Carbon and its CompoundStructural and Spatial Arrangements

Structural and Spatial Arrangements

Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas – Introduction, Example and FAQ

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    • Isomers
    • Structural Arrangement
    • Spatial Arrangement
    • Types of Isomers
      • Structural Isomers
      • Stereoisomers
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Isomers. In this segment, we will learn about Structural and spatial arrangements.

    What are Isomers?

    The compounds which have the same molecular formula, but different structural formulas are called isomers.

    What do we mean by Structural arrangement?

    The arrangement of atoms which gives the compound a particular Structure is called a structural arrangement.

    What do we mean by Spatial arrangement?

    The arrangement of the atoms in the Space is called a spatial arrangement.

    What are the Different types of isomers?

    There are two major types of isomers:

    1. structural isomers
    2. stereoisomers.

    Structural isomers

    Isomers that have different structural arrangements of atoms are called structural isomers.


    Isomers that have different spatial arrangements of atoms are called stereoisomers.


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