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World population day Slogan is a global campaign celebrated annually on the 11th of July to raise awareness about global population issues. Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme established this campaign in 1989 to attract people’s attention to population issues and motivate them for family planning. World Population Day makes people aware of the impact of uncontrolled population growth on our natural resources and society.
The main objective behind its observance is to convey the message that several social issues like poverty, unemployment, water scarcity, and unavailability of resources are directly proportional to the population. That unprecedented population growth will drain our resources and hinder the nation’s economic and social growth.
World Population Day Slogans in English
We have provided below some attractive, eye-catching, and fresh slogans for world population day, which you can use to increase people’s participation in the campaign celebrations and understand the main theme of this campaign.
Following world population day, slogans can be used during events or campaign celebrations to inspire people to follow family planning measures.
You can choose any world population day slogan to make people aware of population issues.
Unique and Catchy Slogans on World Population Day
A big family brings big problems too.
Be proud and control the crowd. Happy World Population Day.
Two children, bright future; More children, no future.
A small family is sweet, but a big family is a crowd.
Save the earth from population explosion.
Plan your family and protect the planet.
Keep a small family to have a big happy life.
Nature is giving you an ultimate warning, Move towards family planning.
There are many responsibilities we need to do other than increasing population.
Decrease the population, and increase the growth.
The increased human number will cause massive plunder.
On world population day, every entity must be aware of its calamities.
The population is a problem that causes other problems.
If the population increases, the resource decreases.
Birth control is a solution to the problem of overpopulation.
Be clever; control the population, and enjoy nature forever.
Overpopulation is a curse; it will make the situation worse.
Keep child one or two; it will be beneficial for you.
Overpopulation is not good; how will you get enough food?
Overpopulation is a load on earth; it will make you die in dearth.
Overpopulation brings the scarcity of natural resources.
Overpopulation is the main reason behind the major problems we are facing.
Have control over Birth to reduce the burden on the earth.
Overpopulation will bring calamities for humans.
A controlled population will help us in living a healthy and sustainable life.
Give your friend advice on their anniversary to follow the family planning trend.
Celebrate World Population Day to enjoy lesser crowd in the future.
Celebrate World Population Day to control population growth.
Save the earth from over-exploitation caused by overpopulation.
Join the campaign to have enough space to live on the earth.
Adopt a child instead of Giving Birth to your child.
Control overpopulation to remain away from starvation.
Control the population to maintain a happy life.
Take part in the campaign celebration to be aware of overcrowding.
World Population Day is aware of raising voices against overpopulation.
It is difficult to reduce the population but not impossible.
Take the pledge to control the population.
Reduce population; otherwise, you will suffer starvation.
Overpopulation is more dangerous than an atom bomb that will surely burst in the future.
Overpopulation gives rise to poverty, illiteracy, and lots of social issues.
Two people make a company, but three people a crowd.
Keep child only one or two that is good for future.
Use family planning tips and measures to have a small family.
Join the campaign to change population trends.
Focus on the population to fight poverty and illiteracy.
Start family planning for a happy future.
Reduce the population and empower women.
Join the campaign to think about poverty, population, and development.
Control the population and save women’s life.
Reduce the crowd over earth for a better future.
The increasing population is toxic to the earth’s environment.
Overpopulation is the overload on the planet; let’s pledge to reduce the load.
Birth control is the only solution to population control.
Overpopulation is the reason for less space and less food.
Control the population to enjoy nature forever.
Control the population to control the environmental issues.
Lower the burden on the earth by controlling the population.
Earth cannot carry the heavy load for long, so think about population control.
Our earth is in danger of overpopulation, control the population and save the earth.
Earth is the only known planet to live on; let it be spacious.
Earth is our home; keep it clean, happy, and less crowded.
Birth control is the blessing to get control over the increasing population.

Related Information:
- Essay on Population
- Essay on Population Growth
- Speech on World Population Day
- World Population Day
- Paragraph on Population