BlogNEETMost Easy and Scoring Chapters for NEET 2024 Exam

Most Easy and Scoring Chapters for NEET 2024 Exam

The National Testing Agency (NTA) organizes NEET annually, which is India’s biggest medical entrance test. Aspirants aiming for a strong performance often look for topics within NEET 2024 that are both easy to understand and score well on. Identifying these chapters can help candidates focus their preparation effectively and avoid wasting time on unnecessary ones.

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    Although every topic in the NEET syllabus is important, knowing which chapters cover simpler concepts can be advantageous. In this blog, we have compiled a list of such chapters for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

    Most Easy and Scoring Chapters for NEET 2024 Exam

    By reading the complete article, you can gain valuable insights to enhance your NEET preparation strategy, ensuring a thorough and efficient approach to tackling the exam.

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters

    In the newest NEET 2024 syllabus from the National Medical Commission, some topics have been removed from the subjects. To excel in the NEET 2024 exam, students should focus on chapters that are clear and offer good scoring potential. Check the tables below for guidance on these topics.

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    Do-or-Die Topics of Biology To Get 360 /360

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Physics

    Preparing for the NEET 2024 exam requires strategic focus, especially on mastering physics topics. Recognizing the simpler chapters in physics can greatly enhance a candidate’s readiness.

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    Although all topics are crucial, concentrating on specific chapters can offer a competitive advantage. Refer to the table below for a list of physics chapters that are both manageable and high-scoring for NEET aspirants.

