GK QuestionsGK Questions on Mahabharat

GK Questions on Mahabharat

Mahabharat is one of the greatest epics in Indian literature, rich with stories of valor, wisdom, and complex human relationships. Composed by the sage Vyasa, it encompasses the lives, battles, and teachings of the Pandavas and Kauravas, and holds a significant place in Hindu mythology.

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    To enhance your understanding of this epic, we have compiled a list of 60 General Knowledge questions with answers. These GK Questions cover key characters, significant events, and essential elements of the Mahabharata, making them perfect for quizzes and educational purposes. Dive in to test your knowledge and gain deeper insights into this timeless classic.

    60 GK Questions and Answer on Mahabharat


    Q. Who is the author of Mahabharat?

    Answer: Vyasa

    Q. Who is the eldest Pandava?

    Answer: Yudhishthira

    Q. Who is the mother of the Kauravas?

    Answer: Gandhari

    Q. What is the name of Arjuna’s bow?

    Answer: Gandiva

    Q. Who is the father of Bhishma?

    Answer: Shantanu

    Q. Who is the wife of the Pandavas?

    Answer: Draupadi

    Q. Who is the charioteer of Arjuna?

    Answer: Krishna

    Q. Who is known as the son of the wind god?

    Answer: Bhima

    Q. What is the name of Bhishma’s father?

    Answer: Shantanu

    Q. Who is the guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas?

    Answer: Drona

    Q. Who is the eldest Kaurava?

    Answer: Duryodhana

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    Q. Who killed Drona in the Mahabharata?

    Answer: Dhrishtadyumna

    Q. Who is the blind king of Hastinapura?

    Answer: Dhritarashtra

    Q. Who is the father of Karna?

    Answer: Surya

    Q. Who is the sister of Krishna?

    Answer: Subhadra

    Q. What is the name of the kingdom ruled by the Pandavas?

    Answer: Indraprastha

    Q. Who is the wife of Abhimanyu?

    Answer: Uttara

    Q. Who is the son of Arjuna and Subhadra?

    Answer: Abhimanyu

    Q. What is the name of Karna’s foster mother?

    Answer: Radha

    Q. Who is the mother of the Pandavas?

    Answer: Kunti

    Q. Who performed the last rites of Bhishma?

    Answer: Yudhishthira

    Q. What is the name of the celestial weapon given to Arjuna by Indra?

    Answer: Vajra

    Also Read: GK Quiz on Indian Mythology

    Q. Who is the king of Panchala?

    Answer: Drupada

    Q. Who is the son of Drona?

    Answer: Ashwatthama

    Q. Who is known as the son of the sun god?

    Answer: Karna

    Q. Who is the warrior with a thousand sons?

    Answer: Bhishma

    Q. Who is the brother of Gandhari?

    Answer: Shakuni

    Q. Who is the charioteer of Karna?

    Answer: Shalya

    Q. What is the name of the city built by Maya for the Pandavas?

    Answer: Indraprastha

    Q. Who is the eldest son of Kunti?

    Answer: Karna

    Q. Who is the commander of the Kaurava army after Bhishma?

    Answer: Drona

    Q. Who cursed Krishna’s dynasty to perish?

    Answer: Gandhari

    Q. What is the name of the forest where the Pandavas spent their exile?

    Answer: Kamyaka

    Q. Who was the father of Shikhandi?

    Answer: Drupada

    Q. Who is the husband of Devaki?

    Answer: Vasudeva

    Q. Who is the demon killed by Bhima in the forest?

    Answer: Hidimba

    Q. Who is the mother of Ashwatthama?

    Answer: Kripi

    Q. Who is the king of the Gandharvas?

    Answer: Chitrasena

    Q. Who did Arjuna marry during his exile?

    Answer: Ulupi

    Q. Who was the ruler of the Kingdom of Anga?

    Answer: Karna

    Q. Who wrote the Bhagavad Gita?

    Answer: Vyasa

    Q. Who is known for his vow of celibacy?

    Answer: Bhishma

    Q. Who is the son of Duryodhana?

    Answer: Lakshmana

    Q. Who is the wife of Bhima?

    Answer: Hidimbi

    Q. Who is the son of Ghatotkacha?

    Answer: Barbarika

    Q. Who is the father of Abhimanyu?

    Answer: Arjuna

    Q. Who is the second Pandava brother?

    Answer: Bhima

    Q. Who is the mother of Nakula and Sahadeva?

    Answer: Madri

    Q. Who was the teacher of Bhishma?

    Answer: Parashurama

    Q. Who is the goddess of wealth worshipped by Draupadi?

    Answer: Lakshmi

    Q. Who is the son of Drupada and brother of Draupadi?

    Answer: Dhrishtadyumna

    Q. Who is the chief minister of Hastinapura?

    Answer: Vidura

    Q. Who is the father of Shakuni?

    Answer: Subala

    Q. Who is the son of Surya and Kunti?

    Answer: Karna

    Q. Who is known for his knowledge of Dharma in the Mahabharata?

    Answer: Yudhishthira

    Q. Who is the uncle of the Pandavas?

    Answer: Vidura

    Q. Who was the son of Dushasana?

    Answer: Dushman

    Q. Who is the divine architect Q. Who built Indraprastha?

    Answer: Maya

    Q. Who is the son of Arjuna and Chitrangada?

    Answer: Babruvahana

    Q. Who was the last commander-in-chief of the Kaurava army?

    Answer: Ashwatthama

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    FAQs on Mahabharat

    Who wrote the Mahabharata?

    The Mahabharata was written by Sage Vyasa, also known as Ved Vyasa, who is credited with composing this epic that is one of the longest and most revered texts in Hindu mythology .

    What is the central theme of the Mahabharata?

    The central theme of the Mahabharata revolves around dharma (duty and righteousness), illustrating the importance of fulfilling one's responsibilities and moral obligations .

    Who are the main characters in the Mahabharata?

    The main characters include the Pandavas (Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva), their wife Draupadi, the Kauravas led by Duryodhana, and significant figures like Krishna, Bhishma, and Drona.

    What significant event is detailed in the Mahabharata?

    The Mahabharata details the Kurukshetra War, a massive battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, which serves as the climax of the epic and explores themes of duty, righteousness, and justice.

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