Study MaterialsCBSE NotesNCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody

Summary In English
This poem is about a little man named Mr. Nobody. The poet believes that he is the cause of every mischief done in everybody’s house. The poet further tells that nobody ever saw this little man. But he is sure that he is the only mischief-maker.

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    Summary In Hindi
    यह कविता ‘श्रीमान कोई नहीं’ नामक एक छोटे व्यक्ति की है। कवि का मानना है कि यह व्यक्ति प्रत्येक घर में होने वाली शरारतों का कारण है। कवि आगे कहता है कि इस छोटे व्यक्ति को पहले कभी किसी ने नहीं । देखा। किंतु वे इस बात से आश्वस्त हैं कि वही एकमात्र शरारती है।

    Hindi Translation Of The Poem
    1. I know a funny little man,
    As quiet as a mouse,
    Who does the mischief that is done
    In everybody’s house!
    There’s no one ever sees his face,
    And yet we all agree
    That every plate we break was cracked
    By Mr. Nobody.

    मैं एक मजेदार छोटे व्यक्ति को जानता हूँ।
    उतना ही शांत जितना कि एक चूहा,
    प्रत्येक घर में होने वाली शरारतों को
    वह करता है!
    किसी ने कभी उसका चेहरा नहीं देखा,
    अब हम इस बात से सहमत हैं कि
    प्रत्येक प्लेट के टूटने का कारण
    श्रीमान कोई नहीं ही है।

    word-Meanings : Funny (फ़नि) -full of fun, खिलवाड़ (मज़ाक) करने वाला। Quiet (क्वाइट) -who never talks, शांत। Mischief (मिसचीफ़) -playful naughty act, शरारत। Plate (प्लेट) around object in which we eat our food, थाली, तस्तरी। Break (ब्रेक) -to make into pieces, तोड़ना। Cracked (क्रेक्ड)-here break, तोड़ना।।

    NCERT Textbook Questions

    Reading is Fun
    Question 1.
    Who is Mr. Nobody?
    “श्रीमान कोई नहीं” ही है।
    Mr. Nobody is a small little man who is a mischief-maker in every house.

    Question 2.
    Has anyone ever seen him?
    क्या किसी ने कभी उसे देखा है?
    No, nobody has ever seen him.

    Question 3.
    Is there a Mr. Nobody in your house?
    क्या तुम्हारे घर में ‘श्रीमान कोई नहीं है?
    No, there is no ‘Mr. Nobody’ in my house.

    Let’s Talk
    Question 1.
    Have you ever done something naughty?
    क्या तुमने कभी कोई शरारत की है?
    Yes, a number of times I have done something naughty.

    Question 2.
    What did you do?
    तुमने क्या किया?
    I hit the glass of window of my drawing room while playing cricket.

    Question 3.
    What did you say?
    तुमने क्या कहा?
    I accepted my fault and said sorry of my mother.

    Let’s Share
    Question 1.
    Sometimes you want to look and find things for yourself. Tick (√) those that you did. Tell your friends.
    कभी-कभी तुम अपने लिए कुछ चीजों को देखना और खोजन्म चाहते हो। जो तुमने किया है, उस पर (√) का चिह्न लगाओ अपने दोस्तों को बताओ।
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody Lets Share Q1
    Do it yourself.

    Say Aloud
    Question 1.
    Say aloud and circle the rhyming words:
    दिए गए शब्दों को ओर से बोलो तथा तुक वाले शब्दों पर गोले लगाओ।
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody Say Aloud Q1

    Let’s Draw
    Question 1.
    Make groups of five children each. Each group takes a big chart paper.
    पाँच-पाँच बच्चों के समूह बनाओ। प्रत्येक समूह एक बड़ा चार्ट पेपर ले।
    (i) Each group draws a Mr. Nobody.
    (ii) The first child draws Mr. Nobody’s head.
    (iii) The second child draws his clothes.
    (iv) The third child draws his arms.
    (v) The fourth child draws his legs.
    (vi) The fifth child draws Mr. Nobody’s hair.
    (vii) Look at Mr. Nobody. Isn’t he a funny man? Colour him.
    Do it yourself.

    Let’s Write
    Question 1.
    Fill in the blanks with a, e, i, 0, u:
    a, e, i, o, u: से रिक्त स्थान भरोः
    he____d, ____ rms, l____gs, dr ____ ss, h____ ____r
    head, arms, legs, dress, hair

    Question 2.
    Add ‘no’, ‘some’ and ‘every’ to the word body to make new words.
    ‘no’, some, और ‘every’ जोड़कर नए शब्द बनाओ।
    _____body, _____body, _____body.
    nobody, somebody, everybody.

    Question 3.
    Seema wrote her father’s name like this:
    सीमा ने अपने पिता का नाम इस प्रकार से लिखाः [ Mr. Dinesh Dixit ] Ram wrote his mother’s name like this:
    राम ने अपनी माता का नाम इस प्रकार से लिखाः [ Mrs. Sneha Ramdas ]
    (i) Write your father’s name as Seema did.
    सीमा की तरह अपने पिता का नाम लिखो।
    Do it yourself.

    (ii) Write your mother’s name as Ram did.
    राम की तरह अपनी माता का नाम लिखो।
    Do it yourself.

    (iii) Write your mother’s name as Ram did.
    राम की तरह अपनी माता का नाम लिखो।
    Do it yourself.

    (iv) Use ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ to write more names you know.
    Mr.’ और ‘Mrs.’ का प्रयोग करके अपनी जानकारी के और लोगों के नाम लिखो।
    Mr, Gautam Sinha
    Mrs. Riya Rajput

    The Zigzag Boy
    I know a little zigzag boy,
    Who goes this way and that.
    He never knows just where he puts,
    His coat or shoes or hat.
    If you are not a zigzag child,
    You’ll have no cause to say
    That you forgot, for you will know
    Where things are put away.

    (v) Can you make zigzag lines? See how the zigzag boy runs.
    Do it yourself.

    Let’s Practise

    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 12 Mr. Nobody Lets Practise Q1

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