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Tulsidas was born on the seventh day of the month of Shraavana (July or August). His birthplace is Rajapur, located in Uttar Pradesh (UP) on the Yamuna Riverbank. His parents were Hulsi and Atmaram Dubey. The exact birth date of Tulsidas is unknown, and scholars have debated his birth year.
Tulsidas is considered one of the greatest poets in Hindi, Indian, and world literature. He is famous for writing the epic “Ramcharitmanas,” a version of the Sanskrit Ramayana, in the Awadhi dialect, which tells the story of Rama. Tulsidas is also known for his deep devotion to Lord Rama. The “Hanuman Chalisa,” a hymn honoring Hanuman, a loyal devotee of Rama, is believed to be written by Tulsidas.
There is a belief that Tulsidas was the reincarnation of the sage Valmiki, who wrote the original “Ramayana.” Although Tulsidas wrote many popular works, he shared very little about his own life in his writings. Most of what we know about Tulsidas comes from the “Bhaktamal,” written by his contemporary Nabhadas, and the “Bhaktirasbodhini,” a commentary on the “Bhaktamal” by Priyadas.
Tulsidas ka jivan parichay is rich with his devotion to Lord Rama and his contributions to literature. The poems and verses, known as Tulsidas ke dohe, reflect his deep spiritual insights and continue to be cherished by readers.
Tulsidas Biography: Early Life
Goswami Tulsidas, a revered poet and saint, was born in the 16th century in the town of Soron Shukar Kshetra, Uttar Pradesh. The Government of Uttar Pradesh officially recognized this birthplace in 2012. Scholars debate his exact birthdate; some suggest it was 11 August 1511 AD, while others believe it was 1532 AD.
According to Vinaya Patrika, Tulsidas was born with 32 teeth and spoke “Ram” as his first word. His parents, Atmaram Dubey and Hulsi Devi, named him Rambola Dubey. As a child, Tulsidas displayed a strong curiosity and inclination towards spirituality. Though few details are known about his early life, it is believed that his family abandoned him at a young age.
Tulsidas’ spiritual journey began under the guidance of his guru, Narharidas, who renamed him from Rambola to Tulsidas. A famous line attributed to Tulsidas is “रघुपति राघव राजाराम, पतित पावन सीताराम” (Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patit Pavan Sita Ram).
At the age of seven, Tulsidas received his first book, the Ramayana, from his guru Narharidas. This gift sparked his devotion to Lord Rama. By the age of 15-16, he moved to Varanasi to study philosophy, Sanskrit grammar, and Hindi literature under another guru, Shesha Sanatana, who was a friend of Narharidas. In Varanasi, Tulsidas also learned about the four Vedas, six Vedangas, Jyotisha, and the six schools of Hindu philosophy.
There are different beliefs about Tulsidas’ personal life. Some say he was an ascetic who lived a celibate life, while others believe he was married to Ratnavali and had a son named Tarak, who died as a toddler. Eventually, Tulsidas is said to have renounced his family life to become a saint.
Tulsidas Biography in Hindi
गोस्वामी तुलसीदास 16वीं शताब्दी में उत्तर प्रदेश के सोरों शूकर क्षेत्र में जन्मे थे। उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने 2012 में इस तथ्य को आधिकारिक रूप से मान्यता दी। तुलसीदास का जन्म तिथि विद्वानों में विवादास्पद है; कुछ का मानना है कि उनका जन्म 11 अगस्त 1511 ई. में हुआ था, जबकि कुछ 1532 ई. का उल्लेख करते हैं।
