BiographyKabir Das Biography

Kabir Das Biography

Kabir, a famous mystic poet from India who lived from 1398 to 1518 CE, had a significant impact on various religious movements. His writings influenced the Bhakti movement within Hinduism, and his verses can be found in important Sikh scriptures like the Guru Granth Sahib, as well as in texts like Saint Garib Das’ Satguru Granth Sahib and Dharamdas’ Kabir Sagar.

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    Born in Varanasi, which is in modern-day Uttar Pradesh, Sant Kabir Das was known for criticizing organized religion. He questioned what he saw as meaningless and unethical practices in both Hinduism and Islam. During his lifetime, he faced threats from both Hindus and Muslims because of his views. Interestingly, after his death, followers from both religions claimed him as their own.

    Kabir Das Biography

    Kabir’s teachings emphasized the importance of truth and righteousness. He believed that those on the path of righteousness, who considered everything in the world as divine, and were detached from worldly affairs, were the ones who possessed the truth. According to Kabir, to understand the truth, one needed to let go of their ego or the sense of “I.” Kabir’s legacy lives on through the Kabir panth, a religious community that considers him its founder and is part of the Sant Mat sects. Its members are known as Kabir panthis.

    Kabir Das Birth and Early Days

    There are different versions of the tale about the early years of the famous saint-poet Kabir Das. According to one version, Kabir’s mother, a brahmin, visited an ascetic with her father during a pilgrimage. The ascetic was impressed by her and gave her his blessings, predicting that she would soon have a son. When Kabir Das was born, his mother left him because she was unmarried and having a child would shame their family. Then, Nima, a Muslim weaver’s wife, adopted Kabir. Another version suggests that the ascetic foretold that Kabir’s birth would be unusual, and he was born from the palm of his mother. In both versions, Kabir was adopted by Nima.

    Kabir’s life story shares similarities with other biblical legends. These unique aspects of Sant Kabir Das life made him an exceptional person. His name, ‘Kabir,’ meaning ‘Great’ in Arabic, was chosen by a Qazi who found it in the Quran while searching for a suitable name. This name is often used to describe ‘God’ himself.

    Kabir Das Education

    Kabir wanted to learn from Ramananda because he was curious about spirituality. He believed that if he knew the special word (mantra), it would be easier to become Ramananda’s student. Kabir met Ramananda by the riverbanks in Varanasi and learned that his mantra was ‘Ram’. After this, Sant Kabir Das became Ramananda’s student. According to the Khajinat al-Asafiya, Kabir also gained knowledge from other holy people like Sufi Pir and Shaikh Taqqi. This is why his beliefs show the influence of Sufi philosophy.

    Kabir Das Personal Life

    Kabir is thought to have married a woman named Loi, and together they had two children, Kamal and Kamali. However, some versions of his story suggest that he might have been unmarried or married twice, but we don’t have enough information to confirm which is true. What we can appreciate, though, is the wisdom Kabir Das shared through his poems.

    Kabir was deeply devoted to spirituality and had a strong belief in a supreme power he called ‘Ram’. However, he didn’t see Ram as an incarnation of Vishnu; instead, he believed in one all-encompassing God who exists beyond time and space, without any specific form or attributes. According to Kabir, God represents knowledge and is found in the spoken word. His beliefs were strongly influenced by non-dualism from Upanishads and the idea of oneness in Islam. He also drew inspiration from the Vaishnava Bhakti tradition, which emphasizes complete surrender to God. Additionally, Sant Kabir Das rejected the idea of discriminating people based on their caste.

    Kabir Das Religion

    Kabir Das is thought to have had a Brahmin mother, who abandoned him because she was unmarried. He was found and raised by a Muslim weaver. During his early years, it’s likely that he followed the Muslim faith. However, a Hindu ascetic named Ramananda greatly influenced him as he grew older.

