MathsUnderstanding Elementary ShapesAnglesWhat are Complementary angles? Types of complementary angles | Class 6 maths

What are Complementary angles? Types of complementary angles | Class 6 maths

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    • Complementary Angles
    • Examples of Complementary Angles
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
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    In our previous segment, we learned about Adjacent angles. We will now learn about

    Complementary angles.

    What are Complementary angles?

    Two angles having a sum of 90are said to be Complementary angles.

    There are two types of complementary angles:

    Adjacent complementary angles

    Two angles having a common arm, a common angle vertex, and the sum of their measure equal to 90are known as Adjacent complementary angles.

    Adjacent complementary angles ∠ABD and ∠DBC

    Non-adjacent complementary angles

    Two angles having a sum of their measure 90 but no common arm and no common angle vertex are known as Non-adjacent complementary angles.

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