EnglishEssayMy Mother Essay in English for Children and Students

My Mother Essay in English for Children and Students

My Mother Essay : If there is someone in the world, whom I can trust in the most challenging of situations and who will always, despite the adversities, extend love, care and affection to me – it’s My Mother. Every child has a wonderful emotional attachment to his/her mother and I am also no exception to it. I have deliberately used the word “child” here because for your mother, you will always remain a child, no matter how old, big, independent or successful you become.

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    I too will always remain her most adorable creature and her greatest weakness. The relationship that I share with my mother is the strongest and the most valuable than all the other relationships.

    Also Check: My Mother Essay

    Long and Short Essay on My Mother in English

    Please find below various My Mother essay under different word limit as per your need. Every sentence of all the my mother essay has been thoughtfully constructed to give you an insight into the qualities of a mother and why is she the God’s greatest gift to her children.

    After going through following essay on my mother, you will be able to know what is the importance of my mother in my life, what is emotional and physical importance of my mother in my life, how is My Mother My Best Friend, how is My Mother My Best Teacher, how is My Mother My Inspiration, how is My Mother My Career Counselor, etc. Also you can use these essays during group discussion, paragraph writing, essay writing competition on the occasion of Mother’s Day or paragraph recitation while celebrating your own Mother’s Birthday.

    My Mother Essay in 200 Words

    I have always been perplexed with the question that – what drives her? What gives My Mother, the physical endurance and the emotional strength that she exhumes? I found the answer in Love! Her driving force is the love she had for me and other family members. True, pure, devoted and selfless love. It is only with pure love in her heart that she is able to conquer all her physical tiredness and keeps the clock ticking 24/7.

    Essay on My Mother

    I had always been amazed by the devotion my mother displays for her family. The love that she had for me and other family members, gives her exceptional strength in trying times and she gets bold and brave enough to save our skin, if any situation like this ever presents itself.

    Importance of My Mother in My Life Essay in 300 Words

    My Mother is the most important person in my life. Her significance supersedes everyone else in my life and I know that I can’t live a moment without her blessings.

    A mother stands by us through happy, sad, and challenging times in our life. She listens to our worries and is the first one to feel our pain. She cheers for us, whether it’s a small victory or a big success, and supports us every step of the way.

    Emotional Importance of My Mother in My Life

    I think My Mother is the most important person in my life. Without her I would have been like a lone calf, separated from his mother, running frantically from place to place. My life wouldn’t have been as easy as it seems, neither would I have been so care free and happy.

    My Mother’s importance can be ascertained from the different roles she plays in my life. She is my chief advisor; my most devoted care taker; and a best friend. Despite all this, My Mother is also provides necessary emotional support, whenever I go through some of my, not so good moments.

    Physical Importance of My Mother in My Life

    It’s like she is still walking every step of my life with me, as she had, when I was a toddler. It’s hard to imagine waking up one morning, with My Mother not in the house. Even imagining a scenario like this sends chills down my spine and has me wondering as to what the day would be like.

    I simply can’t imagine a day without my mother, even without her active involvement into my everyday affairs. Just her presence and the feel are so much necessary to get me going, always.

    I have been so much dependent on her ever since my childhood that I find it difficult to perform my personal work, when she is not around.


    There is absolutely no denying that a mother is the most important person for her child and the mother too shares similar emotions, probably more intense. My mother too, is indeed the most important person of my life and I would never want to part ways with her.

    Essay on My Mother as My Best Friend in Words

    I have made many friends in my life, but my mother is the one who is the closest to my heart. She had been staying with me through the thick and thin of my life, supporting and caring me whenever the situation demanded. We also have spent joyous times together, just as best friends do.

    My Companion in Trouble

    A best friend is a companion who stays with you through thick and thin. S/he is someone who never lets you down in demanding times and does everything possible to make you comfortable. For me, I don’t think that anyone else fits in better for this role, than My Mother. She is my best companion till date, and we both share a friendly relationship that has successfully withstood the test of times. She knows my deepest of secrets and I know that her only true desire is to see me happy.

    I have seen times when my so called best friends have left me during troubled times, nevertheless, my mother always stood with me. She had cheered me up through sickness, sadness, depression, failures and all the wildly imaginable adversities of life. My Mother is the one who had literally carried me through the darkness till the arrival of dawn.

    I still have quite a few friends, with whom I talk, play or spend time with, but, nevertheless, My Mother is my best friend and tops the list with highest marks.

    Like to Spend Time Together

    Didn’t two best friends like to spend time with each other? Why not! That’s how best friends are like. I could also say that my mother is my best friend, because we actually like each other’s company. Sometimes we so much enjoy being together that we hate to be disrupted.

    In the time that we enjoy the most together, we don’t discuss business, but all the other worldly issues, as best friends do.


    Having a best friend is great, but having your mother as your best friend is wonderful. The best part of it is that she never gets bored of your company and even when you both are separated, she never ever misses to give you a call. It is a lifelong bond of friendship that I and my mother share with each other; playing, singing, chatting and discussing our secrets. And we both realize that we have got a friend for life.

    Essay on My Mother as My Best Teacher in 500 Words

    My mother has always been my best teacher, who throughout her life has taught me life skills, social skills, academics, and what not. She is undoubtedly the best teacher I ever had and the most sincere one too, for she was always present to teach her valuable lessons. She might have been busy, very busy, nevertheless, she always had the time to guide me through, whenever I needed or whenever she thought it to be necessary.

