Maths2D and 3D Figures – Explanation, Difference Between 2D and 3D shapes, Solved Examples

2D and 3D Figures – Explanation, Difference Between 2D and 3D shapes, Solved Examples

Introduction To 2D And 3D Figures

A figure is a three-dimensional object that has width, length, and depth.

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    A two-dimensional object is an object that has only width and length.

    A three-dimensional object can be seen from all directions because it has height.

    A two-dimensional object can only be seen from one side because it does not have height.

    2D and 3D Figures

    What are 2D Shapes?

    2D shapes are shapes that can be described in two dimensions. This means that they can be drawn on a piece of paper with only two points of contact. Common examples of 2D shapes include squares, circles, and triangles.

    Definition of 2D Shapes

    A shape is a two-dimensional object that has length and width, but no depth. There are many different types of shapes, including circles, squares, and triangles.

    What are 3D Shapes?

    3D shapes are shapes that have depth. They can be seen from different angles and can be played with in different ways.

    Definition of 3D Shapes

    A 3D shape is any geometric object that has height, width, and depth. 3D shapes can be made from basic shapes like circles, squares, and triangles, or they can be more complex shapes like pyramids and cones.

    Terms Used For 3D Figures

    3D figures are three-dimensional shapes that can be viewed from different angles. Some common terms used to describe 3D figures include:

    Volume: The amount of space that a 3D figure occupies.

    Height: The distance from the lowest point on a 3D figure to the highest point.

    Width: The distance from one side of a 3D figure to the other.

    Depth: The distance from the front of a 3D figure to the back.

    Difference Between 2D and 3D Shapes: Tabular Form

    2D shapes are flat, while 3D shapes have height, width, and depth.

    2D shapes can be placed on a flat surface, while 3D shapes cannot.

    2D shapes can be rotated in two dimensions (around a vertical or horizontal axis), while 3D shapes can be rotated in three dimensions.

    3D shapes can be stacked on top of each other, while 2D shapes cannot.

    3D shapes can be viewed from different angles, while 2D shapes can only be viewed from the front.


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