WorksheetDirect and Indirect Speech Worksheet

Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet

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    Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets Exercise

    Direct Speech: “I love ice cream,” said Sarah.
    Indirect Speech: Sarah said that she loved ice cream.

    Direct Speech: “I will finish my homework,” Tom promised.
    Indirect Speech: Tom promised that he would finish his homework.

    Direct Speech: “I am going to the park,” exclaimed Lily.
    Indirect Speech: Lily exclaimed that she was going to the park.

    Direct Speech: “I can swim,” bragged Jack.
    Indirect Speech: Jack bragged that he could swim.

    Direct Speech: “I have a pet dog,” stated Emily.
    Indirect Speech: Emily stated that she had a pet dog.

    Direct Speech: “I want to play outside,” pleaded Timmy.
    Indirect Speech: Timmy pleaded that he wanted to play outside.

    Direct Speech: “I saw a shooting star last night,” exclaimed Anna excitedly.
    Indirect Speech: Anna excitedly exclaimed that she had seen a shooting star the previous night.

    Direct Speech: “I will help you with your project,” offered Mike.
    Indirect Speech: Mike offered to help with the project.

    Direct Speech: “I am tired,” complained Lucy.
    Indirect Speech: Lucy complained that she was tired.

    Direct Speech: “I can’t wait for the party,” said David eagerly.
    Indirect Speech: David eagerly said that he couldn’t wait for the party.

    Bonus: Rewrite the following indirect speech sentences as direct speech sentences.

    Indirect Speech: She said that she was reading a book.
    Direct Speech: “I am reading a book,” she said.

    Indirect Speech: He mentioned that he had visited Paris.
    Direct Speech: “I have visited Paris,” he mentioned.

    Indirect Speech: They explained that they were going on vacation.
    Direct Speech: “We are going on vacation,” they explained.

    Indirect Speech: She told me that she liked chocolate ice cream.
    Direct Speech: “I like chocolate ice cream,” she told me.

    Indirect Speech: He admitted that he had made a mistake.
    Direct Speech: “I have made a mistake,” he admitted.

    Answer Key:

    • Sarah said that she loved ice cream.
    • Tom promised that he would finish his homework.
    • Lily exclaimed that she was going to the park.
    • Jack bragged that he could swim.
    • Emily stated that she had a pet dog.
    • Timmy pleaded that he wanted to play outside.
    • Anna excitedly exclaimed that she had seen a shooting star the previous night.
    • Mike offered to help with the project.
    • Lucy complained that she was tired.
    • David eagerly said that he couldn’t wait for the party.

    Direct Speech Worksheets Exercise


    Original Sentence: She said, “I love ice cream.”

    Direct Speech: “I love ice cream,” she said.


    1. Original Sentence: He told me, “I am going to the park.”
    2. Original Sentence: She asked, “What time is the movie?”
    3. Original Sentence: They shouted, “Happy birthday!”
    4. Original Sentence: The teacher said, “Please sit down quietly.”
    5. Original Sentence: He exclaimed, “I can’t believe it!”
    6. Original Sentence: She whispered, “I have a secret.”
    7. Original Sentence: They cried, “Help us!”
    8. Original Sentence: He said, “I want to be a doctor when I grow up.”
    9. Original Sentence: She laughed, “That joke is so funny!”
    10. Original Sentence: They shouted, “We won the game!”

    Answer Key:

    1. “I am going to the park,” he told me.
    2. “What time is the movie?” she asked.
    3. “Happy birthday!” they shouted.
    4. “Please sit down quietly,” the teacher said.
    5. “I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed.
    6. “I have a secret,” she whispered.
    7. “Help us!” they cried.
    8. “I want to be a doctor when I grow up,” he said.
    9. “That joke is so funny!” she laughed.
    10. “We won the game!” they shouted.

    Indirect Speech Worksheets Exercise

    Directions: Read the following sentences and rewrite them in indirect speech.

    Direct Speech: “I love chocolate,” said Sarah.
    Indirect Speech: Sarah said that she loved chocolate.

    1. Direct Speech: “I am going to the park,” said Tom.
      Indirect Speech: Tom said that he was going to the park.
    2. Direct Speech: “She sings beautifully,” said John.
      Indirect Speech: John said that she sang beautifully.
    3. Direct Speech: “We have completed our homework,” said the students.
      Indirect Speech: The students said that they had completed their homework.
    4. Direct Speech: “They are watching a movie,” said Emily.
      Indirect Speech: Emily said that they were watching a movie.
    5. Direct Speech: “He will arrive at 5 o’clock,” said the teacher.
      Indirect Speech: The teacher said that he would arrive at 5 o’clock.
    6. Direct Speech: “I can swim very well,” said Peter.
      Indirect Speech: Peter said that he could swim very well.
    7. Direct Speech: “She likes to read books,” said Jack.
      Indirect Speech: Jack said that she liked to read books.
    8. Direct Speech: “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” said Lily.
      Indirect Speech: Lily said that they were going to the beach the next day.
    9. Direct Speech: “I have lost my keys,” said David.
      Indirect Speech: David said that he had lost his keys.
    10. Direct Speech: “I want to learn how to play the guitar,” said Tina.
      Indirect Speech: Tina said that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar.

    Answer Key:

    1. Tom said that he was going to the park.
    2. John said that she sang beautifully.
    3. The students said that they had completed their homework.
    4. Emily said that they were watching a movie.
    5. The teacher said that he would arrive at 5 o’clock.
    6. Peter said that he could swim very well.
    7. Jack said that she liked to read books.
    8. Lily said that they were going to the beach the next day.
    9. David said that he had lost his keys.
    10. Tina said that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar.



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