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Physics
    Unit name Topics Sub-topics
    Physics and Measurement Physical quantities and units Practical units
    System of unit
    Physical quantity
    Errors and Significant figures Significant figures
    Errors of measurements
    Error in quantity raised to some power
    Dimension analysis and its application Application of Dimensional analysis (II)- To convert a physical quantity from one system to other
    Momentum, Impulse , Angular momentum, Angular impulse
    Application of Dimensional analysis (V)- As a research tool to derive new relations
    Dimensionless Quantities
    Frequency, angular frequency, angular velocity, velocity gradient
    Heat, Latent heat , Specific heat capacity and Temperature
    Work, Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Torque
    Kinematics 2D motion Uniform circular motion
    Relative Velocity
    Physical quantities in kinematics Speed and velocity
    Kinematics graphs
    Laws of motion Applications of Newton’s 2nd and 3rd Laws of motion Spring Force
    Rocket Propulsion
    Motion of blocks when connected with string
    Friction Acceleration of block against friction
    Kinetic Friction
    Static Friction
    Newton’s First Law Newton’s First law of motion
    Common forces in mechanics
    Equilibrium of concurrent forces
    Dynamics of uniform circular motion Skidding of Vehicle on a Level Road
    Work, energy and power Collision Head on inelastic collision
    Perfectly inelastic collision
    Types of collision
    Perfectly Elastic Head on Collision
    Energy and Power Power
    Potential energy curve
    Work Nature of Work Done
    Motion of System Of Particles and Rigid Body Rigid body and its centre of Mass Position of centre of mass for solid cone
    Moment of Inertia Moment of inertia of a RING
    Moment of inertia of a DISC
    Moment of inertia of a Rod
    Basic concepts of rotational motion Equations of Linear Motion and Rotational Motion
    Conservation of angular momentum and its applications Angular Momentum
    Work, Energy and Power for Rotating Body
    Gravitation Planets and satellites Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
    Universal law of gravitation Newton’s law of Gravitation
    Acceleration due to gravity and it’s variation Acceleration due to gravity (g)
    Gravitational field Intensity Gravitational field due to Point mass
    Properties of bulk matter Fluid dynamics Viscosity
    Flow of Fluids
    Equation of Continuity
    Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem
    Heat transfer Basics of conduction
    Law of Thermal Conductivity
    Stefan Boltzmann law
    Properties of Solids Stress and its types
    Hooke’s law
    Fluid statics Variation of pressure
    Thermodynamics Second law of Thermodynamics Carnot Engine
    Second Law of Thermodynamics
    Thermodynamics Processes Cyclic and Non cyclic process
    Introduction to Thermodynamics Introduction to Thermodynamics
    Thermodynamic variables and equation of state
    First law of thermodynamics First law of Thermodynamics
    Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theory Law of equipartition of energy Kinetic energy of ideal gas
    States of matter States of matter
    Ideal gas, its equation and laws of ideal gas Gas laws
    Gas Law Ideal Gas Equation
    Oscillations and Waves Waves on a string Standing waves
    General equation of travelling
    Speed of transverse wave on a string
    Sound Wave Beats
    Propagation of sound wave
    Standing longitudinal wave
    End correction
    Oscillation in a spring Spring System
    Simple harmonic motion (SHM) Simple harmonic motion
    Terms associated with SHM
    Simple harmonic as projection of circular motion
    Electrostatics Electric potential Relation between electric field and potential
    Equipotential surface
    Capacitors Combination of capacitors
    Electric field Electric field
    Electric field lines
    Electrostatic Potential energy Electrostatic Potential energy
    Capacitors Capacitor
    Current Electricity Ohm’s Law Ohm’s Law
    Wheatstone’s Bridge and Meter Bridge Meter Bridge
    Cell and Combination of Cell Series and Parallel Grouping of cell
    Emf of a cell when the cell is charging and discharging and Open circuit and Short circuit
    Kirchhoff Law KCL, KVL, Conservation of charge and Energy and introduction to Galvanometer
    Resistance and Resistivity Colour coding of Resistance
    Potentiometer Potentiometer
    Electric Current Current Density
    Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Motion of a charged particle in uniform magnetic and electric fields Lorentz force
    Force on a moving charge in magnetic field
    Moving coil galvanometer Moving coil galvanometer
    Biot-Savart Law and its applications Magnetic field on the axis of circular current loop
    Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
    Magnetism and matter Magnetisation and magnetic intensity
    Ampere’s law and its applications Solenoid
    Torque on a current loop, Magnetic Dipole Torque on a rectangular current loop in a uniform magnetic field
    Circular current loop as magnetic dipole
    Biot-Savart Law and its applications Magnetic Field due to current in straight wire
    Electromagnetic Induction and alternating Currents AC circuits AC voltage applied to a resistor
    Power in an AC circuit
    AC voltage applied to a capacitor
    Motional Electromotive force Motional Electromotive force(I)
    Motional Electromotive force(II)
    Motional Electromotive force(III)
    Energy consideration in Motional Emf
    Inductance Mutual Inductance
    Mutual Inductance for two coaxial long solenoids
    Mutual Inductance for a pair of concentric coils
    Introduction to electromagnetic induction Magnetic flux
    Electromagnetic Waves Maxwell’s Displacement Current Displacement current
    Optics Interference and Diffraction of light wave YDSE with thin slab
    Lenses Power of lens and mirror
    Magnification in Lenses
    Combination of thin lens in contact
    Lenses at a distance
    Reflection of light Spherical mirrors
    Mirror formula
    Refraction Refraction
    Total Internal Reflection
    Optical Instruments Compound Microscope
    Refraction through a Prism Refraction Through A Prism 1
    Refraction Through A Prism 2
    Dispersion Of Light 1
    Polarization of light Polarization of light
    Malus’s Law
    Interference and Diffraction of light wave Interference of light waves- 1
    Interference of light waves- 2
    Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Photoelectric Effect Einstein’s Photoelectric equation
    Graphs in Photoelectric effect
    Photon counts,Flux and Intensity of radiation Force exerted on a surface due to radiation
    Wave nature of matter Davisson-Germer Experiment
    Atoms And Nuclei X-rays Characteristic X-Rays
    Continuous X-ray
    Bohr’s model Bohr’s Model of hydrogen atom
    Energy of electron in nth orbit
    Nuclei Binding Energy Per Nucleon
    Nuclear Force and Stability
    Atomic Collision
    Electronic devices Semiconductors and its types Zener diode
    Band Theory of solids
    Optoelectronic junction devices
    Classification of solids on the basis of Band theory
    Semiconductor Diode(I)
    Extrinsic Semiconductor
    Semiconductor Diode(II)
    Transistor and its applications Transistor as a device

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Chemistry

    When getting ready for NEET 2024 chemistry, prioritizing simple but crucial chapters can make a significant difference. Mastering these basic topics thoroughly establishes a strong base, empowering students to approach more challenging subjects with assurance. Here’s a handy list of easy NEET chemistry chapters for students to check out.

