Study MaterialsCBSE NotesExtra Questions – Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals

Extra Questions – Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals

Extra Questions – Understanding Quadrilaterals

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    Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find x.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q1
    AB = DC [Opposite sides of a parallelogram] 3x + 5 = 5x – 1
    ⇒ 3x – 5x = -1 – 5
    ⇒ -2x = -6
    ⇒ x = 3


    Question 2.
    In the given figure find x + y + z.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q2
    We know that the sum of all a polygon’s outside angles equals 360°.
    x + y + z = 360°


    Question 3.
    In the given figure, find x.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q3
    ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° [Angle sum property] (x + 10)° + (3x + 5)° + (2x + 15)° = 180°
    ⇒ x + 10 + 3x + 5 + 2x + 15 = 180
    ⇒ 6x + 30 = 180
    ⇒ 6x = 180 – 30
    ⇒ 6x = 150
    ⇒ x = 25


    Question 4.
    The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5 : 8. Find the measure of each angle.
    The sum of a quadrilateral’s internal angles equals 360°.
    Let the quadrilateral’s angles be 2x°, 3x°, 5x°, and 8x°.
    2x + 3x + 5x + 8x = 360°
    ⇒ 18x = 360°
    ⇒ x = 20°
    Hence the angles are
    2 × 20 = 40°,
    3 × 20 = 60°,
    5 × 20 = 100°
    and 8 × 20 = 160°.


    Question 5.
    Find the measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides.
    Measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q5


    Question 6.
    Length and breadth of a rectangular wire are 9 cm and 7 cm respectively. If the wire is bent into a square, find the length of its side.
    Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 [length + breadth] = 2[9 + 7] = 2 × 16 = 32 cm.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q6
    Now perimeter of the square = Perimeter of rectangle = 32 cm.
    Side of the square = \(\frac { 32 }{ 4 }\) = 8 cm.
    Hence, the length of the side of square = 8 cm.


    Question 7.
    In the given figure ABCD, find the value of x.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q7
    360° is the sum of all a polygon’s outside angles.
    x + 70° + 80° + 70° = 360°
    ⇒ x + 220° = 360°
    ⇒ x = 360° – 220° = 140°


    Question 8.
    In the parallelogram given alongside if m∠Q = 110°, find all the other angles.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q8
    Given m∠Q = 110°
    Then m∠S = 110° (Opposite angles are equal)
    Since ∠P and ∠Q are supplementary.
    Then m∠P + m∠Q = 180°
    ⇒ m∠P + 110° = 180°
    ⇒ m∠P = 180° – 110° = 70°
    ⇒ m∠P = m∠R = 70° (Opposite angles)
    Hence m∠P = 70, m∠R = 70°
    and m∠S = 110°


    Question 9.
    In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus. Find the values of x, y and z.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q9
    AB = BC (Sides of a rhombus)
    x = 13 cm.
    Since the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other
    z = 5 and y = 12
    Hence, x = 13 cm, y = 12 cm and z = 5 cm.


    Question 10.
    In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Find x, y and z.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q10
    ∠A + ∠D = 180° (Adjacent angles)
    ⇒ 125° + ∠D = 180°
    ⇒ ∠D = 180° – 125°
    x = 55°
    ∠A = ∠C [Opposite angles of a parallelogram] ⇒ 125° = y + 56°
    ⇒ y = 125° – 56°
    ⇒ y = 69°
    ∠z + ∠y = 180° (Adjacent angles)
    ⇒ ∠z + 69° = 180°
    ⇒ ∠z = 180° – 69° = 111°
    Hence the angles x = 55°, y = 69° and z = 111°


    Question 11.
    Find x in the following figure. (NCERT Exemplar)
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q11
    In the given figure ∠1 + 90° = 180° (linear pair)
    ∠1 = 90°
    Now, sum of exterior angles of a polygon is 360°, therefore,
    x + 60° + 90° + 90° + 40° = 360°
    ⇒ x + 280° = 360°
    ⇒ x = 80°

    Short Answer Type

    Question 12.
    In the given parallelogram ABCD, find the value of x andy.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q12
    ∠A + ∠B = 180°
    3y + 2y – 5 = 180°
    ⇒ 5y – 5 = 180°
    ⇒ 5y = 180 + 5°
    ⇒ 5y = 185°
    ⇒ y = 37°
    Now ∠A = ∠C [Opposite angles of a parallelogram] 3y = 3x + 3
    ⇒ 3 × 37 = 3x + 3
    ⇒ 111 = 3x + 3
    ⇒ 111 – 3 = 3x
    ⇒ 108 = 3x
    ⇒ x = 36°
    Hence, x = 36° and y – 37°.


