Study MaterialsCBSE NotesUnderstanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 1

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 1

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 1

NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

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    Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Imagine if all the story-tellers and writers that you have heard and read so far were forced to live in a place where all people wore the same two colours red and white, ate the same food (may be potatoes!), took care of the same two animals, for example, the deer and the cat, and to entertain themselves played snakes and ladders. What kind of stories do you think they would write?

    • First on red and white colour story.
    • Second, potatoes and the men.
    • Cat and deer story.
    • Snakes and the laddar (ludo).

    Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 1 - 1

    Question 2.
    How is India a country of diversities?
    India is a land of diversities because of the following:

    • People speak different languages.
    • They eat different types of foods.
    • They celebrate differents festivals.
    • They practise different religions.

    Question 3.
    What are constant reminders of our rich traditions of respect for diversity?
    Songs and symbols.

    Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    How are history and geography tied in the cultural life of a region? Clarify with examples from Ladakh and Kerala.
    Kerala and Ladakh are different in terms of geographical features.

    • Geography of Kerala made possible the cultivation of spices and rice.
    • Its coastal location made fishing possible.
    • Geography of Ladakh made possible the wool collection as a major occupation of the Ladakhi people.

    History of both the regions has seen similar cultural influences.

    • Chinese and Arab Traders came to these regions and set up trading occupations there.

    Question 2.
    How is the influence of diverse cultures still in vogue?
    Influence of diverse cultures is still in vogue because of the following:

    • Man’s life is on the move at present.
    • We go from place to place and adopt the culture of new places where we live in.
    • Our cultural traditions also undergo a change.
    • We also adopt several things from our neighbourhood.
    • Our daily life also changes accordingly.
    • We also hear stories of other’s customs and traditions.

    Question 3.
    How was unity in diversity seen during the British rule in India?

    • People of India have diverse cultures, customs, traditions and backgrounds.
    • British took advantage of this diversity and ruled India for nearly 300 years.

    But the diverse people rose against the British as one nation. They showed unity in diversity and threw their rule from India.

    • Man and woman from different cultures, customs, traditions and backgrounds came together to oppose the British.
    • They took part in the freedom struggle.
    • They went to jail together.
    • They worked together to decide joint actions.
    • They acted as one against the British.

    Ultimately they uprooted the British Empire from India and attained freedom in 1947.

    Question 4.
    Perhaps you have not noticed that there are several people in the locality where you live who are poor and who do not have enough to eat or wear and sometimes not even a place to live. This difference is not the same as the one we have seen earlier.
    This is not a difference but it is the question of inequality. How does inequality come?
    Inequality comes when there is a big gap between the haves and the have-nots.
    One has resources and opportunities in abundance while another does not have them at all.

    • One lives in luxurious houses while another does not have even a place or jhoogi to live in.
    • One spends extravagantly, another does not have enough to meet his both ends.

    Caste system is another example of inequality.

    • Society has been divided into different groups on the basis of work done by the people.
    • A potter’s son is a potter.
    • A person engaged in one work could not think of another work done by others.
    • This created inequality in the society.

    Question 5.
    From where people who write stories get their ideas?
    People who write stories get their ideas from all sorts of different places such as

    1. books
    2. real life
    3. their imagination.
    • People living in forests chose writing about their fight and friendships with animals.
    • Others wrote stories about love and honour describing kings and queens.
    • Some people wrote their childhood memories of school and friends.

    Question 6.
    What does Jawahar Lai Nehru say in his book, ‘Discovery of India’ about unity in diversity?

    • Jawahar Lai Nehru says that Indian unity is not imposed from outside.
    • It was something deeper and within its fold.
    • People practised the widest tolerance of beliefs, and customs.
    • They acknowledged and encouraged variety.
    • Unity in diversity exists in India.
    • Nehru described his country, “unity in diversity.”

    Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

    Question 1.
    How do we explain diversity?
    We explain diversity in the following manner:
    Historical Basis:

    • People travelled from one place to another in ships, on horses, on camels or on foot, before the advent of trains, aeroplanes, buses or cars.
    • They went to new lands to settle or to trade.
    • They stayed for a long time at one place once they settled there.
    • They left their homes due to famines and droughts as they could not get enough food there.
    • Some of them went in search of work.
    • When they settled in new places they began to change their life-style according to new surroundings, smother time they adopted old styles.
    • Due to mix of old and new, their languages, food, music, religions, also underwent change.
    • Inter mixing of cultures resulted in new and different styles, giving birth to diversities.

    Thus regions became very diverse because of their unique histories.

    Geographical Basis:

    • People adapt their lives according to geographical conditions.
    • Life-style of the people living near sea is different from those living in mountainous areas. They are different in their clothing, work, foods, living styles and in growing food and vegetables.