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    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Chemistry
    Unit name Topics Sub-topics
    Basic concepts of Chemistry Stoichiometry, Stoichiometric Calculations Reactions in Solutions
    Stoichiometry, Stoichiometric Calculations And Limiting Reagent
    Percentage Composition Empirical Formula And Molecular Formula
    Structure of Atom Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
    Quantum mechanical model of atom Quantum Numbers
    Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
    Classification of elements and periodicity in properties Modern periodic law and the present form of the periodic table Long form of Modern periodic table
    Electronic configurations and types of elements:s-, p-, d-, f-, blocks Classification of Elements: s-block
    Periodic trends in properties of elements Physical Properties of Elements
    Chemical Properties of Elements
    Chemical Bonding and molecular structure Hydrogen Bonding Hydrogen Bonding
    Bond Parameter Bond Parameters: Order, Resonance, Resonance Hybrid
    Bond Parameters: length, angle, energy, strength
    Hybridisation Hybridisation
    Electronic Theory of Chemical Bonding Lewis Representation of Simple Molecules (Lewis Structure)
    Limitations of The Octet Rule
    Valence Bond Theory Fazan’s Rule and Covalent Character in Ionic Bond
    p pi-p pi and p pi -d pi bonding
    The Valence Shell electron Pair Repulsion Theory VSPER (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) Theory
    Bonding in Coordination Compounds Valence Bond Theory
    Polarity of Bonds Dipole Moment
    States of Matter : Gases and liquids Intermolecular Forces Intermolecular Forces
    Gas Law The Gas Laws- Boyle’s Law (Pressure – Volume Relationship)
    Behaviour of Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Gas Behaviour Behaviour of Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Gas Behaviour
    Terms used for Heat of reaction Enthalpy Of Dissociation, Atomisation And Phase Change
    Laws of Thermodynamics Adiabatic Reversible And Irreversible Expansion
    Thermodynamics Terms used for Heat of Reaction Lattice Enthalpy, Hydration Enthalpy And Enthalpy Of Solution
    Thermochemistry And Enthalpy For Chemical Reaction
    Hess’s Law
    Enthalpy Of Combustion
    Spontaneity Gibbs Energy And Change In Gibbs Energy
    Thermodynamic Process Reversible, Irreversible, Polytropic Process
    Equilibrium Ionization of Acids and Bases pH of Solutions: Strong Bases
    Law of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium Constant Types of Equilibrium Constant
    Buffer Solutions Calculating pH of a Buffer Solution (acidic)
    Working of Acidic Buffer
    Basic Buffers
    Factors affecting Equilibria Le Chatelier’s principle(P, C)
    Le Chatelier’s principle(T, Innert Gas)
    Redox Reactions Oxidation Number and Oxidation State Oxidation Number and Oxidation State
    Types of Redox Reactions Types of Redox Reactions
    Balancing of Redox Reaction Balancing of Redox Reaction: Oxidation Number Method
    Hydrogen Water Hard and Soft Water
    Position of Hydrogen in the Periodic Table Occurrence of Hydrogen – Isotopes of Hydrogen
    Properties of Dihydrogen Uses of Hydrogen
    s- Block Elements ( Alkali and Alkaline earth metals ) General Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali Metals Halides of Alkali Metals
    Some Important Compounds of Sodium Sodium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide
    Properties of Alkali Metals Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals – 1
    Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals – 2
    Group 2 Elements: Alkaline EarthMetals Alkaline Earth Metals (Physical Properties)
    Some Important Compounds of Calcium Calcium Carbonate – CaCO3 and Calcium Sulphate (Plaster of Paris) – CaSO4·1⁄2H2O
    Some p-Block elements Group-18: Occurrence and uses of noble gases; Structures of fluorides and oxides of xenon. Physical Properties
    Some Important Compounds of Halogens Interhalogen Compounds
    Some Important Compounds of Carbon and Silicon Silicones
    Group 13 Elements: The Boron Family Physical Properties of Group 13
    Physical Properties of Group 13 – 2
    Group 16 Elements Chemical Properties – 1
    Group 16: Oxygen Family – Physical Properties
    Group 14 Elements: The Carbon Family Allotropic Form of Carbon (Diamond)
    Allotropic Form of Carbon (Graphite)
    Group 15 Elements Group 15 – Physical and Chemical Properties
    Chemical Properties – 2
    Important Compounds of Phosphorus Phosphine and Phosphorus Chloride
    Important Trends and Anomalous Properties of Boron Chemical Properties of Group 13
