EnglishSpeechLong and Short Welcome Speech for Farewell in English

Long and Short Welcome Speech for Farewell in English

Welcome speech for farewell is an important sub-category under the welcome speech. Farewell as we all know is a special time both for the seniors as well as juniors, both for the person who has to bid final goodbye and also for others who have to happily see off the concerned person.

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    A farewell is not just a goodbye; it is a beautiful transition period filled with memories, appreciation, and emotional closure. As we gather for this special occasion, we take a moment to celebrate the incredible journey shared with our departing colleagues. This farewell hosting script will guide us through heartfelt farewell speeches, cherished memories, and engaging farewell activities that make this event unforgettable. With a heartfelt departure announcement, let us express our gratitude and best wishes for their new journey ahead.

    Long and Short Welcome Speech for Farewell in English

    Long and Short Welcome Speech for Farewell in English

    Here are both short welcome speeches for farewell as well as long welcome speeches for farewell which can be really useful, if you have to wish someone farewell with a special speech or have to felicitate the person or a group of people leaving school, college or any organization for that matter. So what are you waiting for, simply browse through the website and read on to know more about such useful speeches.

    Welcome Speech for Farewell 1

    To our Hon’ble Principal Smt. ………., Director, Teaching Staff as well as Non-teaching Staff – A very warm welcome to everyone!

    I, Sourabh Vashisht from Class-IX (B) – Commerce Department, will be hosting today’s farewell events. It is indeed an important day for all of us, particularly for our seniors who have spent a major part of their lives, that is, their growing years in this school and now the time has arrived when they will have to bid adieu to us and prepare themselves for a new beginning in their lives.

    Our seniors have always behaved like our elder brothers and sisters and always took pain in helping us, in our projects and have been more than eager to help us. Years of togetherness have created an emotional bond between us; therefore; it is not easy to say final good bye to them. However, we do understand that you have completed your due time in this school and you all now have to gear up for entering into the next phase of your life.

    So tonight, we as your juniors have organized this farewell to make you all feel good in the most special way and also to give you the opportunity to express what you feel at this last moment. But before I call upon stage my seniors, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude on behalf of the entire IX Class, to our respected Principal for having been so cooperative in making the arrangements for this farewell party. It clearly wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our principal and teachers. So many thanks to our faculty as well!

    Now, coming back to our seniors, I just want to say that it’s been a wonderful journey with you all in the school and as we look back we only wish if we could have more time to spend with you. You all were seriously the best seniors we could ever have got. There was never a moment of awkwardness between us, which I admire the most.

    In fact, our class teachers always want us to look up to our seniors and observe how they excel in their studies. Despite being in different streams, all our seniors have acted in unity. I could not see any feeling of animosity between different departments. In fact, as and when the need arises our seniors from the three different streams come together for the occasion and set an excellent example of oneness. There is a lot to learn from our seniors and I sincerely wish if we, your juniors, could inculcate same qualities and such level of determination in our studies. You all have truly become an example for all of us to emulate.

    This farewell party therefore, is a way of expressing our regard towards our seniors and I hope you all shall enjoy the evening as much as we did while doing the preparations. This is all from my side and now I would request our principal to kindly come on stage and say a few words to our seniors.

    Thank You!

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    Welcome Speech for Farewell 2

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers, College Staff, Invited Guests, Dear Seniors and My Lovely Friends – Warm Welcome to all of you!

    I, Sakshi Rawat from B.COM 2nd year, feel honored to have been given the opportunity to deliver the welcome speech on the day of farewell party of our seniors. Heartiest congratulations to our seniors for coming a long way and successfully traversing this journey. I hope you all will come out with flying colors in your board exams. The pre-board exam results have been quite impressive and we as your juniors strongly feel that the final exams would also yield good results. You have created a good example that perseverance is the key to success and with continuous dedication and hard work we can achieve our goals.

    Till date we have been quite relaxed, but after coming in 12th standard we will also have to pull up our socks and perform like you all did. You have raised a benchmark for all of us and I am saying this on behalf of all the juniors that we all are proud of you. As our seniors, you all have given us a constant reminder that we can make things really work if we have the willingness to do so. We human beings are gifted with a strong will power, if we exercise it the right way.

    You have taught us a lot and you have always been there guiding us and showing us the right path. You have done more than what we could have asked for. So, standing here I could feel mixed emotions – there is both a sense of sadness as well as happiness. Sadness of course because we wouldn’t be able to relive these school moments in the future and happiness because you all are going to start a new chapter in your life which will be like an important milestone in the shaping up your career.

    Our dear seniors, as you leave this school prep up yourself for the next level challenges that lie ahead of you which of course we truly believe that you all have developed the requisite knowledge and skills to overcome. I sincerely hope that you all will carry the name of this school with great pride and utmost dignity; not letting anyone to spoil its honor.

    Secondly, my personal advice would be to respect everyone you meet around and be embracing of other people’s point of view. Just stay positive and let God show you the right path towards greatness. Think big, act wisely and do everything with a positive bend of mind. Now, on behalf of our entire school, I would like to welcome our seniors to today’s farewell events, also extending warm wishes for the future that awaits them.

    May god bless you all!

    Now, I would request our respected principal to kindly come on stage and say a few words to our seniors so that the day’s event can be kick-started thereafter.

    Thank you so much!

    Farewell Speech for Students | Farewell Quotes and messages

    Welcome Speech for Farewell 3

    Good Morning Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Loving Students!

    Today it is a very auspicious event and I, as the Vice Principal of this school, welcome you all on the last day of your school which is regarded as the “Farewell Day”. As we all agree, you children are the bright sunshine of the society, the seeds of plants those will nurture our country’s future.

