EnglisharticleChristmas Island Mutiny 1942 – Causes, Incidents and Consequences

Christmas Island Mutiny 1942 – Causes, Incidents and Consequences

Christmas Island: There have been many mutinies in India’s history and the world’s history. A mutiny is a rebellion inspired by the armed forces or soldiers. Every Mutiny brings changes, but we are told about only a few of the mutinies that brought worldwide and historical changes. Christmas Island Mutiny was one of them, leading major changes in India.

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    I am sure that very few of us have heard about it, and fewer than them must know what happened in this Mutiny. So I decided today to let you be aware of the Christmas Mutiny and tell you about every incident I know about.

    Christmas Island

    The Christmas Island Mutiny is especially concerned to Christmas Island. Christmas Island is an Island in the Indian Ocean and is about 250 miles south of Java Island and 700 miles south of Singapore. Christmas Island got its name from the day it was discovered.

    Captain William Mynors, a merchant of the British East India Company, in his ship ‘The Royal Mary, reached the Island on 25th December 1643 on the day of Christmas, so he named it Christmas Island.

    Settlement of Christmas Island

    At the time of the Christmas Island Mutiny, Christmas Island was under the possession of the British Government. The Island was a place for settlement, especially for the Chinese and Malaya. Christmas Island was rich in Phosphate, and most of its citizens were employed in mining it. T.P. Cromwell, a British Colonial Officer, was in charge of Christmas Island and served there with a few of his Indian Sikh armed soldiers.

    During the later few years, the Island was posted with a detachment of British Officer Captain L.W.T. Williams with an Indian Officer Subadar Muzaffar Khan. Also, they were provided with the support of four British Non-Commissioned Officers and gunners with 27 Punjabi Non-Commissioned Officers and gunners. A 6-inch Gun was also mounted on the Island in 1940.

    The days in Christmas Islands were peaceful till the day when a few Sikh Soldiers started a mutiny. This Mutiny changed the history of the whole Island.

    Causes for Christmas Island Mutiny

    At the beginning of 1942, a Japanese Naval Squadron approached Christmas Island to occupy it. The Naval Squadron bombarded Christmas Island, and it is said that his bombardment was just a test of whether its Weapons were working well.

    Captain Williamson was scared, and instead of responding, he waved a white flag to maintain peace. Since the Japanese had not been bombarded for some special reason, they left without further action.

    The situation became normal after some time, but this incident created a rage in Sikh soldiers against the British officer. They had understood that the Japanese could attack them anytime and captivate them easily.

    Christmas Island

    Incidents of Christmas Island Mutiny

    It was 10th March of 1942, and L.W.T. Williams was having a party with his four Non-Commissioned Officers and other important British. The party was going well, and soon it ended. All the officers then went to their Beds to have a good sleep. At midnight, a group of few Sikh Soldiers, probably the mutineers, who disliked Williams brutally killed him and also his four other Officers.

    They dragged their bodies to the ocean and dumped them there. The mutineers had got the support of the local police. The other Indian Soldiers, including Subedar Muzaffar Khan, also ran in fear, but mutineers asked them not to worry as they had come to kill only the British Officers.

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    Essay On Christmas

    Events after the Mutiny

    The next day, i.e. on 11th March, the Mutineers ordered the citizens of the Island to stay calm and not to spread terror until the Japanese came. This step of mutineers indicates that they wanted to impress the Japanese and provide them with some favour.

    Consequences of the Christmas Island Mutiny

    The Mutiny brought about considerable changes on a large scale. While it was supported in some areas, it was also opposed in others. A few important results of this Mutiny were as follows:

    1. The mutineers succeeded in impressing the Japanese troops but not very much.
    2. The Mutiny made it easier for the Japanese to reach and occupy the Christmas Islands.
    3. The British Government, thinking about ending its rule over British India, decided to delay its plan for the next few years.
    4. Out of the Mutineers kept in jail, five were found guilty of killing the 5 British Officers and sentenced to death.

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