    Kabir Das ka Jivan Parichay

    कबीर दास, एक प्रमुख भक्ति संत और कवि थे, जो 15वीं और 16वीं सदी में भारत में व्यापक रूप से प्रसिद्ध हुए थे। उनका जन्म कासी (वराणसी) के पास स्थित लाहरे गाँव में हुआ था, जिसे अब कासीपुर कहा जाता है।

    Kabir Das ka Jivan Parichay अत्यंत विवादित है, क्योंकि उनके जीवन के बारे में कई भिन्न किताबें और परंपराएं हैं, जिनमें उनके जीवन की गाथा में कुछ विभिन्नताएँ हैं। हालांकि, उनके जीवन के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य निम्नलिखित हैं:

    1. व्यक्तिगत जीवन: कबीर दास का जीवन व्यक्तिगत जीवन था, और उनका व्यक्तिगत जीवन संगीत, भक्ति, और साधना में लगा रहा। वे संतानों के बिना थे और वाणीकी ब्राह्मण के परिवार में पैदा हुए थे।
    2. भक्ति आंदोलन: कबीर दास ने भक्ति आंदोलन का प्रमुख भागीदार बनाया और अपनी भजनों और दोहों के माध्यम से भगवान की भक्ति की प्रेरणा दी। वे समाज में सामाजिक असमानता, जातिवाद, और धार्मिक अंधविश्वास के खिलाफ थे।
    3. भजन साहित्य: कबीर दास के प्रमुख योगदान में से एक है उनके भजन साहित्य का। उन्होंने अद्वितीय भजन और दोहों का संग्रह किया, जो आज भी लोगों के द्वारा गुणगान किए जाते हैं।
    4. संदेश: कबीर दास के संदेश में मुख्य रूप से दिव्यता के साथ एकता की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका थी। वे सभी मानवों को एक ही परमात्मा के पुत्र या पुत्री मानते थे और धर्म की नाममात्र से नहीं, अच्छे कर्मों और भक्ति के माध्यम से मोक्ष प्राप्ति की प्रेरणा देते थे।

    कबीर दास के जीवन और उनके द्वारा दिए गए संदेश ने भारतीय साहित्य और धार्मिक चर्चा को गहरे प्रभावित किया है, और उन्हें आज भी एक महान भक्ति संत के रूप में याद किया जाता है।

    Kabir Das ke Dohe

    Kabir Das ke dohe, also known as the famous Kabir Das dohe, hold a special place in Indian literature and spirituality. These dohe, composed by the revered saint-poet Kabir Das, have transcended time and continue to resonate with people from all walks of life. Kabir Das, with his profound wisdom and simplicity, used his dohe to convey profound spiritual and moral teachings. His verses touch upon various aspects of human existence, emphasizing the importance of self-realization, compassion, and devotion to the divine. Kabir Das ke dohe continue to inspire and guide individuals on their spiritual journeys, serving as timeless reminders of the profound wisdom encapsulated in these poetic gems.