    Question 13.
    ABCD is a rhombus with ∠ABC = 126°, find the measure of ∠ACD.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q13
    ∠ABC = ∠ADC (Opposite angles of a rhombus)
    ∠ADC = 126°
    ∠ODC = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) × ∠ADC (Diagonal of rhombus bisects the respective angles)
    ⇒ ∠ODC = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) × 126° = 63°
    ⇒ ∠DOC = 90° (Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at 90°)
    In ΔOCD,
    ∠OCD + ∠ODC + ∠DOC = 180° (Angle sum property)
    ⇒ ∠OCD + 63° + 90° = 180°
    ⇒ ∠OCD + 153° = 180°
    ⇒ ∠OCD = 180° – 153° = 27°
    Hence ∠OCD or ∠ACD = 27°


    Question 14.
    Find the values of x and y in the following parallelogram.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q14
    Since, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
    OA = OC
    x + 8 = 16 – x
    ⇒ x + x = 16 – 8
    ⇒ 2x = 8
    x = 4
    Similarly, OB = OD
    5y + 4 = 2y + 13
    ⇒ 3y = 9
    ⇒ y = 3
    Hence, x = 4 and y = 3


    Question 15.
    Write true and false against each of the given statements.
    (a) Diagonals of a rhombus are equal.
    (b) Diagonals of rectangles are equal.
    (c) Kite is a parallelogram.
    (d) Sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°.
    (e) A trapezium is a parallelogram.
    (f) Sum of all the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°.
    (g) Diagonals of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other.
    (h) Triangle is possible with angles 60°, 80° and 100°.
    (i) In a parallelogram, the opposite sides are equal.
    (a) False
    (b) True
    (c) False
    (d) True
    (e) False
    (f) True
    (g) False
    (h) False
    (i) True


    Question 16.
    The sides AB and CD of a quadrilateral ABCD are extended to points P and Q respectively. Is ∠ADQ + ∠CBP = ∠A + ∠C? Give reason.
    (NCERT Exemplar)
    Join AC, then
    ∠CBP = ∠BCA + ∠BAC and ∠ADQ = ∠ACD + ∠DAC (Exterior angles of triangles)
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q16
    ∠CBP + ∠ADQ = ∠BCA + ∠BAC + ∠ACD + ∠DAC
    = (∠BCA + ∠ACD) + (∠BAC + ∠DAC)
    = ∠C + ∠A

    Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

    Question 17.
    The diagonal of a rectangle is thrice its smaller side. Find the ratio of its sides.
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q17
    Let AD = x cm
    diagonal BD = 3x cm
    In right-angled triangle DAB,
    AD2 + AB2 = BD2 (Using Pythagoras Theorem)
    x2 + AB2 = (3x)2
    ⇒ x2 + AB2 = 9x2
    ⇒ AB2 = 9x2 – x2
    ⇒ AB2 = 8x2
    ⇒ AB = √8x = 2√2x
    Required ratio of AB : AD = 2√2x : x = 2√2 : 1


    Question 18.
    If AM and CN are perpendiculars on the diagonal BD of a parallelogram ABCD, Is ∆AMD = ∆CNB? Give reason. (NCERT Exemplar)
    Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Maths Q18
    In triangles AMD and CNB,
    AD = BC (opposite sides of parallelogram)
    ∠AMB = ∠CNB = 90°
    ∠ADM = ∠NBC (AD || BC and BD is transversal.)
    So, ∆AMD = ∆CNB (AAS)



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