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NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Birth

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Supplementary Book: Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth, created by experts at Infinity Learn, these NCERT solutions are designed to engage students and foster a love for learning. With detailed explanations, these solutions serve as a valuable resource for students, enhancing their exam preparation. By providing solutions to a wide array of questions from the NCERT Books, we aim to empower students to excel in their upcoming board exams.

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    Students encountering challenges in tackling exercise questions are encouraged to explore the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 7 Birth. For years, NCERT books have been integral in providing comprehensive knowledge for CBSE students, aiding in the development of analytical skills and bolstering confidence for examinations. With the assistance of NCERT Solutions at Infinity Learn, students can further refine their understanding and performance

    Access Answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 – Birth

    Question 1: “I have done something; oh, God! I’ve done something real at last.” Why does Andrew say this? What does it mean?

    Ans. The young doctor, Andrew Manson, did a great job. He helped a lady give birth to a healthy baby boy and saved her life too. After the birth, the lady, Susan Morgan, was very weak, and her pulse was weak too. Andrew gave her a shot and worked hard to make her heart stronger.

    But the most important thing Andrew did was to bring the baby back to life. First, he put the baby on a soft blanket and used a special method to help the baby breathe. He also tried using hot and cold water to revive the baby, but it didn’t work at first. Then, as a last attempt, he rubbed the baby with a rough towel and pressed and released the baby’s little chest with his hands. Finally, the baby responded. He started breathing, and his skin turned pink. He cried, showing that he was alive.

    Andrew felt like he had performed a miracle, and he thanked God for this real and amazing achievement, not just empty words.

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    Question 2: ‘There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician.’ Discuss.

    Ans. Usually, doctors follow the medicines recommended in their textbooks. However, in serious emergencies like severe burns, snakebites, or drowning, a doctor’s practical skills matter more than just what they’ve learned in books. Sometimes, the closest doctor may not have all the needed equipment. In such cases, providing immediate first aid becomes crucial to save the patient’s life before taking them to the hospital. The doctor, with limited resources, uses all their practical experience to minimize harm and prevent the patient from getting worse. Taking action quickly is really important, and practical help in these situations is a lifesaver.

    Question 3: Do you know of any incident when someone has been brought back to life from the brink of death through medical help? Discuss medical procedures such as organ transplant and organ regeneration that are used to save human life.

    Ans. Yes, I have heard of cases where doctors bring people back from the edge of death. They do this by using surgery, special medicines, and even replacing organs. In advanced countries, there are hospitals with high-tech facilities for things like organ transplants and growing new organs. They also have places where people store blood and eyes for those who need them.

    Nowadays, many people willingly give their organs to hospitals after they pass away. Thanks to new methods, organs can be kept healthy for some time and then used to replace a sick person’s damaged organ. People can get new eyes, hearts, kidneys, and livers this way. Soon, we might even be able to make artificial human organs in labs using non-human materials.

    Short Answer Type Questions on Snapshots Birth

    Question 1: Who was Joe.Morgan? Why had he been waiting for Dr Andrew Manson?

    Ans. Joe Morgan worked as a driller in the mining town of Blaenelly. He was a sturdy, hefty, middle-aged man. Joe and his wife, Susan, had been married for almost twenty years and were excitedly awaiting the arrival of their first child. Joe anxiously awaited the doctor’s assistance as Susan went into labor.

    Question 2: Where did Joe lead Andrew? Why did he not go in with the doctor?

    Ans. Joe Morgan guided Andrew to his home at 12 Blaina Terrace. His wife was on the verge of giving birth to their first child after nearly two decades of marriage. Joe was visibly anxious, and he hesitated to enter the house. Even his voice revealed his nervousness

    Question 3: “Don’t fret, mother, I’ll not run away”. Why do you think Andrew say so?

    Ans. Mrs. Morgan’s mother kindly offered to prepare a cup of tea for the doctor. She understood that there might be some waiting involved and worried the doctor might leave, promising to come back later.

