EnglishEventsChild Rights Day 2019 – Information, Date, Objectives

Child Rights Day 2019 – Information, Date, Objectives

Child Rights Day in India is celebrated every year on 20th of November to reconsider the real human rights for all the children in India. A national conference is organized yearly on 20th on November by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights to make aware the people about all the rights of their children.

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    20th of November is also celebrated as the Universal Children Day (International Child Rights Day) all across the world. Members of the International community worldwide including India celebrates this day by organizing different programs to reassess the child rights.

    According to the child rights it is very necessary to safeguard, care and legal protection of children during their physical and mental immaturity means in the childhood.

    Child Rights Day 2019

    Child rights day 2019 will be celebrated at Wednesday, on 20th of November.

    The Jharkhand government organised a two day film festival to spread the awareness and sensitize people about the children’s right. The two day festival was organized from 19th to 20th November 2018 with the theme ‘For the children, By the children, Of the children’ at Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ). The event was also supported by UNICEF to mark the celebration of World Children’s Day which is also celebrated on the 20th November.

    UNESCO launched a hash tag campaign, #GoBlue on this day to celebrate the World Children’s Day which coincides with Child Rights Day in India. It aimed at signing a global petition to call the world leaders to fulfill the rights of every child and acknowledge that these rights are non-negotiable. It had also appointed the actress Millie Bobby Brown as its youngest Goodwill Ambassador for the campaign.

    The Rashtrapati Bhavan and other UNICEF and UNESCO buildings were decorated with blue lights in accordance with the UNESCO’s #GoBlue hash tag campaign to show their solidarity with the child rights. Several other buildings, monuments and institutions were also lit with blue light to show their support towards child rights.

    What is Child Rights?

    Declaration on child rights in 1959 was adopted on 20th of November 2007. Child rights include the right to survival, identity, food, nutrition and health, development, education and recreation, name and nationality, family and familiar environment, protection from neglect, maltreatment, misuse, abuse, trafficking and etc.

    The government of India has set up a constitutional body like The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights in the month of March in 2007 in order to guard, encourage and protect the child in India. Many events are organized by the Child Rights Organizations, Government Departments, Civil Society Groups, NGOs and etc.

    Child Rights opposes the child labor and child abuse so that they can get their full right for surviving and developing and enjoy their childhood. Children should be cared and protected instead of being the victims of violence, trafficking and abuse. They should get the good schooling, joy, happiness and learning.

    How it is Celebrated

    An art competition is organized by the schools for the children at this occasion. Variety of dance, songs, poems and other events related to the child rights are performed by the students to increase and promote the awareness of child rights among people of different communities.

    A program is also conducted in order to understand the child as a person and assessing their needs. Participants of this program are asked some questions. Children must get an identity as a person or individual. In order to get happiness and good childhood they must get good shelter, protection, food, education, drawing, sports, guidance, healthy family, clothes, recreation, medical, clinic, counseling centre, transport, future plan, access to new technologies and etc.

    An art exhibition takes place showing the relationship of rights holder and duty holder to aware people about the importance of rights for children and short comings of the duty bearer. Seminar and debates are held on the child rights based approaches to understand the continuing issues even after the child rights has launched. Some of the debates go on the issues of child labor to overcome this issue and get the child his real rights.

    Objectives of Celebrating Child Rights Day

    It is celebrated every year in India to make sure that children are getting rights and respect.

    Offer them a chance to fully develop and enjoy their security.

    To make sure that all the laws, regulations and aims of the child rights are being followed.

    To make stronger the child rights in the society by continue working on this strategy.

    To spread, promote and communicate the child rights strategy all across the country.

    To deeply monitor the child living condition in all the different areas of country.

    To offer all the parents a parental support in developing their growing children. To aware parents about their responsibilities towards their children under 18.

    To plan and implement the new child rights policy for the children of weaker sections.

    To prevent the violence and abuse, to promote their legal and social rights in the society for the children and their bright future.

    To analyze all the pros and cons of implementing the child rights policies in the country.

    To analyze and work against the sexual exploitation as well as trafficking of children in the country.

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