Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsKnowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1

Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1

Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1

Extra Questions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers

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    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Write the smallest three digit number whose value does not change on reversing its digits.
    The required number is 101.

    Question 2.
    Write the greatest three digit number which does not change on reversing its digits.
    The required number is 999.

    Question 3.
    What must be added to 203 to get a number whose digits are reversed of the given number?
    The number obtained by reversing the digits of 203 = 302.
    ∴ Difference = 302 – 203 = 99
    Hence, the required number is 99.

    Question 4.
    Write the following in Roman numerals:
    (a) 72
    (b) 38
    (a) 72 = LXXII
    (b) 38 – XXXVIII

    Question 5.
    Write 438 in its expanded form.
    438 = 4 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 8.

    Question 6.
    Write the greatest five-digit number using the digits 4, 2 and 0.
    The greatest five-digit number using the digits 4, 2 and 0 is 44420.

    Question 7.
    The capacity of a water tank is 300 litres. Express its capacity in millilitres.
    We know that
    1 litre = 1000 mL
    ∴ 300 litres = 300 x 1000 mL = 3,00,000 mL
    Hence, the capacity of water tank = 3 lakh millilitres.

    Question 8.
    What is the successor of greatest 6-digit number?
    Greatest 6-digit number = 999999
    Successor of it = 999999 + 1 = 1000000
    i. e., smallest 7-digit number.
    Hence, the required successor = 10,00,000.

    Question 9.
    What is the place value of 7 in 1743?
    Let us write 1743 in its expanded form
    1743 = 1000 + 700 + 40 +3
    Place value of 7 = 700
    Hence, the place value of 7 = 700.

    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

    Question 10.
    Of 7,12,540 and 71,25,400 which number is greater and by how much?
    Since 71,25,400 is a seven-digit number and 7,12,540 is a six-digit number.
    So 71,25,400 is greater than 7,12,540.
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1
    Hence 71,25,400 is greater than 7,12,540 by 64,12,860.

    Question 11.
    Write the smallest and the greatest 5-digit numbers using the digits 0,2,4,6,8 (Repetition of digits is not allowed).
    Given digits are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
    5 – digit greatest number = 86420;
    5 – digit smallest number = 20468.

    Question 12.
    Write the following numbers in ascending order. How many of them are even numbers?
    63,854, 63,584, 65,348, 68,543, 64,835
    The given numbers are 63,854, 63,584, 65,348, 68,543 and 64,835.
    Ascending order is 63,584 ; 63,854 ; 64,835 ; 65,348 ; 68,543
    Even numbers are 63,584, 63,854 and 65,348.

    Question 13.
    Round the given numbers to the nearest tens.
    (a) 48
    (b) 59
    (c) 64
    (d) 215
    Given number Rounded off to tens
    (a) 48 → 50
    (6) 59 → 60
    (c) 64 → 60
    (d) 215 → 220

    Question 14.
    Estimate the following products:
    (а) 86 x 316
    (b) 898 x 786
    (a) 86 x 316
    ∵ 86 → 90 [Rounding off to tens] and 316 → 320 [Rounding off to tens] So, the estimated product is 90 x 320 = 28800

    (b) 898 x 786
    ∵ 898 → 900 [Rounding off to hundreds] and 786 → 800 [Rounding off to hundreds] So, the estimated product is 900 x 800 = 720000.

    Question 15.
    Divide 2,63,175 by 275.
    We have
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1
    Hence, quotient = 957 and remainder = 0.

    Question 16.
    A student multiplied 3759 by 231 instead of multiplying by 213. How much was his product greater than the correct product?
    First Method:
    (3759 x 231)-(3759 x 213) = 868329 – 800667 = 67662
    Second Method: 3759 x (231 – 213) = 3759 x 18 = 67662
    Hence, the product difference is 67662.

    Question 17.
    Estimate: 25,148 + 7394 + 9343 + 752
    Estimated values are
    25,148 → 25100
    7394 → 7400
    9343 → 9300
    752 → 800
    So, the estimated sum is 25100 + 7400 + 9300 + 800 = 42600
    Hence, the estimated sum is 42600.

    Question 18.
    Write all the even numbers between 90 and 100 in Roman Numerals.
    Even numbers between 90 and 100, we have 92, 94, 96, 98.
    ∴ 92 = XCII,
    94 = XCIV,
    96 = XCVI,
    98 = XCVIII

    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

    Question 19.
    Write the missing digits in the following sums:
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1

    Question 20.
    Write Hindu-Arabic numerals for:
    (a) LXXXVI
    (b) LXXV
    (c) XCIX
    (d) XCI
    (a) LXXXVI = 50 + 30 + 6 = 86
    (b) LXXV = 50 + 20 + 5 = 75
    (c) XCIX = (100 – 10) + 9 = 99
    (d) XCI = (100 – 10) + 1 = 91

    Question 21.
    The distance between the school and Reena’s house is 1 km 480 m. Everyday she walks both ways. What distance does she cover in 6 days of a week?
    Distance covered when she walks one way = 1 km 480 m = 1480 m
    Therefore, the distance covered when she walk both ways in a day = 1480 x 2 m = 2960 m
    Total distance covered by Reena in 6 days = 2960 x 6 m = 17760 m or 17 km 760 m.