    Question 4: Why did Andrew decide to remain there until everything was over?

    Ans. Andrew arrived in Bryngower around midnight, feeling troubled and anxious. He needed to rest but realized going home wouldn’t let him sleep. He also knew the case required his full focus, so he decided to stay until it was resolved.

    Question 5: What had Andrew been thinking about? How would you like to describe the state of his thoughts?

    Ans. Andrew had been thinking the troubled marriages of people he knew. Bramwell was deeply in love with a woman who betrayed him in a wrong way. Edward Page was tied to a quarrelsome Blodwen. Denny was sadly living separately from his wife. Andrew’s thoughts were all mixed up and confused.

    Question 6: What was Andrew’s view of marriage? Why was he resentful and confused?

    Ans. For Andrew, marriage was a calm and wonderful life. He had deep affection for Christine. The struggle between his calm thoughts and his intense emotions made him feel upset and uncertain.

    Question 7: Why did Andrew feel surprised while sitting by kitchen fire?

    Ans. Andrew had been lost in thoughts about the person he loved while sitting by the kitchen fire. He remained quiet and somewhat sad for quite a while. Then, the elderly woman sitting across from him unexpectedly spoke to him, which caught Andrew off guard.

    Question 8: Why did a shiver of horror pass over Andrew?

    Ans. For over an hour, Andrew worked hard to assist Mrs. Susan Morgan in giving birth to her first baby. Finally, the baby was born, but it was not moving or breathing. Andrew looked at the motionless baby and felt a deep sense of fear and sadness.

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    Question 9: What dilemma did Andrew face?

    Ans. Andrew feelings urged him to try and save the baby who had been born lifeless. However, his thoughts told him he should also help the mother who was in a dire condition. Andrew found himself in a tough situation, unsure of whether to help the baby or the mother first.

    Question 10: What efforts did Andrew make to revive Susan Morgan?

    Ans. He broke a glass container and used a needle to put the medicine inside. Afterward, he put down the needle. Then, he worked very diligently to help the fragile woman get better. Her heart became stronger after a few minutes of intense effort.

    Question 11: In what state did Andrew find the newborn child? What did he conclude?

    Ans. Andrew discovered the baby beneath some wet newspapers beneath the bed. The baby body was warm but weak, its skin pale and tender. Its head hung loosely on its slender neck, and its arms and legs felt incredibly soft, like they had no bones. The paleness of the baby skin indicated that it had difficulty breathing due to a lack of oxygen.

    Question 12: How did Andrew’s practical experience come handy?

    Ans. Andrew had witnessed a similar situation before at the Samaritan. He recalled the treatment they had used, so he quickly chose to apply the hot and cold water therapy.

    Question 13: What efforts did Andrew make to revive the newborn baby?

    Ans. Initially, he placed the baby on a soft blanket and performed artificial respiration. Next, he gently dipped the baby in warm and cool water, alternating between the two. Following that, he dried the wet baby with a rough towel. He applied gentle pressure to the baby chest until it started to breathe again, bringing relief to everyone.

    Question 14: How did Andrew react to the first glimpse of the success of his efforts to help the stillborn child come alive?

    Ans. As a result of Andrew’s unwavering efforts, the little baby chest rose and fell. This small rise was followed by more heartbeats. Andrew felt dizzy. The feeling of life pulsating beneath his touch almost made him faint.

    Question 15: What was the result of Andrew’s feverish efforts after the child’s chest gave a short, convulsive heave?

    Ans. Andrew increased his efforts. The child started breathing more heavily. A small bit of mucus came out of the nose. The arms and legs were no longer floppy. The light skin turned a healthy pink. Then, the child cried out. It became alive.

    Long Answer Type Questions on Snapshots Birth

    Question 1: Why was Andrew Manson called in? How did he react to the call of duty?

