Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsExtra Questions – Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Urban Administration

Extra Questions – Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Urban Administration

Extra Questions – Urban Administration

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    Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Who decides where a park should go?
    Ward Councillors


    Question 2.
    Did Yasmin Khala have to make interesting decisions like this when she worked in the Municipal Corporation?
    When Yasmin Khala worked for the Municipal Corporation, she didn’t have to make intriguing decisions like these because ward councillors, not employees, decide such decisions. Mrs Yasmin Khala worked in the corporation’s accounts department and was in charge of employee pay.


    Question 3.
    What is a city?
    A city is much bigger than a village. It’s larger and more dispersed.


    Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Who decides different tasks to be done?

    The following tasks are assigned by the committee or group of ward councillors:

    • Improvements should be made to the bus station.
    • clean up of the crowded markets.
    • cleaning the drains that run across the city.
    • Provision of water
    • Electricity.
    • Collection of garbage
    • Lighting for the streets


    Question 2.
    When do the local people contact their councillor?

    When an issue in the ward arises, ward residents contact their ward councillor, such as:

    • Electric cables that are potentially dangerous must be replaced.
    • Repairing the road (street repairs)
    • Installation of a public water pump.


    Question 3.
    What tasks do ward councillors perform?

    The ward councillors perform the following tasks:

    • All the ward councillors meet and make the budget.
    • They spend money as per the budget provisions.
    • Ward councillors put the demands of their ward before the entire council.
    • They take decisions.
    • They get the works implemented.


    Question 4.
    What are the major features of a city?
    Features of a city:

    • Crowded markets.
    • Many buses and cars.
    • Water facilities.
    • Electricity facilities.
    • Hospitals.


    Question 5.
    What are the ill effects of garbage lying all over in the streets?

    • Dogs, rodents, mosquitoes, and flies are attracted to garbage.
    • It emits a horrible odour that causes people to become ill.
    • People, even children, become ill.

    Long Answer Type

    Question 1.
    What is the recycling of waste things? Give some examples of recycling waste material.
    The goal of waste recycling is to make waste materials reusable. The image below shows numerous examples of recycling.
    Urban Administration Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 7 L - Q1
    Recycling is not a novel concept. For a long time, people like the man in the photo have been recycling paper, metal, glass, and plastic. The kabadi wallah is an important part of the domestic plastic and paper recycling process, which includes your notebooks.


    Multiple Choice Questions

    Choose the correct answer:

    Question 1.
    In which of the following are lives faster?
    (a) In the village
    (b) In the city
    (c) In both (a) and (6)
    (d) In none of these
    In the city


    Question 2.
    Where is the relationship between the neighbours healthier?
    (a) In the villages
    (b) In the cities
    (c) In hospitals
    (d) In dispensaries
    In the villages


    Question 3.
    What type of game were Mala and her friends playing in the street?
    (a) Hockey
    (b) Cricket
    (c) Football
    (d) Badminton


    Question 4.
    What was broken by the ball hit by Rehana?
    (a) Window glass
    (b) Street light
    (c) Glass of a car
    (d) None of these
    Street light


    Question 5.
    Which agency replaces the broken street lights, collects the garbage, provides water supply, keeps the market clean?
    (a) Municipal Corporation
    (b) Hospital
    (c) Police
    (d) None of these
    Municipal Corporation


    Question 6.
    Which are the other tasks of a municipal corporation?
    (a) To run schools
    (b) To run hospitals
    (c) To maintain parks
    (d) All of these
    All of these


    Question 7.
    Who takes the complicated decisions that affect the entire city?
    (a) A group of councillors
    (b) A group of teachers
    (c) A group of doctors
    (d) None of these
    A group of councillors


    Question 8.
    What are Panchayat members called?
    (a) Sarpanch
    (b) Panch
    (c) Secretary
    (d) None of these


    Question 9.
    A big city like Delhi is divided into several
    (a) Districts
    (b) Janapads
    (c) Samitis
    (d) All of these


    Question 10.
    Who prepares the budget and spends the money according to this?
    (a) Ward Councillors
    (b) Ward boys
    (c) Nurses
    (d) Teachers
    Ward Councillors


    Question 11.
    The uncollected garbage attracts dogs, rats, mosquitoes and flies, so we should
    (a) cover them
    (b) keep them open
    (c) throw them onto the roads
    (d) throw them here and there
    cover them


    Question 12.
    The jobs of contract workers are
    (a) temporary
    (b) permanent
    (c) both (a) and (b)
    (d) none of these


    Question 13.
    If any housekeeping staff does not do his duty, whom should we contact?
    (a) Sanitation engineer
    (b) Local police station
    (c) Councillor
    (d) Chief Minister
    Sanitation engineer


    Question 14.
    What was Gangabai protesting about?
    (a) The garbage was not removed for several days
    (b) She wanted to open a hospital
    (c) She wanted to open a school
    (d) None of these
    The garbage was not removed for several days


    Question 15.
    Why was Gangabai loved and respected?
    (a) For her being an active citizen
    (b) For her being a lazy citizen
    (e) For helping the poor
    (d) For all of these
    For her being an active citizen

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