    1. यह तन विष की बेलरी, गुरु अमृत की खान। शीश दियो जो गुरु मिले, तो भी सस्ता जान ।
    2. “लाडू लावन लापसी ,पूजा चढ़े अपार पूजी पुजारी ले गया,मूरत के मुह छार !!”
    3. “पाथर पूजे हरी मिले, तो मै पूजू पहाड़ ! घर की चक्की कोई न पूजे, जाको पीस खाए संसार !!”
    4. “जो तूं ब्राह्मण , ब्राह्मणी का जाया ! आन बाट काहे नहीं आया !! ”
    5. “माटी का एक नाग बनाके, पुजे लोग लुगाया ! जिंदा नाग जब घर मे निकले, ले लाठी धमकाया !!”
    6. माटी कहे कुमार से, तू क्या रोंदे मोहे । एक दिन ऐसा आएगा, मैं रोंदुंगी तोहे ।
    7. काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब । पल में परलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगा कब ।
    8. ज्यों तिल माहि तेल है, ज्यों चकमक में आग । तेरा साईं तुझ ही में है, जाग सके तो जाग ।
    9. जग में बैरी कोई नहीं, जो मन शीतल होए । यह आपा तो डाल दे, दया करे सब कोए ।
    10. गुरु गोविंद दोऊ खड़े ,काके लागू पाय । बलिहारी गुरु आपने , गोविंद दियो मिलाय ।।
    11. सब धरती काजग करू, लेखनी सब वनराज । सात समुद्र की मसि करूँ, गुरु गुण लिखा न जाए ।
    12. ऐसी वाणी बोलिए मन का आप खोये । औरन को शीतल करे, आपहुं शीतल होए ।
    13. ऐसी वाणी बोलिए मन का आप खोये । औरन को शीतल करे, आपहुं शीतल होए ।
    14. बड़ा भया तो क्या भया, जैसे पेड़ खजूर । पंथी को छाया नहीं फल लागे अति दूर ।
    15. बुरा जो देखन मैं चला, बुरा न मिलिया कोय । जो मन देखा आपना, मुझ से बुरा न कोय ।
    16. दुःख में सुमिरन सब करे, सुख में करे न कोय । जो सुख में सुमिरन करे, तो दुःख काहे को होय ।
    17. चलती चक्की देख के, दिया कबीरा रोये । दो पाटन के बीच में, साबुत बचा न कोए ।
    18. मलिन आवत देख के, कलियन कहे पुकार । फूले फूले चुन लिए, कलि हमारी बार ।
    19. जाती न पूछो साधू की, पूछ लीजिये ज्ञान । मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ा रहने दो म्यान ।
    20. तीरथ गए से एक फल, संत मिले फल चार । सतगुरु मिले अनेक फल, कहे कबीर विचार ।
    21. नहाये धोये क्या हुआ, जो मन मैल न जाए । मीन सदा जल में रहे, धोये बास न जाए ।
    22. कबीर सुता क्या करे, जागी न जपे मुरारी । एक दिन तू भी सोवेगा, लम्बे पाँव पसारी ।
    23. जिनके नौबति बाजती, मैंगल बंधते बारि । एकै हरि के नाव बिन, गए जनम सब हारि ॥
    24. मैं-मैं बड़ी बलाइ है, सकै तो निकसो भाजि । कब लग राखौ हे सखी, रूई लपेटी आगि ॥
    25. उजला कपड़ा पहरि करि, पान सुपारी खाहिं । एकै हरि के नाव बिन, बाँधे जमपुरि जाहिं ॥
    26. कहा कियौ हम आइ करि, कहा कहैंगे जाइ । इत के भये न उत के, चाले मूल गंवाइ ॥
    27. `कबीर’ नौबत आपणी, दिन दस लेहु बजाइ । ए पुर पाटन, ए गली, बहुरि न देखै आइ ॥
    28. पाहन पूजे हरि मिलें, तो मैं पूजौं पहार। याते ये चक्की भली, पीस खाय संसार।।
    29. गुरु गोविंद दोउ खड़े, काके लागूं पाँय । बलिहारी गुरु आपने, गोविंद दियो मिलाय॥
    30. निंदक नियेरे राखिये, आँगन कुटी छावायें । बिन पानी साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुहाए ।
    31. पानी केरा बुदबुदा, अस मानस की जात । देखत ही छुप जाएगा है, ज्यों सारा परभात ।
    32. जहाँ दया तहा धर्म है, जहाँ लोभ वहां पाप । जहाँ क्रोध तहा काल है, जहाँ क्षमा वहां आप ।
    33. जो घट प्रेम न संचारे, जो घट जान सामान । जैसे खाल लुहार की, सांस लेत बिनु प्राण ।
    34. ते दिन गए अकारथ ही, संगत भई न संग । प्रेम बिना पशु जीवन, भक्ति बिना भगवंत ।
    35. तन को जोगी सब करे, मन को विरला कोय । सहजे सब विधि पाइए, जो मन जोगी होए ।
    36. प्रेम न बारी उपजे, प्रेम न हाट बिकाए । राजा प्रजा जो ही रुचे, सिस दे ही ले जाए ।
    37. जिन घर साधू न पुजिये, घर की सेवा नाही । ते घर मरघट जानिए, भुत बसे तिन माही ।
    38. साधु ऐसा चाहिए जैसा सूप सुभाय। सार-सार को गहि रहै थोथा देई उडाय।
    39. जल में बसे कमोदनी, चंदा बसे आकाश । जो है जा को भावना सो ताहि के पास ।
    40. राम बुलावा भेजिया, दिया कबीरा रोय । जो सुख साधू संग में, सो बैकुंठ न होय ।
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    Kabir Das Biography in Hindi