    Ans. Andrew Manson had just started working as a doctor in the small Welsh mining town of Blaenelly. One night, he was called to help Susan Morgan, who had been married for almost twenty years and was expecting her first child. Susan husband, Joe Morgan, had been waiting outside the closed doctor’s office for an hour.

    It was nearly midnight when Andrew arrived. Joe explained Susan condition, and Andrew immediately forgot about his own matters. He rushed home to get his medical bag and then hurried to the Morgans house.

    Since Susan didn’t need immediate medical attention, Andrew decided to wait downstairs. He checked on her again after an hour. At 3:30 in the morning, the nurse called for him. He struggled for an hour to help deliver the baby. After the child was born, Andrew worked tirelessly to save the weak mother and the baby, who didn’t survive.

    He used all his medical knowledge and experience to do his job. He didn’t think about how tired he was or how stressed he felt. His duty came first, and he dedicated himself to it with unwavering commitment.

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    Question 2: Give a brief account of the efforts made by Andrew to revive the stillborn baby.

    Ans. Andrew felt a shiver of fear as he looked at the motionless newborn baby. Although the baby was perfectly formed, its body was pale because it didn’t get enough oxygen. Andrew remembered what to do from his Samaritan training.

    He put the baby on a blanket and gave it artificial breathing. Then he dipped the baby in warm and cold water. The baby became slippery, so he dried it with a rough towel. He pressed and released the baby chest until it started breathing again. A little bit of mucus came out of its nose. The pale skin turned pink, and its limbs got stronger. The baby head didn’t flop back anymore. Finally, the baby cried out, showing that it was alive and well.

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    Question 3: Compare and contrast Andrew’s emotional, mental and physical state at the beginning of the story and at the end.

    Ans. In the beginning of the story, Andrew is tired and feeling down. He just had a disappointing evening with Christine, the girl he loved. His thoughts are confused and heavy. He can’t stop thinking about a sad event he saw at Cardiff station. Even though he used to think marriage would make people happy, he can’t forget how many marriages he seen fail.

    But by the end of the story, Andrew is exhausted but feeling happy and alert. He’s filled with joy and pride because he did something incredible, like a miracle. He even calls on God to witness his accomplishment. This feeling of success helps him push through his physical tiredness. He cares for his patients with all his heart, forgetting about his own feelings and focusing on helping them get better.

    Question 4: What impression do you form of Andrew Manson on the basis of the story ‘Birth’?

    Ans. Andrew Manson is a young doctor who just started working in a small Welsh mining town with Dr. Edward Page. He’s in love with Christine and believes marriage is wonderful. He’s practical, responsible, and caring, making sure to separate his personal and professional life. Andrew is dedicated to his duties, believes in practical solutions, and isn’t afraid to try new things. He’s also kind, considerate, and polite, especially when dealing with people like Susan, who cared deeply about her baby. In summary, Andrew is a devoted doctor who cares about others and is good at what he does.

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    FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Snapshots Birth

    How to complete English Class 11?

    To complete English Class 11, follow your curriculum, read assigned texts, and practice regularly. Seek guidance from teachers or use study resources for assistance.

    How many poems are in Class 11 English?

    The number of poems in Class 11 English can vary depending on the specific curriculum or textbook being used.

    How many chapters are there in NCERT Class 11 English?

    The number of chapters in NCERT Class 11 English also varies based on the specific book or edition. Typically, there are several chapters covering various topics.

    How many hours should I read in Class 11?

    The amount of time you should spend reading in Class 11 varies depending on your individual study habits and goals. It's advisable to maintain a balanced study schedule and allocate sufficient time for English and other subjects.

    How to complete English syllabus in one day in Class 11?

    Completing the entire English syllabus in one day for Class 11 is not feasible or effective. It's best to follow a consistent study plan over an extended period to grasp the content thoroughly.

    How much time will it take to complete NCERT Class 11?

    The time it takes to complete NCERT Class 11 depends on your study pace, the subjects you're studying, and your understanding of the material. Typically, it takes an academic year to complete Class 11.

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