Table of Contents
Speech on Women Empowerment: Women empowerment is a term that is used to encourage, inspire and praise women. It is an essential factor for achieving human development. Women empowerment means elevating the status of women in society. It helps in eradicating all the social evils from the society, including the elimination of violence against women and girls at every level, including family, community, nation and international activity; prevention of all forms of physical, sexual and psychological abuse; access to information, rights education and opportunities for legal protection.
We have provided below number of unique speeches on Women Empowerment in India for the students. All the women empowerment speech are written using very simple and easy words. So, students you are at right place, go ahead.
Long and Short Speech on Women Empowerment
Women are a symbol of richness and strength. They have a vital role in society, and families rely on them for their everyday needs. Women take on various roles simultaneously, like being a mother, wife, housekeeper, chef, teacher, companion, and caretaker, while tending to everyone’s requirements.
An increasing number of women are receiving a good education. However, real women’s empowerment will happen when we get rid of gender inequality. We must provide women with the same opportunities, pay, and respect as men. We hope for a nation like that.
Women Empowerment Speech – Sample 1
Good Morning Ladies!
As we all are here to celebrate the 6th anniversary of our NGO that helps women all over the country to stand on their own and make themselves proud, therefore we all should be very proud of the women who dedicate their lives to help other women like them and trying to make this country a better and safer place for females.
In India, majority of females are dominated by males as we have patriarchal society being followed since ages. The respect and place that a female deserves lacks in here at a very high scale. Women empowerment in such a country would only be possible if every female will pledge to support other women around her and get united. Even there are many government policies running all over the country but they will be only successful if we acknowledge other women about these beneficial schemes and make it accessible to them.
A female is capable of doing everything that a man do and even more than that because the reason behind our existence here is also a female.
On this context, I would like to wrap up my speech and hope that one day every woman in the country will be empowered in true means.
Thank you!
Women Empowerment Speech -Sample 2
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!
As this special assembly has been organized by our school to address the importance of women empowerment in our country, I would like to say a few words. A school is known to be a foundation stage of a child but there are many girl children across the country that do not have access to school even when it’s free of cost due to patriarchal society. Many crimes related to girls still haven’t decreased like rapes, foeticide, trafficking, domestic violence etc.
Women can excel and are excelling in every professional field and all they need is equal rights and freedom from the crimes against them. Most of the times, the fear of something wrong can happen keeps them back from taking a step forward in their lives and because of this fear, sometimes parents limit them from going outside.
The concept of women empowerment will be only applicable and successful in such a place when women will have equal rights as men in their real life instead of having them only in books. Women empowerment is all about taking inspiration from all the successful women all over the world and focus on empowering each other with unity.
Thank you!
Women Empowerment Speech – Sample 3
Good morning to all the Excellencies and my friends, as we all gathered here to celebrate this event, I would like to speech on the topic of women empowerment in India. Empowering women in India is very necessary to bring gender equality or we can say that gender equality is very necessary to empower women. Our country is still a developing country and economic status of our country is very bad because it is a male dominated country.
Men (means half power of the country) are walking alone and they forced women to do only household works. They do not know that women are the half power of this country and combining to male can form full power of the country. The day when full power of the country would start working, no other country would be more powerful than the India. Men are not know how powerful Indian women are.
It is very necessary for all Indian men to understand the power of women and let them go ahead to make themselves independent and power of the family and country. Gender equality is the first step to bring women empowerment in India. Men should not understand that women are made only to handle household chores or take responsibility of home and family. Instead, both (men and women) are responsible for everything of daily routine. Men too need to understand their responsibility of home and family and all other works women do so that women can get some time to think about themselves and their career.
There are so many laws for empowering women however none are effective and followed by people. There should be some effective and tight laws which can be followed by everyone. It is not the responsibility of our government only, it is the responsibility of each and every Indian. Every Indian need to change their mind towards women and strictly follow all the rules made for women empowerment.
Only rule can do nothing, it needs to understand the theme of rules, why rules are made, why women empowerment is so necessary for our country and other questions. It needs to think positively, it needs to change the way of our thinking about women. Women need to be given full freedom, it is their birth rights. Women too need to change their mindset that they are weak, anybody can cheat them or use them instead they need to think that they have same power like men and can do anything better than men.
They can be physically powerful also by learning yoga, martial arts, kung fu, karate, etc., as their safety measures. Women empowerment is the vital tool for advancing development in the country. It also would help in reducing poverty by improving health and productivity within families and communities as well as providing better chance to the next generation. There are many social issues making women backward in India such as gender based violence, reproductive health inequities, economic discrimination, harmful traditional practices, other pervasive and persistent forms of inequality.