    My Mother as My First Teacher

    She had been my best teacher from the day I came into this world and after so many years she still surprises me with her unequivocal teaching skills. My Mother took up the role of a teacher, after a few days of my birth. She was the one who made me familiar with the sounds of city’s hustle bustle and the melodious chirping of birds.

    She didn’t spare any chance to introduce my relatives to me, even when I wasn’t able to talk. Thanks to my mother that I started calling their individual names as soon as I was able to.

    My Mother as My Career Counselor

    With all due respect to all of my teachers from my school days to college; they were excellent and had a great job framing my moral values and career. They all had been there with me for a fixed tenure, teaching the assigned subjects, after which we moved on, in our respective lives. But, there is someone who had been my best teacher and still continues to be – My Mother.

    Her advice on my career has never failed me and I am glad that I conceded to it. With her experiences on life and people she was able to guide me successfully whenever I faced a confusion regarding my career.

    Taught Me How to Walk and Talk

    She was the first to hold my finger and teach me how to walk, also I uttered my first ever words, after her persistent persuasion. She was the one to teach me walk when I started to crawl and to teach me run after I learnt to walk.

    Walking and talking are the most significant skills that a child learns in the early years after his/her birth. However, to learn these skills and to tone them s/he depends entirely on the mother.

    My mother hadn’t only helped me in homework and exams when I was a kid, but also taught me valuable lessons on life, people and relations. Even today everything I do; the way I meet people; my conduct in society and elsewhere; all reflects her teachings and values.


    My mother has all the attributes of a good teacher, in fact she is better teacher than usually prescribed norms of a good teacher. Any mother for that matter is the best teacher for her children, a role she ordains from the day she gives birth to a child. Teaching her children basic survival skills to socialization skills and providing career guidance, I think a mother tops the chart with flying colours.

    Essay on My Mother is My Inspiration in 600 Words

    My mother is an inspiration. Everything she does inspires me in some way or the other. Her hard work, her persistent faith in herself, her devotion, her love, and the way she behaves with others; the way she conducts herself with family and friends; all is an inspiration for me.

    Her Inspiring Love

    She is an epitome of sincerity, truthfulness and love which she showers on her family as well as others, and it has always inspired me to inherit the same qualities. Looking at the way she cares for the family and me, I am too inspired to reflect the same love onto others.

    Her love is not confined to close family but she also treats strangers and even animals with compassion. She is really sensible and considerate towards the sentiments of even animals. This quality of her has always inspired me to treat every living creature with love and compassion.

    Her Inspiring Strength

    The strength, with which she deals with everyday hurdles faced by her and the family, has always inspired me and provided me strength in rough times. From pre nursery to till date, My Mother has always inspired me to improve, be it in academics or in life.

    My mother had been my inspiration throughout my life and she still continues to be in some way or the other. Her unwavering physical endurance, when she does the household chores, day and night.

    Her Inspiring Devotion

    One of the most peculiar qualities of my mother and of any other mother for that matter, is, the selfless love and dedication she has for her family. This quality of her has instilled the values and need for staying together as a family in me, come what may. I am inspired to have the same dedication and love towards my family and friends.

    The way she has devotedly dedicated herself to the family’s welfare and wellness, is inspiring not only for me but also for other family members. We all are inspired to move further in our endeavors, as there is always someone caring for us and loving us.

    Her Inspiring Life

    It wouldn’t be wrong if I say that my mother is my life’s inspiration. She inspires me in every aspect of my life, be it, personal, professional or social. Watching her own conduct and learning skills from her, has always motivated me to be exactly like her, which has also been the reason for my all achievements and successes.

    Her emotional strength has inspired me to keep calm in challenging situations and her perseverance has always inspired me to pursue my own dreams. Even her domestic skills have inspired me to do clean my own clothes, polish my shoes and keeping my room neat and tidy, all by myself.

    Being a life inspiration for anyone is no small deal and it requires a life full of positivity, enthusiasm and a full load of good qualities to do so. Nevertheless, my mother has achieved it with distinction and she still continues to inspire me.


    The famous quote by an English poet, Rudyard Kipling – “God couldn’t not be everywhere and so he made mothers”, best explains the value and status of a mother. The phrase very clearly states that a mother is equivalent only to God and therefore she exhumes the same persona and performs the same duties as you would expect from God.

    I find the quote justifiable as I find My Mother no less than God, for me and the family at least. Not only mine, but every mother in the world deserves a praiseworthy applause for her love, devotion and sacrifices for her children and other members of the family.

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    My Mother Essay FAQs

    Why is a mother important in my life?

    A mother is important because she provides love, care, and guidance, shaping us into better individuals and supporting us through life's challenges.

    How has my mother helped me?

    My mother has helped me by always being there, offering advice, encouragement, and teaching valuable life lessons, making me stronger and more confident.

    What is a short note on a mother in English?

    A mother is someone who gives unconditional love, sacrifices for her children, and remains a constant source of support and inspiration in their lives.

    How does my mother help me?

    My mother helps me by being my biggest supporter, offering guidance, and showing endless love and understanding, making every day better.

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