Table of Contents
To Draw the Diagram of a Given Open Circuit Comprising at Least a Battery, Resistor/Rheostat, Key, Ammeter and Voltmeter. Mark the Components that are not Connected in Proper Order and Correct the Circuit and Also the Circuit Diagram
Aim: To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram.
Apparatus and material: A battery eliminator or a battery (0 to 6 V), rheostat, resistance box (0 to 100 £2), two or one way key. D.C. ammeter (0-3) A and a D.C. voltmeter (0-3) V.
An open circuit is the combination of primary components of electric circuit in a such a manner that on closing the circuit no current is drawn from the battery.

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Ammeter: It should be connected in series, with the battery eliminator.
Voltmeter: It should be connected in parallel to the resistor.
Rheostat: It should be connected in series (in place of resistance coil) with the battery eliminator.
Resistance coil: It should be connected in parallel (in place of rheostat).
One way key: It should be connected in series to the battery eliminator.
Correct circuit diagram: (Components connected in proper order)
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