Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsGoing Places Important Questions Class 12 English

Going Places Important Questions Class 12 English

CBSE Class 12 English Going Places Important Questions

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    Going Places is one of the most important topics in CBSE class 12 English. To score well in this chapter, students need to understand the topic better. To help them effectively prepare for the exam, we have collated a few important questions on Going Places.

    The important questions from Class 12 English Going Places chapter include short answer, long answer questions and other questions from previous year papers. Students can go through these questions while preparing for their board exams. Getting well-versed with Going Places chapter’s important questions will help them score good marks in the CBSE board exam.

    Going Places Important Questions CBSE Class 12 English

    Question 1. “Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing.” Why did Sophie say so? (Delhi 2010)

    Ans. Sophie made up a story about meeting Danny Casey to impress Geoff, who really liked the football star. She thought her brother would keep it a secret, but when Geoff told nosy Jansie, Sophie got upset because she knew Jansie would tell everyone in the neighborhood.

    Question 2. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? (All India 2010)

    Ans. Sophie trusted her brother Geoff the most. He was the only person who would listen to her dreams and keep all her secrets safe.

    Question 3. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny? (All India 2010)

    Ans. Jansie informed Sophie that Geoff had shared the news about Sophie’s upcoming meeting with Danny Casey. Sophie felt upset with Geoff for revealing this information because she wanted it to remain a secret between them. She thought that Jansie was too curious, and now, everyone in the neighborhood would find out about her meeting.

    Question 4. What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey? (All India 2010)

    Ans. Sophie informed Geoff that she had encountered Danny Casey, the remarkable soccer player. While she was admiring the clothing displayed in a store window, Casey approached and stood next to her. Geoff had doubts about her story. Sophie then added that Casey had kind, green eyes and was not very tall.

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    Question 5. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny? (Delhi 2011)

    Ans. Sophie didn’t want Jansie to find out about her talk with Danny Casey because she knew Jansie liked to tell stories to everyone in town. Sophie had created this story just for her family, and she didn’t want it to become a big topic in town.

    Question 6. Did Geoff keep his promise to Sophie? How do you know? (Delhi 2011)

    Ans. Geoff didn’t do what he said he would for Sophie. He shared Sophie’s secret with Frank, who is Jansie’s brother. Then, Frank told Jansie about it. We can tell this happened because Jansie asked Sophie about her meeting with the football player, Danny Casey. Sophie was surprised that Jansie knew about the meeting.”

    Question 7. Which was the only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person? (All India 2011)

    Ans. The only time Sophie saw Danny Casey in person was when she went to watch a soccer game with her family. While sitting in the crowd, she spotted Danny Casey from far away.

    Question 8. Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from enter¬taining thoughts about the sports-star, Danny Casey? (All India 2011)

    Ans. Jansie is a down-to-earth girl who understands that Danny Casey, a sports celebrity, is way out of Sophie’s reach in her dreams. So she advises Sophie not to entertain any unrealistic thoughts about him.

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    Question 9. Did Geoff keep his promise? How do you know? (Comptt. Delhi 2011)

    Ans. No, Geoff didnt keep his word. He told Frank about Sophies meeting with Danny Casey, even though he had promised her that he wouldnt share it. Jansie found out about it too. Sophie felt relieved that Geoff, at least, didnt tell them the date of her meeting with Casey.

    Question 10. Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know any¬thing about her meeting with Danny Casey?(All India 2012)

    Ans. Sophie didn’t want Jansie to find out about her talk with Danny Casey because she knew Jansie was good at sharing news with others. Sharing anything with Jansie was like telling everyone in town. Sophie had created this story just for her family, and she didn’t want it to become known by everyone in town.

    Question 11. What do you think of Sophie’s dream about her career? (Comptt. Delhi 2012)

    Ans. Sophie’s aspirations for her future are quite different from her current situation. She dreams of having her own little shop and pursuing a career in acting. However, in reality, she’s expected to work at a cookie factory. Sophie often escapes into her imagination, yearning to turn her dreams into reality and break free from her middle-class life.

    Question 12. Why did Sophie like her brother, Geoff more than any other person? (Delhi 2013)

    Ans. Sophie relied on her brother Geoff as the one person who would lend an ear to her imaginative thoughts and treasured aspirations. She had complete faith in Geoff to safeguard her confidences.

    Going Places Important Questions Long Answer Type Questions (5-6 MARKS)

    Question 13. Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies. (Delhi 2009)

    Ans. Sophie comes from a family with limited means and lives a simple life with her parents and older brother. But her dreams go far beyond the life she’s living. Her dreams are big and seem out of reach. She dreams of opening her own clothing store, dreams of becoming an actress, and hopes to be a fashion designer someday.

    Sophie is a dreamer, and her dreams often take her away from her everyday life. She even has a crush on a famous football player named Danny Casey, whom she’s only seen in person once. She spends hours daydreaming about Danny Casey visiting her. Sophie loves escaping into her dreams and staying away from her real world.

