Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out

Untidiness and aversion can harm this peace of mind because our environment plays such an important part in supporting bodily and mental well-being. As a result, it is the responsibility of each individual to keep their environment and neighborhood clean. Littering practices have become more common as the population has grown, as have diseases. Safai karamcharis’ job is to collect waste from the neighborhood and dump it in landfills.

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    The notion of rubbish segregation from the landfill is explained in Class 6 Chapter 16 of Garbage in Garbage Out. Non-recyclable waste is thrown throughout the barren field and covered with dirt to create a park or playground. A student may learn more about the Swachh Bharat Mission, which was started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 2, 2019, and promises to make India cleaner and greener, by reading NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 16.
    The chapter goes on to explain how composting works to turn plant and animal waste into manure. Students learn that recycling is a necessary requirement for a healthy living environment because the majority of waste may be converted into usable items such as paper.

    Every student’s thinking and reasoning skills can be developed with the help of NCERT Solutions. NCERT Science Class 6 Chapter 16 solutions are simple to follow for students who want to do well in their exams. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths can also be downloaded.

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      Access NCERT Solutions for Science Class 6 Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out Textbook Questions


      1. a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?

      b) Have you seen any other organism besides redworms, in your pit? If yes, try to find out their names. Draw pictures of these.


      a) Non-biodegradable garbage like polythene bags, broken glass, aluminum wrappers, broken toys, etc., are not converted into compost by the redworms.

      b) Yes, sometimes we find small insects, bugs, beetles, spiders in pits.

      2. Discuss :

      a) Is garbage disposal the responsibility of only the government?

      b) Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to the disposal of garbage?


      a) Garbage disposal is the responsibility of every citizen along with the Government.

      b) Yes, it is possible to reduce the problem related to the disposal of garbage by following the rule of three R’s i.e., i. Reduce, ii. Reuse, iii. Recycle.

      3. a) What do you do with the leftover food at home?

      b) If you and your friend are given the choice of eating on a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at  a party, which one would you prefer and why?


      a) i) We can preserve it properly and reuse it.

      ii) We can convert it to some other food items and consume.

      b) We prefer a Banana leaf platter, because:

      i) it is biodegradable,

      ii) it can be recycled easily and

      iii) it is environment-friendly.

      4. a) Collect pieces of different kinds of paper. Find out which of these can be recycled.      

      b) With the help of a lens look at the pieces of paper you collected for the above question. Do you see any difference in the material of recycled paper and a new sheet of paper?


      a) All kinds of paper can be recycled.

      b) Recycled paper is usually of low quality compared to a new sheets of paper.

      5. a) Collect different kinds of packaging material. What was the purpose for which each one was used? Discuss in groups.

      b) Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced?

      c) Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.


      a) i) Materials like thermocol, foam sheets, paper cuttings, cardboard, jute are the packing materials.

      ii) Card boxes, plastic containers, and tin containers are used to facilitate the transport of the packed materials.

      b) Packaging of toys, clothes, shoes, chocolates can be reduced.

      c) i) We use packaging materials to protect the articles and also to make the package good-looking.

      ii) For example, to give a gift on a birthday, the gift is packed and wrapped in shiny paper or plastic-coated paper.

      iii) After use, the packing material is thrown in the dustbin.

      6. Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers? Why?


      Yes, it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers because –

      i) the production of compost is easy, cheaper, and harmless.

      ii) it improves the fertility of the soil.

      Activities for Dealing with Garbage

      1. Can you make something useful out of old and discarded objects like glass bottles, plastic bottles, coconut husk, wool, bed sheets, greeting cards, and any other thing instead of throwing them away?

      Answer: Yes, you can make useful items out of these materials. For example, glass bottles can be turned into decorative vases or lanterns, plastic bottles can be transformed into bird feeders or planters, coconut husks can be used as natural scrubbers, wool can be unraveled for knitting, bed sheets can be sewn into reusable bags, and greeting cards can be repurposed into gift tags or bookmarks. Upcycling these items not only reduces waste but also allows you to create something new and useful.