    Important Compounds of Oxygen Oxides
    Organic Chemistry – some Basic principles and techniques Classification of Organic Compounds Functional Group
    Methods of Purification of Compounds Chromatography
    Sublimation and Crystallisation
    Distillation under reduced pressure and Steam distillation
    Fundamental Concepts in Organic Reaction Mechanism Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
    Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds Test for Halogens
    Applications Applications of Hyperconjugation
    Quantitative Analysis Carius Method (Halogen and Sulfur)
    Hydrocarbons Alkenes Reduction of Alkynes to Alkenes
    Dehalogenation of Vicinal Halides
    Alkanes Preparation of Alkanes (Corey House Reaction, Reduction of Alkyl Halides by LiAlH4, Wurtz Reaction)
    Chemical Properties (Free Radical Reaction, Chlorination, Nitration and Sulphonation)
    Chemical Properties (Combustion, Catalytic Oxidation, Isomerisation, Aromatisation and Pyrolysis)
    Preparation of Alkanes (Reduction of Alkenes/Alkynes)
    Alkynes Hydrohalogenation and Halogenation of Alkynes
    Environmental Chemistry Chemical reactions in atmosphere, smogs , major atmospheric pollutants Global Warming and Acid Rain
    Atmospheric Pollution
    Water Pollution Dissolved Oxygen and BOD
    Solid state Classification of Crystalline Solids Classification of Crystalline Solids
    Number of Atoms in a Unit Cell Number of Atoms in a Unit Cell
    Close Packed Structures Interstitial Voids
    Solutions Colligative Properties Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
    Isotonic, Hypertonic, Hypotonic Solution
    Depression in Freezing Point
    Ideal and non ideal solutions Ideal Solution
    Van’t Hoff Factor Calculation of Extent of Dissociation in an Electrolytic Solution
    Electrochemistry Electrochemical Cell Electrochemical Series
    Faraday’s Second Law
    Kohlrausch’s Law Kohlrausch’s Law
    Galvanic Cells Galvanic Cells
    Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions Molar Conductance at Infinite Dilution
    Chemical kinetics Temperature dependence of the rate of reaction Exception (Arrhenius Theory)
    Effective Activation Energy
    Factors influencing rate of reaction Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction (2)
    Rate Law
    Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
    Integrated rate equations Half Life and Life Time of Reaction
    Graphs for Zero-Order Reaction
    Zero Order Kinetics – Zero Order Reaction
    nth Order Kinetics
    Integrated Rate Law – Zero Order Reaction
    Surface Chemistry Colloids Coagulation/Flocculation
    Charge on Colloids
    Adsorption and Absorption Physical Adsorption
    General Principles and processes of Isolation Elements Concentration Leaching: Chemical Method
    Froth Floatation Process
    Refining Vapour Phase Refining
    d and f Block Elements General Properties of Transition Elements Formation of Coloured Ions
    Ionisation Energy
    Oxidation State
    The Inner Transition Elements Properties of Actinoids
    Coordination compounds Definitions of some important terms pertaining to coordination compounds Oxidation Number
    Coordination Number
    Addition Compounds or Molecular Compounds
    Isomerism in Coordination Compounds Stereoisomerism
    Structural Isomerism – 1
    Structural Isomerism – 2
    Bonding in Coordination Compounds Bonding in Coordination Compounds (Werner’s Theory)
    Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedral Field
    Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Nature of C-X Bond and Physical Properties
    Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Properties of Phenols Properties of Phenols
    Reaction of Phenols with Dil. HNO3
    Preparation of Phenol
    Properties of Alcohols Reduction by LiAlH4 and NaBH4
    Acylation and Oxidation of Alcohols
    Grignard Reagent
    Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Chemical reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones Intermolecular Cannizaro Reaction
    Nucleophilic Addition Reaction
    Intramolecular Aldol Condensation
    Chemical properties of Carboxylic Acids Acidity in Carboxylic Acids
    Benzoin Condensation, Benzil-Benzilic Acid Rearrangement
    Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Preparation of Amines Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis
    Properties of Amines Azo-Coupling Reaction
    Test for Amines
    Carbylamine Test
    Reaction with NaNO2 + HCl
    Biomolecules Proteins Enzymes
    Amino Acids
    Carbohydrates Chemical Properties of Glucose
    Polymers Polymers
    Synthetic Rubbers
    Chemistry in Everyday Life Drugs Antibiotics
    Chemicals in Food Preservatives

