BiographyJagadish Chandra Bose Biography

Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography

Jagadish Chandra Bose was a notable Indian scientist and inventor, born on November 30, 1858, and passed away on November 23, 1937. He was a trailblazer in plant physiology and wireless communication, making significant contributions that have had a lasting impact on science and technology.

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    Bose’s work spanned several fields, including biophysics, plant and cell physiology, and botany. He is considered one of the pioneers of radio science. His early life was marked by a keen interest in science, leading him to invent several electrical devices and contribute significantly to electronics, plant science, and radio physics.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography

    One of Bose’s famous experiments involved the plant Mimosa pudica, which closes its leaves when touched or shaken. He demonstrated that this reaction occurs even if the leaf is not physically connected to its roots, suggesting that plants have a basic nervous system similar to animals. His findings were published in 1887, highlighting his groundbreaking research.

    In this article, you will learn about Jagadish Chandra Bose’s biography, his journey as an early science fiction writer, and his work in radio and microwave optics and plant science.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Early Life

    Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858-1937) was born on November 30, 1858, in Munshiganj, which is now part of Bangladesh. His father, Bhagavanta Chandra Bose, served as a deputy magistrate, and his mother, Prasanna Kumari Devi, hailed from a zamindar family. Tragically, Jagadish lost his father when he was just two years old and was subsequently raised by his uncle, who taught him Bengali literature and law. At the age of nine, he moved to Calcutta (now Kolkata), where he attended Hare School before enrolling in Hindu College.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose, renowned as a scientist and physician, made significant contributions to plant physiology, and his research on electromagnetic radiation paved the way for the invention of the Crescograph. Besides his scientific endeavors, he was also a writer and philosopher. He studied at Presidency College, Calcutta, and graduated with honors in natural science in 1879, receiving the Governor General’s Medal for his excellence in physics. After graduation, he served as an assistant professor at Presidency College until 1887, after which he traveled to England to further his studies.

    In England, Bose studied electronics under William Bragg and was awarded a scholarship to continue his education at Cambridge University. There, he collaborated with Sir William Crookes on various scientific experiments, including those related to color photography. By 1890, he had returned to Presidency College as a professor.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Scientific Journey

    1. A Curious Mind Ignites: Jagadish Chandra Bose’s interest in science began during his college years at Cambridge University, where he studied natural sciences. It was there that he developed a keen interest in physics and made significant contributions to the study of electromagnetic waves.
    2. Invention of the Mercury Coherer: In 1894, Bose invented the mercury coherer, a device that could detect radio waves. This invention was crucial in the development of wireless communication technology, setting the stage for future advancements in radio and telecommunications.
    3. Contributions to Plant Physiology: Bose’s curiosity also led him to explore plant physiology. He conducted groundbreaking research that showed plants can respond to external stimuli like light, heat, and chemicals. His findings challenged traditional scientific views and revealed surprising similarities between the responses of plants and animals.
    4. Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden: In recognition of his contributions, the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden was named in his honor, celebrating his legacy in both physics and plant science.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Challenges and Determination

    Indian professors were paid significantly less than their European counterparts, receiving only two-thirds of the salary. As his appointment was considered temporary, Bose’s salary was halved again, making it one-third of what European professors earned. In protest, Bose refused his salary and worked without pay for the first three years. His dedication and effective teaching style made him popular among students. Eventually, Tawney and Croft recognized his contributions, and his appointment was made permanent with retrospective effect. Bose received his full pay for the three years in a lump sum.

    Contributions to Microwave Research

    Bose’s work on radio waves initially received little support from his college, which felt he should focus solely on teaching. However, his research gained attention from the wider scientific community. Despite struggling to find time for research due to his teaching duties, Bose submitted his first scientific paper on the polarization of electric rays to the Asiatic Society of Bengal in May 1895. He then submitted another paper on a new electro-polariscope to the Royal Society of London, which was published in December 1895. This paper, possibly the first by an Indian in Western scientific periodicals, described his plans for a coherer, a type of radio wave receiver.

