WorksheetSimple Present Tense Worksheet

Simple Present Tense Worksheet

The simple present tense is a fundamental aspect of English grammar, used to describe actions that are general truths, habits, or routines. It is formed by using the base form of the verb, without any additional suffixes or verb conjugations. This worksheet aims to help learners practice using the simple present tense correctly in various sentence structures.

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    It includes exercises that cover different types of sentences, such as statements, questions, and negative sentences. The simple present tense worksheet is designed to help learners develop a solid understanding of this tense and improve their ability to use it effectively in their writing and speaking.

    Simple Present Tense Worksheet with Answers

    Exercise 1: Statements

    1. I ____________________ (to study) English every day.
    2. She ____________________ (to live) in Paris.
    3. They ____________________ (to play) soccer on weekends.
    4. He ____________________ (to eat) breakfast at 8 am.
    5. We ____________________ (to go) to the movies tonight.
    6. It ____________________ (to rain) last night.
    7. They ____________________ (to have) a pet dog.
    8. She ____________________ (to work) as a teacher.
    9. He ____________________ (to read) a book.
    10. We ____________________ (to travel) to the beach next week.


    1. study
    2. lives
    3. play
    4. eats
    5. go
    6. rained
    7. have
    8. works
    9. reads
    10. travel

    Exercise 2: Questions

    1. What ____________________ (you do) on Sundays?
    2. Where ____________________ (she live)?
    3. What ____________________ (they do) for a living?
    4. When ____________________ (he wake up)?
    5. What ____________________ (we eat) for lunch?
    6. What ____________________ (it do) in the summer?
    7. What ____________________ (they have) for breakfast?
    8. What ____________________ (she study)?
    9. What ____________________ (he like)?
    10. What ____________________ (we do) on holidays?


    1. do
    2. lives
    3. do
    4. wake
    5. eat
    6. do
    7. have
    8. study
    9. like
    10. do

    Also Check: Tense Worksheet for Class 8 English

    Exercise 3: Negative Sentences

    1. I ____________________ (not to like) coffee.
    2. She ____________________ (not to be) a morning person.
    3. They ____________________ (not to play) basketball.
    4. He ____________________ (not to eat) breakfast.
    5. We ____________________ (not to go) to the park.
    6. It ____________________ (not to snow) last winter.
    7. They ____________________ (not to have) a pet cat.
    8. She ____________________ (not to work) as a doctor.
    9. He ____________________ (not to read) a book.
    10. We ____________________ (not to travel) to the mountains.


    1. don’t like
    2. isn’t
    3. don’t play
    4. doesn’t eat
    5. don’t go
    6. didn’t snow
    7. don’t have
    8. isn’t
    9. doesn’t read
    10. don’t travel

    Also Check: Tenses Worksheet for Class 7 English

    Exercise 4: Fill in the Blanks

    1. My favorite subject ____________________ (to be) English.
    2. She ____________________ (to be) a good singer.
    3. They ____________________ (to play) the guitar.
    4. He ____________________ (to eat) a sandwich for lunch.
    5. We ____________________ (to go) to the beach.
    6. It ____________________ (to rain) last night.
    7. They ____________________ (to have) a pet dog.
    8. She ____________________ (to work) as a teacher.
    9. He ____________________ (to read) a book.
    10. We ____________________ (to travel) to the beach next week.


    1. is
    2. is
    3. play
    4. eats
    5. go
    6. rained
    7. have
    8. works
    9. reads
    10. travel

    Exercise 5: Sentence Completion

    1. I ____________________ (to study) English every day because it helps me improve my skills.
    2. She ____________________ (to live) in Paris because she loves the culture.
    3. They ____________________ (to play) soccer on weekends because it’s fun.
    4. He ____________________ (to eat) breakfast at 8 am because it gives him energy.
    5. We ____________________ (to go) to the movies tonight because we want to relax.
    6. It ____________________ (to rain) last night because of the weather forecast.
    7. They ____________________ (to have) a pet dog because they love animals.
    8. She ____________________ (to work) as a teacher because she enjoys helping students.
    9. He ____________________ (to read) a book because it helps him learn new things.
    10. We ____________________ (to travel) to the beach next week because we want to enjoy the sun.


    1. study
    2. lives
    3. play
    4. eats
    5. go
    6. rained
    7. have
    8. works
    9. reads
    10. travel

    Exercise 6: Simple Present Tense Sentences

    Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

    1. She __________ (study) every evening.
    2. They __________ (play) football on Saturdays.
    3. Tom usually __________ (wake) up at 7 AM.
    4. Sarah __________ (like) to read books.
    5. The sun __________ (rise) in the east.
    6. My parents __________ (live) in London.


    1. studies
    2. play
    3. wakes
    5. rises
    6. live

    Also Check: Tense Chart

    Exercise 7: Negative Sentences in Simple Present Tense

    Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form using ‘don’t’ or ‘doesn’t’.

    1. She reads newspapers every morning.
    2. They watch TV after dinner.
    3. He speaks French fluently.
    4. Mary visits her grandparents on weekends.
    5. The train arrives at 9 AM.


    1. She doesn’t read newspapers every morning.
    2. They don’t watch TV after dinner.
    3. He doesn’t speak French fluently.
    4. Mary doesn’t visit her grandparents on weekends.
    5. The train doesn’t arrive at 9 AM.

    Exercise 8: Questions in Simple Present Tense

    Instructions: Form questions for the following statements.

    1. She speaks Spanish.
    2. They eat lunch at noon.
    3. He works in a hospital.
    4. Mary plays the piano.
    5. The bus arrives at 8:30 AM.


    1. Does she speak Spanish?
    2. Do they eat lunch at noon?
    3. Does he work in a hospital?
    4. Does Mary play the piano?
    5. Does the bus arrive at 8:30 AM?

    Exercise 9: Yes/No Questions and Short Answers

    Instructions: Answer the following questions with short answers (Yes, he does. / No, she doesn’t. etc.).

    1. Does John like coffee?
    2. Do you play guitar?
    3. Does she speak French?
    4. Do they live in New York?
    5. Does it rain often here?


    1. Yes, he does.
    2. Yes, I do.
    3. No, she doesn’t.
    4. Yes, they do.
    5. No, it doesn’t.

    Also Check: CBSE Class 9 English Tenses Worksheet

    Exercise 10: Using Adverbs of Frequency

    Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never).

    1. She __________ (go) to the gym.
    2. They __________ (visit) their grandparents.
    3. He __________ (eat) fast food.
    4. Mary __________ (watch) TV in the evening.
    5. The children __________ (play) outside.


    1. always goes
    2. usually visit
    3. rarely eats
    4. sometimes watches
    5. often play

    Exercise 11: Forming Negative Sentences with Adverbs of Frequency

    Instructions: Rewrite the sentences using the negative form and the correct adverb of frequency.

    1. She always drinks tea in the morning.
    2. They often go to the movies on weekends.
    3. He usually helps his sister with homework.
    4. Mary sometimes reads books before bed.
    5. The dog rarely barks at strangers.


    1. She never drinks tea in the morning.
    2. They rarely go to the movies on weekends.
    3. He doesn’t usually help his sister with homework.
    4. Mary doesn’t sometimes read books before bed.
    5. The dog often barks at strangers.
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