    कबीर दास का जीवन एक महत्वपूर्ण धार्मिक संत और कवि के रूप में भारतीय साहित्य और धार्मिक परंपराओं के इतिहास में महत्वपूर्ण है। वे 15वीं और 16वीं सदी के कासी क्षेत्र के लाहरे गाँव में पैदा हुए थे। कबीर दास के जीवन का इतिहास विवादित है, लेकिन उन्होंने अपने जीवन में अपनी भक्ति, सामाजिक न्याय, और विचारों के माध्यम से मानवता के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को प्रमुख बनाया। उनके दोहों, भजनों, और अपने विचारों में वे जातिवाद, धार्मिक अंधविश्वास, और समाजिक असमानता के खिलाफ खुले शब्दों में बोलते थे। कबीर दास के दोहे और उनके द्वारा दी गई उपदेशों ने समाज को जागरूक किया और आज भी उनके शिक्षाओं का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। उनका योगदान भारतीय साहित्य और धर्म के इतिहास में अद्वितीय है और वे आज भी एक महान भक्ति संत के रूप में स्मरण किए जाते हैं।

    Kabir Das Death

    According to the Hindu calendar, in the year Vikram Samvat 1575, Kabir Das passed away in Maghar during January 1518 on Magh Shukla Ekadashi. There’s a story that Kabir Das, a poet from the 15th century who followed the Sufi tradition, deliberately chose Maghar as his place of death. This location is about 240 kilometers away from Lucknow. It’s believed that he made this choice to dispel the belief that people who died in Maghar wouldn’t go to heaven and would be reborn as donkeys in their next life.

    FAQs Kabir Das Biography

    In which religion was Kabir Das born?

    It's quite certain that he started his life as a Muslim, but he was later greatly inspired by a Hindu spiritual person.

    Was Loi wife of Kabir Das?

    Kabir has a wife named Loi and two children, Kamal and Kamali. However, there are many different beliefs and stories about his marriage. Some people think he married twice, while others believe he never got married. Unfortunately, there is no solid evidence to confirm the details of Kabir Das's marriage.

    What was the philosophy of Kabir Das?

    He thought there was only one God and didn't like the idea of worshipping statues. Kabir said it's important to keep making your soul better to get closer to God, instead of doing lots of rituals

    What are the main teachings of Kabir?

    Not accepting mainstream religious practices. Speaking out against rituals in Hinduism and Islam. Disapproving of priests and the caste system. Believing in a God without a physical form. Highlighting the importance of devotion (Bhakti) for attaining salvation.

    Who was Kabir and why is he famous?

    Kabir, who lived from 1398 to 1518 CE, was a famous poet and spiritual leader from India. His words had a significant impact on the Bhakti movement within Hinduism. His poetry is also present in the Guru Granth Sahib of Sikhism, the Satguru Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das, and Dharamdas' Kabir Sagar.

    Did Kabir Das believe in God?

    Kabir Das believed that God didn't have a specific form. Many people from various regions followed his teachings.

    Who was the guru of Kabir Das?

    Ramananda, who was a Hindu bhakti leader, served as his teacher. Despite having a Hindu teacher, he was never swayed by any single religion's influence.

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