    Public Demonstrations and Recognition

    In November 1895, Bose demonstrated how millimeter-range microwaves could travel through the human body and walls, triggering a bell and igniting gunpowder. He was given a six-month scientific deputation in 1896, during which he met several prominent scientists, including Guglielmo Marconi. Despite expressing disinterest in commercial telegraphy, his research was well-received, and he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science (DSc) by the University of London.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Legacy in Radio Development

    Bose’s work in radio microwave optics was aimed at studying the nature of radio waves rather than developing communication systems. His experiments took place around the same time as Marconi’s breakthroughs in wireless telegraphy. Although Bose did not patent his work, his contributions, including the use of a semiconductor junction to detect radio waves, were recognized later. In 1954, researchers Pearson and Brattain acknowledged Bose’s priority in using a semi-conducting crystal as a radio wave detector.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Plant Research and Discoveries

    Bose conducted extensive research on plants, focusing on Mimosa pudica and Desmodium gyrans. He demonstrated the electrical nature of stimulus conduction in plants, previously thought to be chemical. He invented a torsional recorder to study plant movements and was the first to study the effects of microwaves on plant tissues. Bose also researched the seasonal effects on plants, the impact of chemical inhibitors, and the role of temperature.

    Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography: Legacy

    1. Father of Radio Science: Jagadish Chandra Bose, often called the “Father of Radio Science,” made significant contributions to wireless communication. His work laid the groundwork for modern technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
    2. Plant Research: Bose’s research in plant physiology was groundbreaking. He laid the foundation for modern plant biology and inspired many future botanists and plant scientists.
    3. Scientific Spirit in India: During a time when scientific research in India was not well-established, Jagadish Chandra Bose instilled a scientific spirit in the country. He encouraged Indian scientists to take pride in their heritage and contribute to global science.
    4. Global Recognition: Bose’s scientific contributions were recognized worldwide. He received numerous accolades, including being made a Fellow of the Royal Society in London.
    5. Continuing Influence: Today, Jagadish Chandra Bose’s legacy continues to influence scientific research, particularly in physics, radio science, and plant physiology.

    To learn more about his life and achievements, you can explore the Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography. Additionally, the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden stands as a testament to his contributions to plant science.

    FAQs on Jagadish Chandra Bose Biography

    What were Jagadish Chandra Bose's major contributions to science?

    Jagadish Chandra Bose made important discoveries in physics, radio science, and plant physiology. He invented the mercury coherer, which helped develop wireless communication technology. His research on plants showed they respond to external stimuli, which challenged existing scientific views.

    How did Jagadish Chandra Bose bridge Eastern and Western science?

    Bose believed that scientific principles are universal. He integrated Indian philosophy into his scientific work, demonstrating that science can bring together knowledge from different cultures and traditions.

    What is the significance of the Bose Research Institute (Bose Institute) in Kolkata, India?

    Founded by Jagadish Chandra Bose, the Bose Institute is a leading center for scientific research in India. It supports scientific education and research, driving progress in various scientific fields.

    What led to the recognition of Jagadish Chandra Bose as the 'Father of Radio Science'?

    Bose's invention of the mercury coherer and his work on wireless communication technology earned him the title 'Father of Radio Science.' His contributions were crucial in developing modern radio and telecommunication systems.

    How did Jagadish Chandra Bose inspire future generations of scientists?

    Bose's passion for scientific research and his commitment to education inspired many young people to become scientists. His legacy continues to encourage scientists worldwide to pursue innovative research and discoveries.

    What did Jagadish Chandra Bose discover?

    Bose discovered that plants move in response to stimuli like light, fertilizers, and poisons. He created the crescograph, a device that measures small movements in plants, which he used to study these reactions.

    Who is the father of science in India?

    Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, known as the father of modern science in the Indian subcontinent, founded the Bose Institute. His work was driven by strong nationalistic ideals.

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