NEET ExamNEET MCQMCQ on Gravitation for NEET Physics with Answers

MCQ on Gravitation for NEET Physics with Answers

MCQ on Gravitation for NEET: Gravitation is a fundamental force in nature that causes objects with mass to attract each other. It plays a vital role in the motion of planets, satellites, and even objects on Earth. In NEET exams, understanding the concept of gravitation is important for solving questions related to planetary motion, free fall, and satellite dynamics. The law of universal gravitation, introduced by Sir Isaac Newton, explains how every object in the universe attracts every other object. The gravitational force is influenced by the masses of the objects involved and the distance separating them. Key concepts like gravitational constant (G), acceleration due to gravity (g), and terms like escape velocity are essential for solving NEET MCQs. Mastering these principles will help students tackle a variety of physics problems related to gravitation.

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    MCQ on Gravitation Class 11 CBSE

    Gravitation is a key chapter in the Class 11 Physics curriculum, part of the CBSE syllabus, and holds significant weight in the NEET 2025 exam. This chapter covers essential topics such as Newton’s law of gravitation, gravitational force, acceleration due to gravity (g), satellite motion, and escape velocity. Solving MCQs from this chapter helps students build a strong foundation in these concepts, which are frequently tested in NEET. Mastering mcq on gravitation enhances problem-solving skills, boosts speed, and improves accuracy, all of which are critical for scoring well in the physics section of NEET 2025.

    MCQ on Gravitation for NEET Physics with Answers

    1. The value of acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s². If the radius of Earth decreases by 10% with no change in mass, what would be the new acceleration due to gravity?

    a) 9.8 m/s²
    b) 10.8 m/s²
    c) 12.1 m/s²
    d) 11.9 m/s²

    Answer: c) 12.1 m/s²

    2. The escape velocity from a planet depends on which of the following factors?

    a) Mass of the object being launched
    b) Height of the launch platform
    c) Radius and mass of the planet
    d) Gravitational constant only

    Answer: c) Radius and mass of the planet

    3. Two satellites, A and B, of equal masses are orbiting Earth. Satellite A is closer to Earth than satellite B. Which of the following is true regarding their orbital speeds?

    a) Satellite A moves slower than satellite B
    b) Both satellites have the same orbital speed
    c) Satellite A moves faster than satellite B
    d) Speed depends on the mass of the satellites

    Answer: c) Satellite A moves faster than satellite B

    Explanation: The orbital speed of a satellite decreases as the distance from Earth increases. Since satellite A is closer, it moves faster than satellite B.

    4. What will be the weight of a body on the surface of the moon if its weight on Earth is 60 N? (Assume the gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1/6 of that on Earth.)

    a) 60 N
    b) 10 N
    c) 30 N
    d) 20 N

    Answer: b) 10 N

    5. Kepler’s second law of planetary motion states that the line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals. Which physical quantity remains constant for a planet orbiting the Sun according to this law?

    a) Angular velocity
    b) Linear velocity
    c) Angular momentum
    d) Potential energy

    Answer: c) Angular momentum

    Explanation: Kepler’s second law implies the conservation of angular momentum for a planet orbiting the Sun.

    6. If the mass of the Earth were to increase by 10% while its radius remained constant, by what percentage would the acceleration due to gravity increase?

    a) 5%
    b) 10%
    c) 15%
    d) 20%

    Answer: b) 10%

    Explanation: The acceleration due to gravity g is directly proportional to the mass of the Earth, so a 10% increase in mass would result in a 10% increase in g.

    7. Which of the following is the correct expression for the total energy of a satellite in a circular orbit around Earth?

    a) 𝐺𝑀𝑚/2𝑟

    ​b) −𝐺𝑀𝑚/𝑟

    ​c) −𝐺𝑀𝑚/2𝑟

    ​d) 𝐺𝑀𝑚/𝑟

    Answer: ​c) −𝐺𝑀𝑚/2𝑟 where r is the distance from the center of the Earth.

