process of removing waste products from the body is known as:

    • A) Digestion
    • B) Excretion
    • C) Respiration
    • D) Circulation

    Answer: B) Excretion

    Which type of nutrition involves the ingestion of organic compounds?

    • A) Autotrophic
    • B) Heterotrophic
    • C) Saprophytic
    • D) Parasitic

    Answer: B) Heterotrophic

    In plants, water is primarily absorbed through:

    • A) Leaves
    • B) Stems
    • C) Roots
    • D) Flowers

    Answer: C) Roots

    The main purpose of photosynthesis is to:

    • A) Produce oxygen
    • B) Produce glucose
    • C) Absorb carbon dioxide
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: D) All of the above

    Which of the following organisms performs anaerobic respiration?

    • A) Humans
    • B) Yeast
    • C) Plants
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: B) Yeast

    The functional unit of the kidney is called:

    • A) Neuron
    • B) Alveolus
    • C) Nephron
    • D) Glomerulus

    Answer: C) Nephron

    Which gas is a byproduct of aerobic respiration?

    • A) Oxygen
    • B) Nitrogen
    • C) Carbon dioxide
    • D) Hydrogen

    Answer: C) Carbon dioxide

    In which part of the plant does photosynthesis primarily occur?

    • A) Roots
    • B) Stems
    • C) Leaves
    • D) Flowers

    Answer: C) Leaves

    The movement of substances across cell membranes without energy is called:

    • A) Active transport
    • B) Passive transport
    • C) Endocytosis
    • D) Exocytosis

    Answer: B) Passive transport

    Which of the following is a product of the Krebs cycle?

    • A) Glucose
    • B) ATP
    • C) Oxygen
    • D) Carbon monoxide

    Answer: B) ATP

    The process by which plants lose water vapor is called:

    • A) Transpiration
    • B) Respiration
    • C) Evaporation
    • D) Condensation

    Answer: A) Transpiration

    Which of the following is a characteristic of living organisms?

    • A) Growth
    • B) Reproduction
    • C) Response to stimuli
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: D) All of the above

    Which organ is primarily responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients?

    • A) Stomach
    • B) Liver
    • C) Small intestine
    • D) Pancreas
    • Answer: C) Small intestine

    The primary function of red blood cells is to:

    • A) Fight infection
    • B) Carry oxygen
    • C) Clot blood
    • D) Transport nutrients

    Answer: B) Carry oxygen

    Which of the following processes occurs in the mitochondria?

    • A) Glycolysis
    • B) Krebs cycle
    • C) Fermentation
    • D) Photosynthesis

    Answer: B) Krebs cycle

    The primary role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to:

    • A) Absorb carbon dioxide
    • B) Absorb light energy
    • C) Release oxygen
    • D) Produce glucose

    Answer: B) Absorb light energy

    Which of the following is a method of asexual reproduction?

    • A) Budding
    • B) Fertilization
    • C) Pollination
    • D) Cross-fertilization

    Answer: A) Budding

    In humans, the process of breaking down food into smaller molecules is known as:

    • A) Absorption
    • B) Digestion
    • C) Metabolism
    • D) Respiration

    Answer: B) Digestion

    Which part of the plant is responsible for photosynthesis?

    • A) Roots
    • B) Stem
    • C) Leaves
    • D) Flowers

    Answer: C) Leaves

    Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

    • A) Detoxification
    • B) Bile production
    • C) Blood filtration
    • D) Oxygen transport

    Answer: D) Oxygen transport

    The process of converting glucose into energy in the absence of oxygen is called:

    • A) Aerobic respiration
    • B) Anaerobic respiration
    • C) Photosynthesis
    • D) Fermentation

    Answer: B) Anaerobic respiration

    Which of the following is a waste product of protein metabolism?

    • A) Urea
    • B) Glucose
    • C) Lactic acid
    • D) Ethanol

    Answer: A) Urea

    The primary function of the large intestine is to:

    • A) Absorb nutrients
    • B) Absorb water
    • C) Digest food
    • D) Produce enzymes

    Answer: B) Absorb water

    Which of the following processes is involved in the transport of water in plants?

    • A) Transpiration
    • B) Photosynthesis
    • C) Respiration
    • D) Digestion

    Answer: A) Transpiration

    The process of energy production in cells is known as:

    • A) Metabolism
    • B) Photosynthesis
    • C) Respiration
    • D) Digestion

    Answer: C) Respiration

    Which of the following is a type of passive transport?

    • A) Exocytosis
    • B) Active transport
    • C) Osmosis
    • D) Endocytosis

    Answer: C) Osmosis

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