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Biology

    In the field of biology, there are certain chapters that are simpler to grasp, which are crucial for NEET exam readiness. Getting a good handle on these easy biology chapters not only builds confidence but also helps greatly in scoring high marks in the biology section of the exam. Below is a list of these easy chapters for NEET candidates to refer to.

    NEET 2024 Easy and Scoring Chapters in Biology
    Unit name Topics Sub-topics
    Diversity in Living World Animal Kingdom Physiology of Porifera
    Class Chondrichthyes – Characteristics Features
    Phylum Aschelminthes and Body Plan of Aschelminthes
    Phylum Mollusca and Body Plan of Mollusca
    Reproduction and Development in Porifera
    Class Osteichthyes – Characteristics Features
    Reproduction and Development in Aschelminthes
    Phylum Porifera and Morphological Features of Porifera
    Subphylum Cephalochordata – Characteristics Features
    Reproduction, Development and Metagenesis in Cnidaria
    Class Reptilia – Characteristics Features
    Physiology and Reproduction in Annelids
    Body Wall of Porifera
    Class Cyclostomata – Characteristics Features
    Class Mammalia – Characteristics Features
    Phylum Arthropoda and Body Plan of Arthropoda
    Plant Kingdom Classification of Pteridophytes
    Characteristics of Angiosperms
    Types of Life Cycles
    Reproduction in gymnosperms
    Classification of Bryophytes
    Chlorophyceae/ Green Algae
    Phylum Platyhelminthes
    Classification of Gymnosperms
    Biological Classification Viruses, Viroids and Prions
    Phycomycetes (Algal fungi)
    Basidiomycetes (Club fungi)
    Lichen and Mycorrhiza
    The Living World Taxon and Taxonomic Hierarchy (Taxonomic categories)
    Taxonomical Aids
    What is Living
    Steps of Taxonomy
    Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants Anatomy of Flowering Plants Secondary Growth
    Ground Tissue System
    Secondary Growth in Intrastelar Region of Dicot Stem
    SUMMARY – Internal Structure of Dicot Stem Showing Primary Growth
    Secondary Growth in Intrastelar Region of Dicot Stem – Heartwood and Sapwood
    Elements of Xylem – Tracheids and Vessels
    SUMMARY – Internal Structure of Monocot Root Showing Primary Growth
    Components of Phloem – Sieve tubes and Companion Cells
    Morphology of Flowering Plants The Fruit
    Modification of the Underground Stem
    Description of Some Important Families: Solanaceae
    Cymose Inflorescence and Its Types
    Animal Tissues Glandular Epithelium
    Unstriped or Non-striated or Visceral or Smooth or Involuntary Muscle
    Specialised Junctions between Epithelial Cells
    Morphology, Anatomy and Functions of Different Systems of Cockroach Respiratory System and Excretory System of Cockroach
    Cell Structure and Function Cell: The Unit of Life Semi-autonomous Organelles: Mitochondria (Sing. Mitochondrion)
    Flagella and Cilia
    Semi-autonomous Organelles: Chloroplast
    Components of the Endomembrane System: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
    Centrosome and Centrioles
    The Cytoskeleton
    Cell Cycle and Cell Division Cell Cycle: Interphase
    Introduction to Meiosis
    Stages of Meiosis Ⅰ – Prophase I
    Stages of Meiosis Ⅰ – Metaphase I and Anaphase I
    Biomolecules Enzymes and Their Classification
    Enzyme Inhibition
    Lipids and Fatty Acids
    Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
    Nucleic Acids – DNA and RNA
    Plant Physiology Respiration in Plants Introduction to Cellular Respiration
    Steps of Krebs Cycle
    Lactic Acid Fermentation
    Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle
    Photosynthesis Photosynthetic Pigments: Carotenoids and Phycobilins
    The C4 Pathway
    Red Drop Phenomenon and Emerson Enhancement Effect
    Introduction to Photorespiration
    Chemiosmotic Hypothesis: Proton Gradient
    Process of Photorespiration
    Dark Reaction of Photosynthesis and RuBP
    Mineral Nutrition Role of Micronutrients
    Deficiency Symptoms of Essential Elements
    Nitrogen Fixation – Natural or Atmospheric
    Plant Growth and Development Photoperiodism
    Functions of Auxins
    Functions of Ethylene
    Abscisic Acid and Its Discovery
    Transport in Plants Water Potential and Its Components
    Root Pressure Theories
