Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsBusiness Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 2 Principles of Management

Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 2 Principles of Management

Principles of Management Class 12 Business Studies MCQs

1. Which of the following statements is true with reference to principles of management?
(a) The principles of management have evolved.
(b) The principles of management are yet to be evolved.
(c) The principles of management are in the continuous process of evolution.
(d) None of the above.


Answer: c
(c) Principles of Management are said to be evolutionary in nature as these principles have evolved over a long period of time with continuous practice and experimentation.

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    2. By profession, FW Taylor was a
    (a) Mechanical engineer
    (b) Mining engineer
    (c) Psychologist
    (d) Human resource officer


    Answer: a

    3. The principles of pure science is considered to be _________ in nature.
    (a) Flexible
    (b) Rigid
    (c) Creative
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: c
    (c) Because they are applied in an absolute or in a static manner.

    4. Which of the following statements best defines the techniques of management?
    (a) It is a set of guidelines to take decisions and actions.
    (b) It is a procedure which involves a series of steps to be taken.
    (c) They are general rules for behaviour of individuals.
    (d) None of the above.


    Answer: b

    5. The principles of management have been developed on the basis of
    (a) Observation
    (b) Experimentation
    (c) Personal experiences of the manager
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: d

    6. Which of the following statements is/are true with reference to principles of management?
    (a) The principles are guidelines to action.
    (b) The principles denote a cause and effect relationship.
    (c) Principles help the manager to take decisions while performing various management functions.
    (d) All of the above.


    Answer: d

    7. The principles of management are intended to be applied to all types and sizes of organisations. This statement reflects that the principles of management are
    (a) General guidelines
    (b) Flexible
    (c) Universally applicable
    (d) Mainly behavioural


    Answer: c

    8. The principles of management do not provide readymade straight jacket solutions to all management problems because
    (a) The real business situations are complex.
    (b) The real business situations are dynamic.
    (c) The principles act as general guidelines.
    (d) All of the above.


    Answer: d

    9. Principles of management can be modified by the manager when the situation demands. This statement implies that the principles of management are
    (a) Rigid
    (b) Contingent
    (c) Flexible
    (d) Universally applicable


    Answer: c

    10. The principles of management enhance the understanding of relationship between human and material resources for the achievement of organisational goals. Identify the feature of the principles of management being described in the given statement.
    (a) Cause and effect relationships
    (b) Optimum utilisation of resources and effective administration
    (c) Formed by practice and experimentation
    (d) Mainly behavioural


    Answer: d

    11. The application of the principles of management has to be changed as per the requirements of the prevailing situation at a particular point of time. Which feature of the principles of management is being described in the given statement?
    (a) Contingent
    (b) Mainly behavioural
    (c) Cause and effect relationship
    (d) General guidelines


    Answer: a

    12. Principles of management emphasize on logical and rational decision making rather than on the basis of bias and prejudice. The given statement highlights that the knowledge of principles of management leads to
    (a) Providing managers with useful insight into reality
    (b) Scientific decisions
    (c) Meeting changing environmental requirements
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: b
    (b) Principles of management are not based on rule of thumb/hit-and-trial method, but on a scientific approach.

    13. ‘Rule of thumb’ refers to
    (a) Use of personal judgement in handling management issues
    (b) Adopting a hit-and-trial approach to resolve management problems
    (c) Both of the above
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: c

    14. According to Taylor, “even a small production activity like loading figures of iron into boxes can be scientifically planned and managed. This can result in tremendous savings of human energy as well as wastage of time and materials.” Identify the related principle of scientific management.
    (a) Harmony, not discord
    (b) Science, not rule of thumb
    (c) Development of each and every person to get his/her greatest efficiency and prosperity
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: b
    (b) Taylor believes that there was only one method to maximize efficiency which can be developed to study and analysis.

    15. According to this principle of scientific management, “Scientific management has for its foundation the firm conviction that true interest of the management and workers are one and the same; the prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the employees and vice versa.”
    (a) Science, not rule of thumb
    (b) Co-operation, not individualism
    (c) Harmony, not discord
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: c

    16. According to this principle of scientific management, the employees should be rewarded for their suggestions which results in substantial reduction in the cost.
    (a) Science, not rule of thumb
    (b) Co-operation, not individualism
    (c) Harmony, not discord
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: b

    17. According to Taylor, “each specialist is to be assigned work according to his/her qualities, the employees who possess technical mastery should be involved in planning work whereas those with energy and good health may be assigned execution work.” Name the related principle of scientific management.
    (a) Functional foremanship
    (b) Science, not rule of thumb
    (c) Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: c

    18. Considering the fact that it is difficult to find one single person with all the needed qualities, Taylor suggested appointment of a specialist through this technique of scientific management. Identify the technique.
    (a) Standardisation and simplification of work
    (b) Method study
    (c) Functional foremanship
    (d) Motion study


    Answer: c
    (c) Through the technique of functional foremanship, Taylor suggested appointment eight specialists to monitor various aspects of a job.