Women are bearing enormous hardship from the ancient time in India. during and after humanitarian emergencies, especially armed conflicts. There are many private and government organisations and institutions supporting women empowerment, promoting policy making, promoting gender-sensitive data collection, improving women’s health awareness and expanding their independency in the life. Despite such supports and human rights, women are still dependent, poor, unhealthy and illiterate. We need to think the reasons behind and solve all on immediate basis.
Thank You
Women Empowerment Speech – Sample 4
First of all I would like to say good morning to all my teachers and friends. I would like to say thank to my class teacher to give me this opportunity to speech in front of you at this great occasion. I would like to speech on women empowerment in India. As we gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I chose this topic to again raise this issue of gender inequality in front of you. The government and other private institutions are supporting women in the leadership positions in public sector.
Leadership of women in the public sector is the key of development in the nation. Representing women in public sector is only the matter of justice however it needs to bring forward all the perspectives to make of women empowerment effective. Women and men both have unique and different experiences so both are important to bring influence into the decision making process. Equalizing the rights of women and men in the society improves work quality and thus economic status of the nation.
Women empowerment is the key to strengthen their participation in the decision-making which is the most important key to socio-economic development. According to the data of research, it has been noted that empowering women acts as a potential which accelerates the economic growth and continue development. We should think about and need to discuss that how our cultural, traditional and social rules affect women leadership so that we all may break that. There is a social, cultural and home pressure on the women which acts as main issue to the gender equality. There is lots of pressure over women by the parents, society and they forced to be main caregiver and care taker of all family members. Such pressure in the society and home lowers down the career ambitions of women than men.
According to the research, it has been found during the discussion to women at higher positions that they cannot share and discuss their role or work at home with family members or husbands. They feel uncomfortable to share their feelings with them about their senior leadership position. According to the survey of top 50 women leaders throughout the Asia, there are three main challenges to the rise of women in leadership in Asia “Constraints of Family Life” (Best way to resolve constraints for family life for women is to understand importance of family values by the whole family)
“Organizational Policies and Practices that Favour Men over Women”, and “Cultural Barriers”.
Women leadership is restricted by the various social, cultural and political norms which need to be understood and addressed. First of all we need to address all the social inequalities hindering women’s advancement in order to change women situation in the society as well as nation. I would like to encourage my colleagues and friends gathered here to discuss this issue in their family and community to explore all the barriers restricting women advancement in order to enhance the women’s leadership in every area like men. Men too with women need to engage in all social and cultural norms to encourage combined participation as well as create equitable environment in home, office and community.
Thank You

Women Empowerment Speech- Sample 5
Good morning to all the respected personality and my dear friends. I would like to raise the issue of women empowerment through my speech in front of you as well as reach the message to a big crowd here about the real condition of women in the Indian society. As we all know that without women (our grandmother, mother, sister, friend, wife, etc) we cannot perform our daily routine. Women in the home are only responsible for preparing our food, washing our clothes, and other activities. It is a big question that why only women, why not men are responsible for the same.
Why we (men) are not responsible to prepare our food or wash our clothes or other works of daily routine. Why only women are given pressure in the family or society to get early in the morning, do all the household chores, keep fast and do puja for the wellness and prosperity of whole family. It is the matter of laugh that they are promoted for household responsibilities from childhood however they are demoted to do outside works and leadership like men. Why?
We have all the answers of each and every question however do not want to think and discuss because men want to dominate always over women in all areas excluding household responsibilities. My dear friends, as being youth and future of the country we (the new generation of the country) should decide our own bright future by meeting our hand to hand with women in all aspects of life. What happened till date happened, but now it is the time to awake because we all have already become so late and would be late forever if we sleep now ever for a little moment.
My dear friends, as we read in our history that women face many social challenges from the ancient time and they are forced to be in limit by in their family and society. People think that women are source of investing money and weakening the economic status of the family however they do not think that women are half power who can be full power by meeting with men.
Women too need to empower themselves by being strong from heart and think from mind. The way the face daily challenges of life, they should also face the social and family difficulties restricting their empowerment and advancement. They need to learn how to embrace their life with all challenges every day. Poor performance on the women empowerment in our country is because of the gender inequality. According to the statistics, it has been seen that sex ratio in many parts of country has dropped and become only 850 females per 1000 males.
According to the Global Human Development Report of 2013, our country has ranked number 132 among 148 countries all over the world for gender inequality index. Women belong to the schedule, scheduled tribes and minorities face high level exploitation, discrimination, and limited employment opportunities than the women of higher caste. Both gender equality and women empowerment are key strategy to bring transformational change in order to achieve development and high economic status of the nation.
