Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsCBSE VSAQ – Class 10 Social Civics Gender, Religion and Caste

CBSE VSAQ – Class 10 Social Civics Gender, Religion and Caste

CBSE VSAQ – Civics

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    Gender, Religion, and Caste


    Q.1. What do you mean by the sexual division of labour ?
    Ans. A system in which the ladies of the household do all of the housework themselves or organise it through domestic assistants.


    Q.2. What are feminist movements? [CBSE 2014]
    Ans. The movements that strove to achieve gender equality in all aspects of life.


    Q.3. Define sex ratio.
    Ans. Per thousand guys, the number of girls.


    Q.4. What is the sex ratio of India?
    Ans. 940 (Census 2011).


    Q.5. Name any two countries in which the participation of woman in public life is very high.
    Ans. Sweden and Norway


    Q.6. What is patriarchal society ?
    Ans. This is a system that prioritises men and empowers them above women.


    Q.7. What is literacy rate among men and women in India ?
    Ans. Men – 76%
    Women = 65.46%


    Q.8. What is Equal Wages Act ?
    Ans. Equal wages should be paid for equal work, according to this Act.


    Q.9. Mention any two basis of social division in India.
    Ans. (i) Religion (ii) Community


    Q.10. Who said, “Religion can never be separted from politics ?”
    Ans. Gandhiji


    Q.11. What are family laws ? [CBSE 2014]
    Ans. Marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, and other family-related laws are covered by these laws. Different family laws apply to people of various religions in our country.


    Q.12. What were Gandhiji’s views regarding religion and politics ?
    Ans. Gandhiji used to argue that religion and politics are inextricably linked. He didn’t mean a specific religion like Hinduism or Islam when he said religion, but rather universal moral qualities that underpin all religions. He felt that politics should be governed by religious ethics.


    Q.13. ‘The most common expression of commu- nalism is in every-day beliefs’. Explain.
    Ans. Religious prejudices, stereotypes of religious communities, and the conviction that one’s faith is superior to others are all common examples.


    Q.14. ‘Political mobilisation on religious line is frequent form of communalism’. Explain.
    Ans. Sacred symbols, religious leaders, emotional appeal, and simple fear are all used in community political mobilisation to bring followers of one faith together in the political arena. In electoral politics, this frequently entails making a special appeal to the interests or emotions of voters of a particular faith above those of others.


    Q.15. What is a secular state? [CBSE 2014]
    Ans. A state in which the constitution guarantees all individuals and communities the freedom to proclaim, practise, and propagate any religion they choose, or to refrain from doing so.


    Q.16. Mention any two provisions of Indian Constitution which makes India a secular state.
    Ans. (i) The Indian state has no official religion
    (ii) Constitution prohibits discrimination based on religion.


    Q.17. Name any four social reformers who advocated and worked to establish a society in which caste inequalities are absent.
    Ans. Jotiba Phule, Gandhiji, B.R. Ambedkar, and Periyar Ramaswami.


    Q.18. Suggest any two ways to break caste hierarchy.
    Ans. (i) Spread of education
    (ii) Urbanisation


    Q.19. Write the appropriate term :
    (i) A person who says that religion is the principal basis of community.
    (ii) A person who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
    Ans. (i) Communalist (ii) Feminist.


    Q.20. What is the population percentage of Scheduled castes according to 2001 census? [CBSE 2012]
    Ans. 16.2%.


    Q.21. What is communalism ?
    Ans. It is a situation in which one society strives to advance its own interests at the expense of another.


    Q.22. What is the basis of communal politics ?
    Ans. The concept of communal politics is based on the belief that religion is the primary foundation of social community.


    Q.23. Mention any one provision in the Indian Constitution which makes India a secular state.
    Ans. All citizens have the right to profess, practise, and propagate any religion, or to refuse to do so, under the Religious Freedom Act.

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