EnglishSpeechSpeech on Aim of My Life for Students in English

Speech on Aim of My Life for Students in English

At some time or the other, we all think what the aim of my life is. For without any aim in life we cannot have a meaningful existence. The speech ‘Aim of my Life’ therefore has been given due importance and the speeches on the topic have been comprehensively covered.

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    Speech on Aim of My Life

    Long and Short Speech on Aim of My Life in English

    There are both short speeches as well as long speeches on aim of my life which give an enough insight to the English topics and can help you prepare on the given subject well no matter what the occasion is. It can be an occasion in school, college, public or social gathering etc. So read through them and enlighten yourself.

    Aim of My Life Speech – 1

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Beloved teachers and My Dear Friends – I welcome everyone to the Speech delivering competition!

    I, Aarushi Sharma of class 12th, have been assigned the topic Aim of my Life in today’s Speech Competition. It is very important to have an aim in life and that is what keeps us going, I hope all my friends agree on this. Even if you don’t achieve your dream you shouldn’t lose heart rather fight all odds, stand up, work hard again and try to achieve your aim. Your hard work will definitely help you get success in your life.

    I am not a highly ambitious person who wants to become a millionaire rather I am the one who believes in small things as they will give us more happiness than anything else. I have always dreamt of becoming a teacher since class sixth. My aunt has always been my role model and I have admired her always. As I became mature I realized that dreams cannot be fulfilled easily and you need to put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice a lot of things that others might pursue during that time, even you would also be interested in doing those things but you should always be determined and focus towards your aim since you will get a lot of time for enjoyment but what comes first is the aim of your life.

    The difficulties that I have faced in my life have made me realize one thing for sure and that is literacy. Education provides you with everything which includes money, fame and success. My aim to become a teacher is because it is a way by which I will be able to serve my country. Unless we are educated our country cannot prosper in terms of development and growth.

    At this juncture of life, I have understood that a teacher’s life is full of hardships. I respect and admire my teachers as they sacrificed their family life and took time out to solve our issues and problems. I will also have to do similar things and somewhere or the other I am always ready for these challenges. It’s very important for a teacher to understand his student so that it becomes easy to solve his problems. Every student is equal for a teacher and no one can be discriminated.

    Teachers are the building blocks; they help in transforming a student into a responsible individual. It’s important that every teacher needs to be dedicated and passionate for the teaching profession as it requires a lot of hard work and sacrifices. Thanks to my beloved teachers I have grown looking up to them for their learnings and showing me the path towards a bright future. I hope one day my hard work would pay off and I would be able to achieve my dream to join the teaching profession.

    Thank You!

    Aim of My Life Speech – 2

    Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Beloved Teachers and My Dear Friends – A sincere welcome to all of you!

    Today standing before you all gives me immense pleasure to deliver a speech on aim of my life. Being the head boy of this school, I would like to thank all my teachers for this wonderful opportunity.

    Choosing a career was never very easy for me. I was just like you all changing my dreams and ambitions every now and then, as whenever you meet an influential personality you start believing that you too want to become like him/her one day. You too start seeing yourself at that position but a wrong decision would lead you nowhere. It’s important to analyze yourself and think that what gives you happiness and that ultimate thought is what you desire to become in life.

    Before choosing my dream I too went through this process. I would like to share my experience through which I found my aim of life. One day I was going back home from my school and I saw a person with torn cloths begging for food. He went to each and every car begging and also requested them to save the life of his son who was in a very critical condition lying on the pavement. Just then he came to the car of a doctor. The doctor immediately came out of his car and looked to his son‘s condition and also provided him food. I also wanted to do something for him but I found myself very helpless that day. But I was very happy by the doctor’s gesture, and that incident made me realize that I could also save someone’s life if I too become a doctor and that was the day from where I have nurtured the dream of becoming a doctor and serving the poor.

    My teachers and parents have always motivated and guided me that what should I be doing to achieve my dream. They also told me that a doctor’s profession requires sleepless nights and I will also have to sacrifice my family time by spending more time taking care of my patients. I completely acknowledge that it will require a lot of hard work, sleepless nights and sacrifices but the happiness and satisfaction I will get by helping poor and needy people will be reward for the my hard work and sacrifices.

    I hope one day I will become a doctor and make my parents and teachers feel proud of my achievement. At the end if I have inspired anyone of you by my speech to become a doctor today then I would really be very happy and satisfied.

    Thank You!

    Aim of My Life Speech – 3

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to Everyone!

    I, Preet Sinha, thank you all for giving me this wonderful opportunity to speak before you all about my aim of life. As you all know, I belong to a middle class family where it’s impossible to have various kinds of luxuries. From my childhood days itself this normal life seemed monotonous to me and it was while growing up I realized that I want more from my life.