    Question 22.
    Simplify: 36 ÷ [5 + {4 x 5 ÷ 2}] Solution:
    36 ÷ [5 + {4 x 5 ÷ 2}] Using B, O, D, M, A, S
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1

    Question 23.
    To stitch a pant 1 m 15 cm cloth is needed. Out of 36 m cloth, how many pants can be stitched and how much cloth will remain?
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1
    Cloth required to stitch 1 pant = 1 m 15 cm
    = 100 cm + 15 cm [∵ 1 m = 100 cm] = 115 cm
    Total cloth = 36 m = 36 x 100 cm = 3600 cm
    Therefore number of pants stitched = \(\frac { 3600 }{ 115 }\)
    Hence, 31 pants can be stitched and cloth left over is 35 cm.

    Question 24.
    Write each of the following numbers in figures:
    (a) Eighty-one million four hundred twelve thousand six hundred fifty.
    (b) Twenty million three hundred eighty thousand one hundred.
    (c) Ninety million nine.
    (d) Forty-nine million seven hundred eighty two thousand fifty eight.
    (e) Six millions three hundred fifty-two thousand nine hundred forty-six.
    (f) Seven crore twenty-three lakh eighty-six thousand, five hundred ninety-four.
    (g) Fifty crore forty lakh sixty thousand nine.
    (h) Nineteen crore, ninety lakh, fourteen thousand, six hundred eighty.
    In words In figure
    (а) Eighty-one millions four hundred twelve thousand, six hundred fifty. 81,412,650
    (b) Twenty million three hundred eighty thousand one hundred 20,380,100
    (c) Ninety million nine 90,000,009
    (d) Forty-nine million seven hundred eighty-two thousand fifty-eight 49,782,058
    (e) Six-millions three hundred fifty-two thousand nine hundred forty-six 6,352,946
    (f) Seven crore, twenty-three lakh eighty-six thousand five hundred ninety-four 7,23,86,594
    (g) Fifty crore forty lakh sixty thousand nine 50,40,60,009
    (h) Nineteen crore ninety lakh fourteen thousand six hundred eighty. 19,90,14,680

    Question 25.
    Write True/False for the following statements:
    (a) Roman symbol X cannot be repeated more than three times
    (b) VXXX = 25 …….. .
    (c) Estimate value of274 rounding off to nearest hundreds = 200 …….
    (d) I and X can repeat at the most three times …….
    (e) V, L and D are neither, repeated nor written to the left of greater value symbol ……..
    (f) There are six basic symbols in Roman Numeration system ……..
    (a) True
    (b) False
    (c) False
    (d) True
    (e) True
    (f) False.

    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

    Question 26.
    There are two factories located at place P and the other at place Q. From these factories, a certain commodity is to be delivered to each of the depots situated at A, B and C. Weekly production of commodity by P and Q are 120 kg and 150 kg respectively. Weekly requirement of commodity by A, B and C are 80 kg, 90 kg and 100 kg respectively. P delivers 60 kg to A, 40 kg to B and 20 kg to C. How much amount of the commodity should Q deliver to A, B and C to meet their requirement? If the rate of the commodity is ? 20 per kg, find the total amount to be paid to P and Q.
    Knowing Our Numbers Class 6 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 1
    Amount of commodity delivered by P to A = 60 kg
    Amount of commodity delivered by Q to A = 80 – 60 = 20 kg
    Amount of commodity delivered by P to B = 40 kg
    Amount of commodity delivered by Q to B – 90 – 40 = 50 kg
    Amount of commodity delivered by P to C = 20
    Amount of commodity delivered by Q to C = 100 – 20 = 80 kg.
    Now Amount of money to be paid to P by A, B and C = ₹( 60 x 20 + 40 x 20 + 20 x 20)
    = ₹ (1200 + 800 + 400)
    = ₹ 2400
    and amount of money to be paid to Q by A, B and C
    = ₹ (20 x 20 + 50 x 20 + 80 x 20)
    = ₹ (400 + 1000 + 1600) = ₹ 3000
    Hence, the total amount
    = ₹ 2400 + ₹ 3000 = ₹ 5400.

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