Thank You
Also Read: Slogans on Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment Speech – Sample 6
As we have gathered here for celebrating this great occasion, I would like to reach an important message of women empowerment in India to all of you through my speech. The aim of Women’s Development Project in India is to bring social and economic betterment of the women all around the country. The core mechanism of this programme was promoting women’s self-help group to make women empowerment effective. To really bring women empowerment there should be changes in the women’s mobility, social interaction, labour patterns, control over decision-making and access to and control over various resources.
Women need to more mobile and start interaction to range of officials. According to the statistics, it has been seen that most of the women started travelling to longer distances, interacting to staff of banks, development organizations, NGOs, etc. There should be changes in the labour patterns means if woman need to attend meetings, husband should look after the children and feed themselves. Husbands are given some tasks of daily routine at home and society. They should help properly a woman during her sickness in the same way she cares after them. Such activities may not bring high level effects to the women empowerment however men may learn to not to dominate over women. In this way women may adopt new productive roles in their life which may bring a huge change.
In many regions of the country where male-headed household system is followed, men are still managing all the financial activities even after being involvedness of women in the income-generating activities so that men can be beneficial to take loan. It has been surveyed that workload of most of the women has increased whom husbands have taken loan on their own name. Women need to have access to and control over all the resources in family and society. She needs to be involved in the intra-household decision-making which may bring slight improvement in women condition in the male-headed households. In India, it is very tough to bring changes about women in the traditional societies. It can be changed but take some time and regular effort.
Thank You
Women Empowerment Speech – Sample 7
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we have gathered here to discuss a very significant issue of ‘women empowerment’ and its effect on the world as a whole. I take this opportunity to state my opinion and thoughts on the subject, and I am thankful to you all for your presence.
Everyone present here must have read or heard about women empowerment through print media, electronic media or through general discussions or seminars, as it is one of the today’s most talked and discussed social issue.
But before we discuss women empowerment, we must have a clear picture of what is women empowerment. Women empowerment means to support and promote women for their economical as well as social development. It has wide spread applications like-Opening new arenas of employment for women in private and government sectors, ensuring gender equality in employment, promotion and opportunities, raising their social status and improving their standard of living; among various others.
Now the question may arise- why women? Hadn’t the society been fair to women? The answer to that is- No! We are still lagging behind on that front despite moving fast towards the United Nations goal of sustainable development till 2030.
Women for centuries have been confined to the houses and are held primarily responsible for doing the house hold chorus. The situation of women remains same in every underdeveloped or developing nations of the world, barring few exceptions. Women in such societies are not allowed to socialize like the men and they are not allowed to work; pushing them more towards confinement. They are not allowed to make significant family decisions and are accustomed to being inferior to men. On the contrary, the situation is completely different in some developed nations, where women have achieved social and economical status at par with the men of the society.
Now comes the advantages of women empowerment. Why to do it? Why don’t we leave the women in their present state and let them develop gradually? Today the world is developing fast and we are about to achieve global sustainable development by 2030; one of the United Nation’s most ambitious projects. It would then be a mistake to neglect the condition of women in underdeveloped or still developing nations.
Like charity begins at home, so also does the development of a nation! A nation cannot achieve truest social and economic development if its women are neglected. It would be a mistake to do so and we will lag behind on many fronts like- health and hygiene, women education, infant mortality rate, socio-economic development etc.
Now the final question is what could be done? Well, you don’t need to be a policy maker to do your bit. Every person, irrespective of whether he is highly placed or low profile employee, could effectively do his bit for the cause, in his/her own capacity. Consider the women in your relations or those you know as equal to yourself; make sure that they are provided the opportunities of employment, education and socialization as you do. Things will definitely change one day but the change has to begun from our houses.
Moving on to the government; it should form new policies for improving women’s social and economical conditions by providing equal opportunities of employment and development. It should stress on developing socio-economic and educational development of women. The government should ensure gender equality and that the women are paid equal to the men.
Before concluding I would like to present a line by Mahatma Gandhi– “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Which means that despite all the policies that the government could frame; the punch line is that – The situation will only change if we change ourselves, if we change our thoughts and conduct towards the women of our home and society.
Thank you all for listening to me patiently and I hope that we all be able to bring the change we want to witness, together!
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Speech On Women Empowerment FAQs
How do you start a speech on women empowerment?
To start a speech on women empowerment, begin with a powerful quote or a thought-provoking story about women's achievements or challenges.
What are the 5 points of women empowerment?
The 5 key points of women empowerment include education, economic independence, gender equality, health, and leadership opportunities for women.
What is women empowerment short note?
Women empowerment, in a short note, means giving women the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to have control over their own lives and make choices for their well-being.
How do you start a speech on women's empowerment?
To begin a speech on women's empowerment, you can open with a relevant statistic, a personal experience, or a rhetorical question to engage your audience.