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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education are included in the comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English. In this section, you can access detailed solutions for Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book.

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    Textual Exercises

    Question 1: Read about a boy, Booker T. Washington and his struggle to receive an education.

    Answer: Students to read the text on their own and understand it with the help of word-notes given above.

    Question 2: Answer the following based on your reading of the passage above:

    1. The hoy was inspired to go to Hampton because of ………..
    2. After working in the coal mine, where did the boy work next, and what did he learn?
    3. What happened to the money he had earned at Mrs Ruffner’s house?
    4. How far was Hampton from Malden? Was he able to hire a coach? What did he do, and where did he reach?
    5. What did he do in Richmond to earn for his journey to Hampton?
    6. Why did the writer not make a favourable impression on the head teacher?
    7. What did he have to go through to get admission to the Hampton Institute?
    8. The names of some places are given below. Think of the main event that took place there and write them in the order given in the story.
    1. Hampton
    2. General Lewis Ruffner’s house
    3. coal mine
    4. City of Richmond in Virginia.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q2

    Question 3: Which qualities best describe the boy’s character? Give evidence from the story to support your answer.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q3
    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q3.1

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    Question 4: Match the following phrases with their meanings:

    Phrases Meanings
    (a) at work (i) pay off the cost by doing some work in lieu
    (b) work out (ii) a day one has been waiting for
    (c) to be on fire (iii) to be working
    (d) the great day (iv) excited
    (e) to be out of money (v) not at all
    (f) not one bit of (vi) not having any money

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q4

    Question 5: Respond to the following statements based on your understanding of the story. You could get into groups of six, and each student could respond to one account.

    (а) Rahul is a victim of circumstances.
    (b) His classmates’ reaction is normal
    (c) Rahul should be admission to another school
    (d) Rahul’s teacher is at fault
    (e) Children require individual attention
    (f) We need more people like Mrs Mini

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q5

    Question 6: After the conference, Mrs Mini, Rahul’s mother, and Rahul converse. Write the conversation and present it to the class in groups of three.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q6

    Question 7: Based on your reading of the passage given above and your research on the Right to Education, find out and discuss in your groups.

    (a) What is the Right to Education?
    (b) What are the challenges of RTE?
    (c) What is the implication of ‘free education in the Act?
    (d) What action will he take if some parents don’t send their children to school?
    (e) Is the Act targeted only at weaker sections?
    (f) Have disabled children been adequately addressed in the Act?
    (g) What about children not in schools right now?
    (h) What if children admitted after age 6 attain the age of 14 before completing class 8?
    (i) Do you think the government has the funds to set up adequate schools?
    (j) If not, how will the government meet the challenges of access, equity and quality in education?

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q7
    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q7.1

    Question 8: After you have discussed, give a one-minute presentation on any of the above topics in your class.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q8

    Question 9: Now, hold a class debate on the following motion:

    The Right of Education Act is a realistic and achievable goal that will change the face of education in India.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q9
    NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 1 My struggle for an Education Q9.1

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