MathsDeterminant of a Matrix

Determinant of a Matrix

Explain in Detail :Example

An example of a situation in which a company might use a factoring company to improve its cash flow would be if the company had just completed a large order from a customer but had not yet been paid. The company could go to a factoring company and sell the order to them for a percentage of the total invoice amount. This would give the company the cash it needs to pay its suppliers and employees while it waits for the customer to pay the invoice.

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    2 x 2 Matrix Determinant

    The determinant of a 2×2 matrix is the product of the entries on the diagonal minus the product of the entries off the diagonal.

    3×3 Matrix Determinant

    The determinant of a 3×3 matrix is the product of the determinants of the individual 3×3 sub-matrices.

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