विनय पत्रिका के अनुसार, तुलसीदास के जन्म के समय उनके 32 दांत थे और उन्होंने पहला शब्द “राम” उच्चारित किया। उनके माता-पिता आत्माराम दुबे और हुलसी देवी ने उनका नाम “रंवोला दुबे” रखा। बाल्यावस्था में तुलसीदास में आध्यात्मिकता के प्रति विशेष रुचि दिखाई देती थी। उनके प्रारंभिक जीवन के बारे में अधिक जानकारी उपलब्ध नहीं है, लेकिन माना जाता है कि उन्हें कम उम्र में परिवार ने छोड़ दिया था।
तुलसीदास के गुरु नरहरिदास ने उन्हें “तुलसीदास” नाम दिया। “रघुपति राघव राजाराम, पतित पावन सीताराम” उनकी प्रसिद्ध पंक्ति है। सात वर्ष की आयु में, तुलसीदास को उनके गुरु नरहरिदास ने पहली पुस्तक “रामायण” भेंट की, जिसने उनके हृदय में भगवान राम के प्रति भक्ति की भावना अंकित कर दी।
तुलसीदास 15-16 वर्ष की आयु में वाराणसी चले गए, जहां उन्होंने दर्शनशास्त्र, संस्कृत व्याकरण और हिंदी साहित्य का अध्ययन गुरु शेष सनातन से किया। वाराणसी में उन्होंने चार वेद, छह वेदांग, ज्योतिष और हिंदू दर्शन के छह स्कूलों का ज्ञान प्राप्त किया।
तुलसीदास के व्यक्तिगत जीवन के बारे में विभिन्न मत हैं। कुछ कहते हैं कि वे सन्यासी थे और ब्रह्मचर्य जीवन जीते थे, जबकि कुछ का मानना है कि उनकी पत्नी रत्नावली थीं और उनका एक पुत्र तारक था, जो बाल्यावस्था में ही निधन हो गया। अंततः, तुलसीदास ने संत बनने के लिए पारिवारिक जीवन का त्याग कर दिया।
तुलसीदास के दोहे आज भी अनेक लोगों को प्रेरित करते हैं। उनका जीवन परिचय उनकी भक्ति और साहित्यिक योगदान का प्रमाण है।
Tulsidas ke Dohe
माता-पिता गुरु स्वामि सिख, सिर धरि करहिं सुभाय।
लहेउ लाभु तिन्ह जनम कर, नतरु जनम जग जाये।।
Explanation: इस दोहे के माध्यम से तुलसीदास कहते हैं कि जो व्यक्ति अपने माता-पिता और गुरुओं के आदेश का पालन करता है उनका जन्म सिद्धि हो जाता है। इसके विपरित जो लोग माता-पिता या गुरु के आदेशों का पालन नहीं करते उनका जन्म लेना व्यर्थ है।
‘तुलसी’ काया खेत है, मनसा भयौ किसान।
पाप-पुन्य दोउ बीज हैं, बुवै सो लुनै निदान।।
Explanation: इस दोहे का अर्थ है कि हमारा शरीर एक खेत के समान है और मन इस खेत का किसान है। किसान जैसे बीज खेत में बोता है अंत में उसे वैसे ही फल मिलते हैं। इसी तरह अपने पाप या पुण्य का फल भी व्यक्ति को उसके कर्मों के अनुसार ही मिलता है।
आवत हिय हरषै नहीं, नैनन नहीं सनेह।
‘तुलसी’ तहाँ न जाइए, कंचन बरसे मेह।।
Explanation: इस दोहे में तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि जिस व्यक्ति के घर में जाने पर घर के लोग आपको देखकर प्रसन्न न हों और जिनकी आंखों में जरा भी स्नेह न हो, तो ऐसे घर में कभी नहीं जाना चाहिए, चाहे वहां जाकर कितना ही लाभ क्यों न हो।
काम, क्रोध, मद, लोभकी, जौ लौं मन में खान।
तौं लौ पंडित मूरखौं, तुलसी एक समान।।
Explanation: इस दोहे में तुलसी जी उन लोगों के बारे में बताते हैं जिनके मन में काम, गुस्सा, अहंकार और लालच भरा हुआ है। इस स्थिति में ज्ञानी और मूर्ख व्यक्ति एक ही समान है।
तुलसी मीठे बचन ते सुख उपजत चहुँ ओर।
बसीकरन इक मंत्र है परिहरू बचन कठोर।।
Explanation: इस दोहे का अर्थ है कि मीठी वाणी बोलने से चारो ओर सुख का प्रकाश फैलता है। मीठी वाणी बोलकर किसी को भी सम्मोहित किया जा सकता है। इसलिए मनुष्य को कठोर और तीखी वाणी छोड़कर हमेशा मीठे वाणी ही बोलना चाहिए।
Major Works of Tulsidas
- Dohavali: This book is a collection of nearly 573 miscellaneous Doha and Sortha written in Braja and Awadhi.
- Kavitavali: It contains a collection of poems (Kavittas) in the Braja dialect and includes many episodes.
- Gitavali: This work consists of 328 Braja songs set to Hindustani classical music.
- Krishna Gitavali: A collection of 61 Braja songs dedicated to Lord Krishna.
- Vinaya Patrika: The book includes 279 Braja stanzas and hymns.
Minor Works of Goswami Tulsidas
- Barvai Ramayana: This book contains 69 verses in the Barvai meter and is divided into seven Kands.
- Janaki Mangal: A collection of 216 verses in the Awadhi language that describe the marriage of Sita and Lord Rama.
- Ramalala Nahachhu: Written in the Awadhi dialect, this work depicts the ritual of Nahachhu.
- Vairagya Sandipani: Composed in Braja, it has 60 verses elaborating on the state of Vairagya and realization.