      2. Can you prepare a detailed project report on compost making activity you did in school?

      Answer: Title: Compost Making Activity Objective: To create compost from organic waste materials.

      Materials Required: Organic waste (vegetable peels, fruit scraps, leaves, etc.), compost bin or pile, shovel or pitchfork, water.


      1. Collect organic waste materials.
      2. Place the organic waste in a compost bin or pile.
      3. Add water to moisten the pile.
      4. Turn the compost pile regularly to aerate it.
      5. Monitor the compost pile regularly.
      6. After a few weeks to months, the compost should be ready for use in the garden.


      • The organic waste materials decomposed and turned into dark, crumbly compost.
      • The compost had a rich, earthy smell and was full of nutrients.

      The compost making activity successfully converted organic waste materials into nutrient-rich compost, demonstrating the importance of recycling organic waste and the benefits of composting for the environment.

      Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage Out Overview

      Garbage in, Garbage out, Class 6 Chapter 16 is a section of the environmental studies program that focuses on sensible waste management at the elementary level. Every human being has a major obligation to protect the environment.

      Students are taught the need for recycling as well as the dangers of using plastic. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 addresses these important themes in order to install the philosophy of a safer and greener environment. In addition, the NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 16 is free to download in PDF format. By downloading this answer, a student will be able to generate notes and study materials at their leisure.

      A young learner can use the NCERT solution for all-around development and improved answering quality. With only one click on the pdf link provided below, you can quickly obtain Garbage in Garbage Out Class 6 Pdf.

      Important Topics Covered in Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in, Garbage Out

      • Introduction to garbage
      • Types of garbage (biodegradable and non-biodegradable)
      • Segregation of waste
      • Waste management practices
      • Composting
      • Recycling
      • Landfills
        3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
      • Environmental impact of improper waste disposal
      • Role of individuals in waste management

      Why is the IL’s NCERT Solution for Science Chapter 16 Garbage in Garbage Out the Best Option for Class 6th Science?

      For all-around development and exceptional answer writing skills, every student wants dependable reading material. IL’s NCERT answers for Class 6th Science Chapter 16 have been designed to meet this demand, taking the CBSE pattern in mind.

      The following are some of the advantages of reading NCERT answers for Class 6 Science Chapter Garbage in Garbage out:

      • These Ch 16 Science Class 6 solutions were written under the supervision of an expert with a degree in the field.
      • During a competitive exam and higher education, students will have a deeper knowledge of concepts and ideas.
      • The solution’s language is simple to comprehend and descriptive, ensuring a positive learning experience.
      • Students will understand how to dispose of waste properly and how to save soil.
      class 6 cbse foundation course

      The Class 6 CBSE Foundation Course is designed to be the most competitive educational program in India, providing an exceptional online learning experience. Our focused batch encompasses all crucial subjects, ensuring comprehensive preparation for students.

      FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

      What type of garbage is used for composting Class 6?

      In Class 6 Science, we learn that organic waste, such as vegetable peels, fruit scraps, and leaves, is ideal for composting. These materials break down naturally and enrich the soil.

      What are the Alternatives to Garbage and Waste Management?

      Alternatives to traditional waste management include recycling, composting, using biodegradable products, and implementing zero-waste practices to reduce the amount of garbage produced.

      According to Chapter 16 of Class 6 Science, what is Garbage In, Garbage Out?

      Chapter 16 of Class 6 Science explains Garbage In, Garbage Out as the concept that the amount and type of garbage we produce reflects how we manage and dispose of our waste.

      Why is it necessary to put the waste in the garbage pit?

      It is necessary to put waste in the garbage pit to prevent pollution, control pests, and ensure proper decomposition of organic materials, which can later be used as compost for plants.

      Where can I find outstanding study materials for Class 6 Science Chapter 16?

      You can find outstanding study materials for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 on the Infinity Learn website, which offers comprehensive resources tailored to the CBSE curriculum. Additionally, educational websites and school libraries are also good sources for quality study materials.

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