Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Whole Numbers Exercise 2.1

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Whole Numbers Exercise 2.1


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 2 Whole Numbers Ex 2.1

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    Exercise 2.1

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 1.
    Write the next three natural numbers after 10999.
    The next three natural numbers after 10999 are 11000, 11001 and 11002.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 2.
    Write three whole numbers occurring just before 10001.
    10001 – 1 = 10000
    10000 – 1 = 9999
    9999 – 1 = 9998
    Hence, three whole numbers just before 10001 are 10000, 9999 and 9998.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 3.
    Which is the smallest whole number?
    0 is the smallest whole number.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 4.
    How many whole numbers are there between 32 and 53?
    The whole numbers between 32 and 53 are 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 5.
    Write the successor of:
    (a) 2440701
    (b) 100199
    (c) 1099999
    (d) 2345670
    (a) Successor of 244070 is 244070 + 1 = 244071
    Hence, successor of 244070 is 244071.
    (b) Successor of 100199 is 100199 + 1 = 100200
    Hence, successor of 100199 is 100200.
    (c) Successor of 1099999 is 1099999 + 1 = 1100000
    Hence, successor of 1099999 is 1100000.
    (d) Successor of 2345670 is 2345670 + 1 = 2345671
    Hence, successor of 2345670 is 2345671

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 6.
    Write the predecessor of:
    (a) 94
    (b) 10000
    (c) 208090
    (d) 7654321
    (a) Predecessor of 94 is 94 – 1 = 93
    Hence, predecessor of 94 is 93.
    (b) Predecessor of 1000 is 10000 – 1 = 9999
    Hence, predecessor of 10000 is 9999.
    (c) Predecessor of 208090 is 208090 -1 = 208089
    Hence, predecessor of 208090 is 208089.
    (d) Predecessor of 7654321 is 7654321 – 1 = 7654320
    Hence, predecessor of 7654321 is 7654320.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 7.
    In each of the following pairs of numbers, state which whole number is on the left of the other number on the number line. Also write them with the appropriate sign (>, <) between them,
    (a) 530, 503
    (b) 370, 307
    (c) 98765, 56789
    (d) 9830415,10023001
    We know that the smaller number is always on the left side of the greater number on number line.
    (a) 530, 503
    Clearly 503 is smaller than 530.
    Hence, 503 will be on left side of 530 on number line.
    Expression: 503 < 530 or 530 > 503

    (b) 307 < 370
    Clearly 307 is smaller than 370.
    Hence, 307 will be on the left side of 370 on number line.
    Expression: 307 < 370 or 370 > 307.

    (c) 98765, 56789
    Clearly 56789 is smaller than 98765.
    Hence, 56789 will be on left side of 98765 on number line.
    Expression: 56789 < 98765 or 98765 > 56789.

    (d) 9830415, 10023001
    Clearly, 9830415 is smaller than 10023001
    Hence, 9830415 will be on the left side of 10023001 on the number line.
    Expression: 9830415 < 10023001 or 10023001 > 9830415.

    Ex 2.1 Class 6 Maths Question 8.
    Which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false (F)?
    (a) Zero is the smallest natural number.
    (b) 400 is the predecessor of 399.
    (c) Zero is the smallest whole number.
    (d) 600 is the successor of 599.
    (e) All natural numbers are whole numbers.
    (f) All whole numbers are natural numbers.
    (g) The predecessor of a two-digit number is never a single-digit number.
    (h) 1 is the smallest whole number.
    (i) The natural number 1 has no predecessor.
    (j) The whole number 1 has no predecessor.
    (k) The whole number 13 lies between 11 and 12.
    (l) The whole number 0 has no predecessor.
    (m) The successor of a two-digit number is always a two-digit number.
    (a) This statement is false (F)
    (b) This statement is false (F)
    (c) This statement is true (T)
    (d) This statement is true (T)
    (e) This statement is true (T)
    (f) This statement is false (F)
    (g) This statement is false (F)
    (h) This statement is false (F)
    (i) This statement is true (T)
    (J) This statement is false (F)
    (k) This statement is false (F)
    (l) This statement is true (T)
    (m) This statement is false (F).


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