    You have made it clear that we need perseverance for success. We can make things happen if we really work. Yes, we human beings have wonderful ability to accumulate knowledge. Growth of human civilization has been possible only through this wonderful gift from God to us. We take some ideas from our forerunners and add up some by ourselves. We make it new and give it to future generations. Thus, for building up a foundation and showing examples, I would like to thank you. At the same time, I would like to tell you all that, with the wholehearted efforts of our honorable teachers; we will make the road even wider. Truly speaking we will never disappoint you.

    It is very hard to say goodbye; however, we have to do this because it is our responsibility to see you off happily. I am feeling very fortunate that I am reciting a welcome speech here for my amazing and special class 12 students who have displayed a lot of love and hard work all their tenure towards teachers, juniors and academics respectively. You all have worked together to lead our school in reaching new heights. The development of the school has only been made possible through your determination and efforts. Whether it was events for juniors or for your teachers, you all have proved your mettle to make events prove successful.

    You acted as guardians to your juniors and made them feel comfortable so that they could adjust to the new environment. You took care of them just like elder sisters and brothers and we do realize that it was a joint effort. It is not simple to forget your good deeds. We will really miss all of you and remember that you will always be close to our hearts. Through your hard work and determination, make a mark for yourself and make your school and teachers proud as you are the future of the country.

    We, together as a team have organized certain programs for you all, so that you could enjoy the day to the core and cherish these memories for your entire lifetime. We hope that the programs turn out to be enjoyable as we teachers are not perfect like you students, but whatever we did we have done it for our love to you. We wish you all with bright career and peaceful wishing you all the very best for all your future endeavors.

    Welcome Speech for Farewell 4

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Director, Teachers, Admin Department – Warm Welcome to one and all!

    I, Aashish Kalra – from BA Program 2nd year, am your host for today. It’s an overwhelming moment for all of us, especially for our seniors who now have to bid adieu to our college and embark on the next phase of their lives. In the preceding years, so many memories have been formed in terms of many competitions, where both we and our seniors participated, annual functions where we all performed together, many projects on which we worked together, several inter-college competitions where we represented our college together, including a lot more.

    And now with a heavy heart we will have to say final goodbye to our seniors who have really inspired us all the time with their consistent performance and steadfastness. It’s not easy for us to say so even though we know that it’s time for you now to move towards another stepping stone of your life. You have taught us that there is no secret to success, but it’s an outcome of preparation, dedication and of course learning from failures. No person can realize his/her dreams if he/she cannot learn from their past mistakes. It is very important to retrospect our actions and assess where we have gone wrong. It is by realizing our mistakes and making up for those mistakes that we truly evolve in our lives and rise on the ladder of success.

    I cannot or probably no one can sum up their emotions in such a short span of time, but as your junior and on behalf of my class, I just want to say that it’s been an incredible journey with you all and as our seniors you have always showed us the right path and helped us in as many ways as you could.

    You all are true role models for us and now soon we will become senior most in school, and we have already started to feel a sense of responsibility. It’s easy to speak in loud-mouthed words, but it’s difficult to become an example for the people to follow and I can proudly say that our seniors fall into the latter category. Though it’s difficult to take names of our seniors in particular because all of you have been equally good; but if I were to take a few names those would be – Ajay Rawat, Khushboo Pathak, Raunak Trivedi and Sonya Chaturvedi. They have remained super active throughout their bachelor program and showed maximum participation in both academic and co-curricular activities.

    I, therefore, would want to invite our respected Principal and Vice Principal ma’am on stage and request them to felicitate our seniors and say a few words to them. I am sure our seniors can just not wait to express their gratitude and feelings towards the college and they will also be given the opportunity to share the stage with us.

    This is all from my side and thank you for being such a wonderful audience!

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    Farewell Hosting Script for Seniors

    Anchor 1: “Good [morning/evening] everyone! Today is a bittersweet moment as we gather to bid farewell to our beloved seniors. It’s a day of celebration, gratitude, and fond memories!”

    Anchor 2: “Absolutely! Our seniors have been our mentors, friends, and role models. As they step into a new journey, let’s make this farewell a memorable one filled with laughter, love, and best wishes!”

    Welcome Address
    🎤 Anchor 1: “To begin this beautiful evening, let’s welcome our respected teachers, beloved seniors, and dear friends. Your presence makes this event special!”

    🎤 Anchor 2: “Let’s kick off this farewell with an energetic round of applause for our seniors, who have guided and inspired us throughout our journey!”

    Speech by Juniors
    🎤 Anchor 1: “Now, it’s time to hear from those who will miss our seniors the most—our juniors! Let’s invite [Student Name] to share their heartfelt words.”

    Welcome Speech for Farewell in English FAQs

    How do I start a welcome speech for a farewell party?

    What's a good way to welcome students specifically at a farewell party?

    Start by addressing the graduating students directly, acknowledging their hard work and contributions. Express how much they'll be missed. Then, welcome other attendees and highlight the purpose of the gathering: celebrating the students' journey and wishing them success.

    What key elements should I include in a welcome speech for a farewell?

    Warm Greeting: Address the audience with enthusiasm. Acknowledgement of the Occasion: State the purpose of the gathering clearly. Gratitude: Thank attendees for coming and acknowledge those who organized the event. Recognition of the Departing Class: Highlight their achievements, contributions, and impact. Expression of Mixed Emotions: Acknowledge the happiness of celebration and the sadness of parting. Setting the Tone: Briefly preview the activities planned and encourage participation.

    How can I give a warm welcome speech that feels genuine and engaging?

    Personalize your speech! Share a brief, positive anecdote or observation about the graduating class. Speak from the heart, acknowledging the mixed emotions of the occasion. Make eye contact, smile, and let your enthusiasm shine through.

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