    8. What will be the weight of a body on the surface of the moon if its weight on Earth is 60 N? (Assume the gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1/6 of that on Earth.)

    a) 60 N
    b) 10 N
    c) 30 N
    d) 20 N

    Answer: b) 10 N

    9. The gravitational potential energy of a two-particle system is proportional to:

    A) The distance between them
    B) The square of the distance between them
    C) The inverse of the distance between them
    D) The product of their masses
    Answer: C) The inverse of the distance between them

    10. If the gravitational force between two objects is increased by a factor of 16, the distance between them must have:

    A) Doubled
    B) Halved
    C) Quadrupled
    D) Quartered
    Answer: D) Quartered
    Explanation: Gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects. If the force increases by a factor of 16, the distance must decrease by a factor of 4.

    11. Which of the following correctly describes the gravitational field strength inside a uniform spherical shell of mass?

    A) Constant throughout the shell
    B) Zero
    C) Directly proportional to the distance from the center
    D) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center
    Answer: B) Zero

    12. If the mass of the Earth were to double while its radius remains the same, how would the escape velocity from the Earth’s surface change?

    A) Increase by a factor of root 2
    B) Double
    C) Remain the same
    D) Halve
    Answer: A) Increase by a factor of root 2

    ​13. What happens to the gravitational potential energy of a satellite as it moves from a higher orbit to a lower orbit around the Earth?

    A) Increases
    B) Decreases
    C) Remains constant
    D) Depends on the mass of the satellite
    Answer: B) Decreases
    Explanation: Gravitational potential energy is inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the Earth. As the satellite moves closer, the potential energy decreases.

    14. The value of acceleration due to gravity at the poles is greater than at the equator because:

    A) The Earth is a perfect sphere
    B) The Earth is rotating
    C) The polar radius is shorter than the equatorial radius
    D) The Earth has more mass at the poles
    Answer: C) The polar radius is shorter than the equatorial radius
    Explanation: Due to the Earth’s shape (an oblate spheroid), the distance from the center is less at the poles, increasing gravitational acceleration.

    15. Two satellites, A and B, orbit the Earth in circular orbits with radii 𝑅 and 2𝑅 respectively. If the orbital speed of satellite A is
    v, what is the orbital speed of satellite B?

    A) 𝑣/root 2
    B) 𝑣/2
    C) v
    D) v/4
    Answer: A)

    16. If a satellite is orbiting a planet at a distance that is four times the radius of the planet, and its orbital period is T, what will be the orbital period of a second satellite orbiting at a distance of two times the planet’s radius?

    A) T/4
    B) T/2
    C) T/ root 2
    ​D) T/8

    17. If the mass of the Earth were compressed to half of its current radius, what would be the change in the value of escape velocity from its surface?

    A) It would increase by a factor of 2
    B) It would double
    C) It would decrease by a factor of 2
    D) It would remain unchanged
    Answer: B) It would double

    18. A satellite orbits a planet of mass M in a circular orbit of radius R. If the orbital angular momentum of the satellite is
    L, what would be the new angular momentum if the satellite’s orbit radius is changed to 4R?

    A) L/2
    B) 2L
    C) 4L
    D) 8L
    Answer: D) 8L

    19. A star collapses into a black hole with a radius equal to the Schwarzschild radius. If the mass of the black hole is twice the mass of the Sun, what is the Schwarzschild radius?

    A) 1.5 km
    B) 3 km
    C) 6 km
    D) 12 km
    Answer: C) 6 km

    20. The gravitational field intensity inside a hollow spherical shell of uniform mass density is:

    A) Constant and non-zero
    B) Zero everywhere
    C) Varies linearly with distance from the center
    D) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center
    Answer: B) Zero everywhere
    Explanation: According to the shell theorem, the gravitational field inside a hollow spherical shell is zero at every point.

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