HomeFull FormSGOT Full Form – Infinity Learn

SGOT Full Form – Infinity Learn

Introduction of SGOT

SGOT (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase) is an enzyme in the liver and other tissues. SGOT is released into the bloodstream when the liver or other tissues are injured. SGOT levels in the blood can be measured with a blood test and used to help diagnose liver damage. SGOT Full Form

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    SGOT Full Form


    The grant program aims to support the development of new and innovative projects that will improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.


    • Preheat a grill to medium-high heat.
    • Grill the chicken for about 5 minutes per side or until cooked through.
    • Grill the pineapple for about 2 minutes per side, or until slightly charred.
    • Serve the chicken and pineapple skewers with your favorite dipping sauce.


    • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish.
    • Combine the ground beef, bread crumbs, onion, egg, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl. Mix well.
    • Press the beef mixture into the prepared baking dish—Bake for 25 minutes.
    • Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, heat the ketchup, brown sugar, and vinegar over medium heat until boiling.
    • Pour the ketchup mixture over the beef mixture—Bake for an additional 25 minutes.
    • Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

    Other Full Forms:

    High-Level of SGOT

    SGOT is an enzyme that is found in the liver and heart. A high level of SGOT may indicate a problem with the liver or heart.


    The film follows the story of a young woman named Allie, trying to find herself. She moves to a new city and starts working at a bar. Allie meets a guy named Jake, and they start dating. Jake is a great guy and seems to care for Allie, but she can’t help but feel like something is missing. Allie eventually meets a guy named Adam, and they start dating. Adam is unlike anyone she’s ever met, and she can’t help but be drawn to him. Allie is confused about her feelings for Jake and Adam and doesn’t know who she should be with.

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