    Question 14. Describe the character of Sophie’s father and the role played by him. (Delhi 2009)

    Ans. Sophie’s dad is a cheerful and easygoing guy. He doesn’t seem very soft or fancy. He is a loud breather. Usually, he sits at the table in his undershirt. Sophie seems to be afraid of him. He doesn’t believe Sophie’s exciting stories, so he ignores her and prefers watching TV instead of listening to her. Even when his son Geoff tells him that Sophie met the Irish talent Danny Casey, he pays no attention. He’s really into football, just like all his kids, and he really likes Danny Casey too. He is a regular guy from the middle class who rides his bike to the pub to celebrate when his team wins and Casey scores another goal. He’s a bit bossy and represents the kind of family that is not very rich but not very poor either, from that time.

    Question 15. Jansie is just as old as Sophie but she is very different from her. Bring out the contrast bet¬ween the two friends citing relevant instances from the story, “Going Places”. (All India 2009)

    Ans. Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends, even though they came from families with modest means. However, they were quite different in their personalities. Sophie often daydreamed and didn’t like leaving her fantasy world. She dreamed of owning a fancy shop, becoming an actress, or a fashion designer. She couldn’t help but escape into her dreams.

    Jansie, in contrast, was very practical. She had her feet firmly on the ground and knew that they didn’t have the money or experience for big dreams. She thought they were destined for ordinary jobs, like working in a biscuit factory. Jansie advised Sophie to be sensible and not indulge in unrealistic fantasies.

    Sophie and Jansie had different personalities. Sophie only shared her dreams with her brother Geoff, while Jansie was curious about other people’s lives. She liked to learn new things about others and sometimes shared stories with the whole neighborhood.

    Question 16. Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies. (Comptt. All India 2011)

    Ans. Sophie comes from a regular family, not too rich, not too poor. She lives with her mom, dad, and older brother. But Sophie’s dreams are much bigger than her everyday life. She dreams about doing things that seem almost impossible right now. She wants to have her own fancy clothing store, be in movies, and create beautiful clothes. She is a big dreamer and daydreams a lot. She even has a big crush on a famous soccer player named Danny Casey, and she can’t help but imagine him coming to visit her. Sophie loves to escape into her dreams because they feel better than her real life.

    Question 17. Compare and contrast Sophie and Jansie high-lighting their temperament and aspirations. (Delhi 2012)

    Ans. Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends. They both came from families with modest means. However, they had very different personalities. Sophie loved to daydream and often got lost in her own imaginative world. She didn’t like to face reality and dreamt of having her own boutique, becoming an actress, or a fashion designer.

    On the other hand, Jansie was very practical and down-to-earth. She knew that their financial situation was not ideal, and she believed that achieving big dreams required a lot of money and experience, which they didn’t have. Jansie advised Sophie to be more sensible and not indulge in unrealistic fantasies.

    Their personalities also differed in how they interacted with others. Sophie only shared her dreams with her brother Geoff, keeping them to herself mostly. Jansie, on the contrary, was quite nosy and enjoyed learning about other people’s lives. She often shared stories she had gathered with the whole neighborhood.

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    Question 18. Why did Sophie enjoy living in a world of dreams? Describe some of her dreams. (All India 2012)

    Ans. Sophie, like many girls her age, enjoyed escaping into her daydreams. These dreams offered her a safe haven from her ordinary middle-class life. In her imaginative world, she pictured a life she longed for, filled with everything she desired and people she admired but couldn’t connect with in real life.

    Sophie’s dreams included opening her own stylish shop once she finished school, a shop that would be the best in the city. She also dreamed of becoming an actress or a fashion designer. She felt aware of the vast world waiting for her, and she believed she could easily fit into it.

    In her dream world, Sophie even imagined meeting the famous footballer Danny Casey. She went so far as to plan a meeting and travel to the place, eagerly waiting for him to arrive. In her world of fantasy, Sophie’s mind jumped from one dream to the next.

    Question 19. Has Sophie met Danny Casey? What details of her meeting with Danny Casey did she narrate to her brother? (Delhi 2014)

    Ans. No, Sophie had never actually met Danny Casey. Her story was just a part of her imagination. Her creative mind invented a story about bumping into him. She told her brother that she encountered Danny Casey in the arcade. While she was admiring the clothes in Royce’s store window, someone stood next to her, and she turned to find Danny there.

    She also mentioned to Geoff that Danny Casey had kind and green eyes and wasn’t as tall as one might expect. She even asked Danny for his signature, but they didn’t have paper or a pen with them. Sophie’s imagination lets her explore things in life that she might never experience in reality.

    Question 20. What were Sophie’s plans for her future? Why would you call her dreams unrealistic? (Delhi 2014)

    Ans. Sophie had some very ambitious plans for her future. She wanted to have her own small store and create the best shop in the city. She also dreamt of becoming an actress or a fashion designer. But when you look at her family situation and their limited resources, her dreams seem quite impossible. In fact, they are completely different from her current life.

    Sophie father works really hard to support the family, and she is unlikely to be part of the fancy, high-society world she dreams of. Her mother does all the tough household chores, and her brother is learning to be a car mechanic. Given her situation, Sophie might end up working at a biscuit factory instead of pursuing her dreams. So, it is sad to say, but her dreams may just stay as dreams and never come true.

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