    Human Physiology Chemical Control & Integration Kidneys
    The Hypothalamus
    Gonads: Testes
    The Pituitary Gland and Its Anterior Lobe
    Disorders of Pancreas
    Neural Control & Coordination Structure of Human Eye: Coats of Eyeball
    Forebrain: Olfactory Lobes & Diencephalon
    Structure of Retina
    Forebrain: Cerebrum
    Structure of Human Ear: Vestibular Apparatus
    Hindbrain or Rhombencephalon
    Structure of Human Ear: External Ear
    Body Fluids & Circulation Abnormal conditions related to circulatory system
    Conducting System of Heart
    Digestion & Absorption Disorder of the Digestive System
    Teeth and Their Types
    Physiology of Stomach
    Large Intestine and Its Parts
    Excretory Products & Their Elimination Types of Animals Based on Excretory Wastes
    Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT), Loop of Henle, Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) and Collecting Duct
    Breathing & Exchange of Gases Exchange of Gases
    Disorders of the Respiratory System
    Locomotion & Movement Sarcomere
    Reproduction Human Reproduction Events of Fertilization
    Accessory Sex Glands of Males
    Embryonic Development: Cleavage & Formation of Blastocyst
    Structure of Sperm
    Hormonal Control of Male Reproductive System
    The Male Reproductive System: Scrotum & Testes
    Male Sex Accessory Ducts
    Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Embryogeny and Structure of Embryo in Monocots
    Development of Male Gametophyte
    Fertilization & Mode of Entry of Pollen Tube in Ovule
    Apomixis & Polyembryony
    Pollination and Its Types
    Double Fertilization
    Agents of Pollination: Abiotic Agents
    Endosperm Development
    Structure of Pollen Grain
    Ornithophily & Chiropterophily
    Reproduction in Organisms Binary Fission & Its Types
    Genetics and Evolution Principles of Inheritance & Variation Sex Determination: XX Female & XO Male Type
    Law of Independent Assortment
    Types of Mutations
    Linkage: Discovery & Meaning
    Interpretation of Monohybrid Cross: Law of Dominance
    Sex Determination: ZW Female & ZZ Males Type
    Chromosomal Mutations: Structural
    Sex Determination
    Sex Determination in Drosophila
    Test Cross
    Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance & T.H. Morgan
    Chromosomal Number Mutations
    Sex Determination: XX Female & XY Male Type
    Dihybrid Cross
    Mutations & Their Features
    Experiments of T.H Morgan
    Monohybrid Cross of Mendel
    Pedigree Analysis
    Evolution Mechanism of Evolution: Natural Selection & Its Types
    Evidence of Organic Evolution: Homologous Organs & Analogous Organs
    Origin & Evolution of Man
    Chemical Evolution & Miller Experiment
    Adaptive Radiation
    Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
    Theories of Evolution: Lamarckism
    Mechanism of Evolution: Genetic Drift, Founder Effect & Bottleneck Effect
    Salient Features of Darwin Theory of Natural Selection
    Molecular Basis of Inheritance Salient Features of Human Genome
    Process of Transcription in Prokaryotes
    The Search For Genetic Material: Transforming Principle
    Process of Translation
    Introduction to Replication of DNA
    RNA Polymerase in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
    Hershey & Chase Experiment
    Lac Operon
    DNA Replication in Prokaryotes
    Salient Features of Double-Helix Structure of DNA
    Salient Features of Genetic Code
    Properties of Genetic Material
    Human Genome Project & Its Goals
    Introduction to Transcription & Transcription Unit
    Packaging of DNA Helix in Eukaryotes
    Introduction to Translation
    Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
    Biology and Human Welfare Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Plant Breeding
    Single Cell Protein
    Animal Breeding – Inbreeding
    Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance: Mutation Breeding
    Tissue Culture & Somatic Hybridization
    Out-breeding: Out-crossing, Cross-breeding & Interspecific hybridisation
    Plant Breeding for Developing Resistance to Insect Pests
    High Yielding Varieties (HYVs)
    Controlled Breeding Experiments: Artificial Insemination & MOET
    Plant Breeding for Improved Food Quality: Biofortification
    Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance: Conventional Breeding
    Microbes in Human Welfare Microbes as Biocontrol Agents
    Chemicals, Enzymes and other Bioactive Molecules
    Microbes as Biofertilizers
    Microbes in Sewage Treatment
    Microbes in Household Products
    Microbes in Production of Biogas
    Microbes in Industrial Products: Antibiotics
    Human Health and Disease Disorders of the Immune System
    Innate Immunity
    Immune System in Humans
    Viral Diseases
    Humoral Immunity or Antibody Mediated Immune System (AMIS)
    Bacterial Diseases
    Cell-Mediated Immune System
    Vaccination & Immunisation
    Life Cycle of Plasmodium
    Commonly Abused Drugs
    Immune Response & Lines of Defence
    Biotechnology and Its Applications Biotechnology & Its Applications DNA Fingerprinting
    Pest Resistant Transgenic Plant Using RNAi
    Golden Rice
    Biotechnological Application in Medicines – Genetically Engineered Insulin
    Insect Resistant Transgenic Plant – Bt Cotton
    Biotechnology: Principles & Processes Direct or Vectorless Methods of Gene Transfer
    Biotechnology & Its Principles
    Features required to facilitate cloning into a vector
    Polymerase Chain Reaction
    Tools of Biotechnology: Restriction Endonucleases
    Vectors for cloning genes in plants and animals
    Downstream Processing
    Functioning of Restriction Endonucleases
    Competent Host (For Transformation with Recombinant DNA)
    Gel Electrophoresis
    Ecology and environment Biodiversity & Conservation In-situ Conservation of Biodiversity – Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves
    Species Diversity – India & World
    Need to Conserve Biodiversity
    The importance of Species Diversity to the Ecosystem
    Patterns of Biodiversity – Species-Area relationships
    In-situ Conservation of Biodiversity – Hotspots, National Parks and Sacred groves
    Cause of biodiversity losses
    Ecosystem Functions of Ecosystem: Productivity
    Pyramid of Numbers
    Functions of Ecosystem: Decomposition
    Pyramid of Biomass & Pyramid of Energy
    Trophic Levels, Food Chain & Food Web
    Ecological Succession
    Components of Ecosystem: Biotic
    10 Percent Law of Energy Flow
    Organisms & Populations Predation
    Responses to Abiotic Factors: Regulate & Conform
    Types of Parasites
    Population & Its Attributes: Population Size or Density
    Responses to Abiotic Factors: Migrate & Suspend
    Population Attributes – Age Pyramid
    Gause competitive exclusion principle & Resource Partitioning
    Adaptations – I
    Population Attributes – Population Growth
    Ecology, Organism & Its Environment
    Adaptations – II
    Environmental Issues Greenhouse Effects
    Air Pollution
    Global warming
    Control of Air Pollution – Catalytic Converters, Electrostatic Precipitators & Scrubbers
    Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere
    Water Pollution & Its Causes : Domestic Sewage & Algal Bloom

    FAQs on Most Easy and Scoring Chapters for NEET 2024 Exam

    Which chapters should I prioritize for NEET 2024 exam preparation?

    For Physics, focus on chapters like Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Power. In Chemistry, prioritize topics such as Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics, and Basic Organic Chemistry. For Biology, concentrate on Diversity in Living World, Cell Structure and Function, and Genetics and Evolution.

    How should I approach studying easy and scoring chapters listed for NEET 2024?

    Start by thoroughly understanding the concepts in these chapters. Practice solving related questions to reinforce your understanding. Create concise notes summarizing key points. Regular revision of these chapters will help you retain the information effectively.

    Are there any specific strategies for tackling the NEET 2024 exam?

    Yes, focus on time management during the exam. Allocate sufficient time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Practice previous years' question papers and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and improve your speed and accuracy. Additionally, stay updated with any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern announced by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

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