    19. The concept of Work Study techniques includes
    (a) Time study
    (b) Motion study
    (c) Fatigue study
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: d
    (d) The concept of work study includes time study, motion study, fatigue study and method study.

    20. The objective of this technique of scientific management is to reduce a given line or a product to fixed type sizes and characteristics. Name the technique.
    (a) Method study
    (b) Differential piece wage system
    (c) Standardisation and simplification of work
    (d) Functional foremanship


    Answer: c
    (c) Through the technique of simplification, Taylor suggested elimination of unnecessary diversity of products.

    21. This technique of scientific management helps in development of the concept of assembly line which is widely used in automobile companies these days as well. Identify the technique.
    (a) Motion study
    (b) Standardisation and simplification of work
    (c) Method study
    (d) lime study


    Answer: c
    (c) The concept of assembly line is used extensively in automobile industries like Toyota, Ford etc. these days as well.

    22. Which of the following is an objective of time study?
    (a) To determine the number of workers to be employed
    (b) To formulate suitable incentive schemes
    (c) To calculate the labour costs
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: d

    23. This technique of scientific management aims to determine the amount and frequency of rest intervals that should be provided to the employees during working hours.
    (a) Time study
    (b) Method study
    (c) Motion study
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: d
    (d) The correct answer is fatigue study.

    24. The technique of differential piece rate system was developed by Taylor in order to
    (a) Discriminate between efficient and inefficient workers
    (b) Reward the efficient worker
    (c) Motivate the inefficient workers to perform better
    (d) All of the above


    Answer: d
    (d) Through the technique of differential piece rate wage system, Taylor advocated . that efficient workers should be paid at a higher rate as compared to inefficient workers.

    25. The application of this principle of management leads to higher production and better work for the same effort. Identify the related principle of general management.
    (a) Discipline
    (b) Equity
    (c) Division of work
    (d) Order


    Answer: c
    (c) The application of principle of division of work enables an employee to gain proficiency in work by doing it repetitively over a period of time.

    26. According to this principle of general management, “an organisation should safeguard against abuse of managerial power, but at the same time a manager should have the necessary authority to carry out his responsibility.” Name the principle of management being described in the given statement.
    (a) Discipline
    (b) Authority and responsibility
    (c) Unity of command
    (d) Unity of direction


    Answer: b
    (b) Through the principle of authority and responsibility, Taylor advocated that there should always be a balance between the authority granted and the • responsibility entrusted to an employee.

    27. Name the principle of management suggested by Henri Fayol, which advocates that, “there should be good superiors at all levels, clear and fair agreement and judicious application of penalties.”
    (a) Authority and responsibility
    (b) Esprit De Corps
    (c) Order
    (d) None of the above


    Answer: d
    (d) The correct answer is Discipline.

    28. According to Henri Fayol, if this principle of general management is violated, “authority is undermined, discipline is in jeopardy, order disturbed and stability threatened.” Identify the principle.
    (a) Authority and responsibility
    (b) Discipline
    (c) Unity of command
    (d) Equity


    Answer: b
    (b) According to Fayol, there should be one and only one boss for every individual employee and dual subordination should be avoided.

    29. Through this principle of management, Henri Fayol guides the managers to exhibit exemplary behaviour and advises that they should not fall into temptation of misusing their powers for personal benefit at the cost of general interest of the organisation. Which principle of management is being described in the above statement?
    (a) Remuneration of employees
    (b) Centralisation and decentralisation
    (c) Subordination of individual interest to general interest
    (d) Equity


    Answer: c
    (c) Through this principle, Fayol advocates that the interest of the organisation should supersede individual interest of an employee under all kinds of situations.

    30. Which principle of general management advocates that, “Employee turnover should be minimised to maintain organisational efficiency.”?
    (a) Stability of personnel
    (b) Remuneration of employees
    (c) Equity
    (d) Esprit De Corps


    Answer: a
    (a) According to Fayol, due care should be taken while carrying out the recruitment and selection process and the new recruits should be placed at a particular position for a sufficient tenure.


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