- Ramagya Prashna: This work describes the will of Lord Rama with 343 dohas and seven Kands.
Tulsidas Biography: Literary Works of Tulsidas
Tulsidas’ literary contributions date back to 1574. He authored 12 books, and his complete works are highly recommended. Among his writings, the most famous is Ramcharitmanas, believed to be written with the guidance of Lord Hanuman.
The name ‘Ramcharitmanas’ means ‘the lake of Ram’s deeds.’ In this work, Shiv narrates the story to Parvati. The term ‘Manas’ refers to a lake imagined by Shiv. Similar to other versions of the Ramayana, Ramcharitmanas is divided into seven parts. It is comparable to Kalidasa’s Sanskrit works in terms of literary brilliance.
Vishwanath states that Tulsidas managed to condense into one play the range of emotions, moods, and thoughts that Shakespeare spread across thirty-seven plays. Through its captivating poetry, Ramcharitmanas offers a philosophical view on life and serves as a powerful tool for Lila chintan, or meditation on the deeds and glory of God.
Most of Tulsidas’ works focus on Lord Rama’s life, his actions, and the author’s relationship with him. In addition to Ramcharitmanas, some of Tulsidas’ other well-known writings include Vinaya Patrika, Hanuman Chalisa, Dohavali, Gitavali, and Krishnavali.
Vinaya Patrika
Vinaya Patrika is a poem with 279 stanzas, written in Braj Bhasa. The first 43 stanzas include hymns to various gods and Lord Rama’s courtiers, while the last songs praise Lord Rama. This work is considered Tulsidas’ second-best after Ramcharitmanas.
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa consists of 40 Chaupies and two Dohas, making it a prayer to Lord Hanuman. Despite its brevity, it is regarded as a sacred text in Northern India. It is believed that Tulsidas composed it while in a state of deep meditation at the Kumbh Mela in Haridwar.
Dohavali contains 573 short verses, or Dohas, primarily in the Braj and Awadhi languages. These Dohas deal with political wisdom, justification, and the meaning of life. Tulsidas ke dohe are highly revered for their wisdom and simplicity.
Gitavali is a collection of 328 songs set to classical music ragas, divided into seven Kandas. This collection showcases the musical and lyrical prowess of Tulsidas.
Krishnavali comprises 61 songs dedicated to Lord Krishna. Thirty-two songs focus on Krishna’s childhood games and Rasalila, while the remaining 27 songs feature a discussion between Krishna and Uddhava. The final two songs recount the episode of Draupadi’s disrobing.
Tulsidas’s Ideology
Tulsidas’s ideology draws from the teachings of Ramanuja and Ramananda. He believed in a supreme personal God with many positive qualities (saguna) and also accepted the concept of a God without attributes (nirguna) from Sankaracharya. To connect with God, Tulsidas emphasized trust, selfless devotion (bhakti), surrendering to pure love, and purifying actions from personal gain.
Tulsidas was not interested in miracles or wealth. He was innocent yet bold, courageous, and straightforward in his views. He did not start any sect or school, nor did he preach specific teachings. However, his exemplary life and moving poems have left a lasting impact on humanity.
Tulsidas Biography: Death
Tulsidas, who suffered for a long time, passed away at the age of 91 at Assi Ghat on the banks of the Ganga on July 31, 1623. It is believed that his final work, Vinaypatrika, was written before his death and inscribed with Lord Ram’s signature near Assi Ghat.
Vinaypatrika, considered Tulsidas’s last composition, was written when the troubles of Kali Yuga began to affect him. In this 2798-stanza masterpiece, he pleaded with Rama to grant him Bhakti (devotion) and accept his appeal. The final line of Vinaypatrika claims that Rama himself signed the manuscript. Many Hindus sing the 45th stanza of the Vinaypatrika during Aarti.
FAQs on Tulsidas Biography
When did Tulsidas pass away?
Tulsidas, born in Banda in 1532, passed away at Assi Ghat in 1623.
In what year did Tulsidas write the Ramayana?
Tulsidas composed the Ramayana in 1631.
In which language did Tulsidas write the Ramcharitmanas?
Tulsidas wrote the Ramcharitmanas in the Awadhi language.
What is the caste of Tulsidas?
Tulsidas was born into a Brahmin family and is believed to be the reincarnation of Valmiki.
How did Tulsidas meet Hanuman?
It is believed that Tulsidas met Lord Hanuman during deep meditation while chanting the name of Lord Rama. Lord Hanuman appeared before Tulsidas and blessed him with divine knowledge and guidance.
Did Tulsidas meet Lord Ram?
In his writings, Tulsidas hints that he had direct encounters with both Hanuman and Lord Ram.