    Question 2.
    Let us try to understand what we mean when we say that historical and geographical factors influence the diversity of a region. We can do this by reading about life in two different parts of the country, Kerala and Ladakh. Now
    do this exercise.

    Kerala Ladach
    Kerala is located in the South West of India, bounded by sea on one side and by mountains on the other. Ladakh is a desert in the mountain of J&ICs eastern part.
    Spices – pepper, cloves, cardamoms are on the hills. Land covered with snow for a large part of the year.
    Fertile land and abundant rainfall have resulted in the rice cultivation. Sheep keeping: Pashmiiia shawl is woven in Kashmir.
    Fishing is main occupation due to location on sea. Food – meat and milk (cheese and butter).
    Cheenawala nets are used. Caravan routes through passes to Tibet – trade in textiles, spices, raw silk and carpets
    Cheenashalli (utensils from China) are also popular for frying. Major food – rice, fish and vegetables. Buddhism reached Tibet via Ladakh.
    Many Arab Traders came and settled in Kerala. Ibn Battuta travelled 700 years ago. According to him Muslim community was respected. Muslim populations reached there 400 years before.
    St. Thomas is believed to come here and bring Christianity to India. Kamer Saga is sung by both Muslims and Budhhists.
    Different religions are practised due to historical background like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Kamer Saga is sung by both Muslims and and poems.

    Understanding Diversity Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions

    Choose the correct answer:

    Question 1.
    To which caste does Sameer Ek belong?
    (a) Muslim
    (b) Hindu
    (c) Sikh
    (d) None of these

    Question 2.
    Which language does Sameer Do speak?
    (a) English
    (b) Hindi
    (c) Sanskrit
    (d) Tamil

    Question 3.
    What does Sameer Ek do?
    (a) Goes to school
    (b) Sells the newspapers
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these
    Sells the newspapers

    Question 4.
    Which caste does Sameer Do belong to?
    (a) Hindu
    (b) Muslim
    (c) Sikh
    (d) Christian

    Question 5.
    On which source do the people of Ladakh depend for drinking water?
    (a) Rivers
    (b) Sea
    (c) Melting of snow
    (d) None of these
    Melting of snow

    Question 6.
    Which region/state produces the Pushmina wool?
    (a) Ladakh
    (b) Jamshedpur
    (c) Kolkata
    (d) Delhi

    Question 7.
    Where are the Pushmina shawls woven?
    (a) In Kashmir
    (b) In Tamil Nadu
    (c) In Mumbai
    (d) In Haryana
    In Kashmir

    Question 8.
    What is dzos?
    (a) A type of yak-cow
    (b) A type of dog
    (c) A type of goat
    (d) A type of cat
    A type of yak-cow

    Question 9.
    Name the religion which reached Tibet via Ladakh?
    (a) Jainism
    (b) Buddhism
    (c) Islam
    (d) Sikhs

    Question 10.
    Name the state located in Southwest corner of India,
    (a) Kashmir
    (b) Haryana
    (c) Kerala
    (d) All of these

    Question 11.
    Who wrote the travelogue in which the writer described the lives of Muslims’?
    (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (b) Lai Bahadur Shastri
    (c) Ibn. Battuta
    (d) Indira Gandhi
    Ibn. Battuta

    Question 12.
    The utensils used for frying cheenavala are called
    (a) fry-pan
    (b) cheenachatti
    (c) both (a) and (b)
    (d) none of these

    Question 13.
    In what manner are Kerala and Ladakh quite different?
    (a) Geographical features
    (b) Biological features
    (c) Historical features
    (d) All of these
    Geographical features

    Question 14.
    Which is the major product grown in Kerala?
    (a) Wool
    (b) Spices like clove
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these
    Spices like clove

    Question 15.
    Which is the product of Ladakh?
    (a) Spices
    (c) Cotton
    (d) All of these

    Question 16.
    While the British ruled India, women and men from different regions, cultural faith came together for
    (a) helping them
    (b) opposing them
    (c) both (a) and (b)
    (d) none of these
    opposing them

    Question 17.
    In which city of India is Jallianwalla Bagh situated?
    (a) Amritsar
    (b) Kurukshetra
    (c) Panipat
    (d) Mumbai

    Question 18.
    Who wrote the Discovery of India?
    (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
    (b) Indira Gandhi
    (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
    (d) Lal bahadur shastri
    Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

    Question 19.
    Who coined the phrase ‘Unity in diversity’ to describe the country?
    (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
    (b) Mahatma Gandhi
    (c) Indira Gandhi
    (d) Rajeev Gandhi
    Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

    Question 20.
    Who composed our National Anthem?
    (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
    (b) Lai Bahadur Shastri
    (c) Rabindranath Tagore
    (d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
    Rabindranath Tagore

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