    This may seem a bit weird to you all but I dream to become an entrepreneur. All of you sitting here might have different dreams which are considerably attached to the field of studies. I always wanted to do something out of the box. In the process of becoming an entrepreneur you first need to understand that the process to achieve your dream is not going to be simple enough rather life would be throwing lots of challenges towards you which you will have to overcome.

    This is how everyone achieves their dreams and passions in life. Life is never a bed of roses instead it will offer thorns as well which would be your failures and through them you need to learn from your mistakes and then again move ahead in life with greater courage and energy to handle any situation that comes your way.

    At one point in time, I did realize that I never wanted a normal life but the process or the journey to become an entrepreneur was unclear. One day while watching an advertisement I got to know about something referred to as “Startup”. While searching for the term it became clear that even the government of India is funding various startups if the idea behind the business will make better changes to our society. These days as a school student like you I am thinking of a business idea that will help in some or the other way to change our Indian society in a positive way.

    You all might be thinking that I want to become a big business man and earn lots of money to buy luxurious lifestyle for myself but I would like to make it clear to you all that I dream of becoming an entrepreneur where the focus will be mainly on building new ideas and values instead of just minting money which is the core objective of every businessman.

    Entrepreneur community has a variety of individuals ranging from educators, youth, mothers etc. There is no age for becoming an entrepreneur as it only requires skills, excellent ideas, pure passion and hard work which can be achieved in any phase of life. Every one of us present here have certain capability and if we try to take risk in life it will automatically reduce our fears and will help in overcoming them. An entrepreneur never surrenders or gives up his dream. If you fail then have the courage to stand up again and fight for your dreams and passion in life which will in turn give you an edge over others.

    Thank You!

    Aim of My Life Speech – 4

    Warm Greetings Everyone – May this day finds you in the best of spirits!

    I, Saurabh Aggarwal, your senior manager welcome you all to this small team gathering. These days, I have been noticing a drop in enthusiasm in my team members the impact of which is inevitably getting reflected in the work performances. I have been reported this by Mr. Shikhar Roy who coordinates with you guys directly. Of course, any slight negligence on the part of work cannot be tolerated, but this doesn’t imply that we can simply gloss over the dropping enthusiasm of our employees. I want to take both the things hand in hand and guys if you have any personal or professional grievances, which you are unable to resolve at your end, then please feel free to discuss it with me.

    Secondly, the reason why I called for this team meeting is to deliver a succinct speech on Aim of My Life. I guess this topic is very appropriate for this occasion. Guys, do you know what the aim of your life is? It is very important to align our dreams and passion with our career goals. These days, the rising dissatisfaction is continuously observed in our youth because they have not been able to realize their dreams in life and end up doing something else. As a result of which, they are not able to deliver their 100 percent on their work desk.

    So it is better to ask yourself this question and try to retrospect what exactly the aim of your life is. If there is a rising discontent regarding the nature of your work or the work responsibilities which you guys find yourself unable to cope up with, then it is very much required of you to come out of your shell and discuss these concerns with your managers. We will try our best to look into your work interest and give you tasks accordingly. Even though it may sound clichéd, I would still like to say that love what you do and do what you love.

    If I were to give you my example, I would say that since my college days I had a dream of working in a top-notch company at the top most position. And the day I got into ABC Company, there was no looking back. Despite my hectic work schedule, I enjoy what I do. So friends, you also need to figure out what you like doing and if there is anything we can do anything to improve the work environment for you. Life is very precious; enjoy every bit of it even while working. Achieve your every possible dream and do what gives you happiness because if you will not remain happy, you will not be able to keep others happy.

    According to me, the aim of life should be to work hard and party harder because if there will be no enjoyment life would become dull and boring. It will then seem that everything has come to a standstill. Try and strike a balance in between everything that you do and you will find yourself enjoying your life. This is all from my side for today. Now, enjoy the party and refresh your brains.

    Thank You!

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    Speech on Aim of My Life – FAQ’s

    What is an aim in life speech?

    An aim in life speech emphasizes that an individual's aspirations serve as sources of inspiration and motivation, propelling personal growth and meaning. It signifies the hope for a brighter future, urging individuals to persevere and diligently work towards turning their aspirations into reality. This notion underscores the importance of putting in effort today for a better tomorrow.

    How do I write my aim in life?

    To write about your aim in life, reflect on your passions, interests, and long-term goals. Clearly articulate what you aspire to achieve and the steps you plan to take.

    How do you say aim in life?

    To express your aim in life, you can simply state your long-term goals, ambitions, or what you aspire to achieve personally or professionally.

    What is your aim in life in one line?

    My aim in life is to acquire knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute positively to society's progress.

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