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NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Civics Social Science Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj

Panchayati Raj refers to a system of local self-governance in India, established by a constitutional amendment in 1992. It is based on the traditional panchayat system, which has been a part of the Indian subcontinent for centuries. The term “panchayati” is derived from “panch” (meaning five) and “ayat” (assembly), and “raj” means governance. This system is primarily found in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.

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    In Chapter 5 of CBSE Class 6 Civics, students learn about the roles and duties of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayats, key components of the Panchayati Raj system. The chapter provides insight into how these local bodies function and their responsibilities in rural governance. For additional support, students can refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 5 – Panchayati Raj, which offers solutions to the exercises provided in the textbook Social and Political Life. These solutions help students understand the concepts better and prepare for their exams effectively.

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    In most Indian villages, an independent body oversees the town’s operations and has decision-making ability. The panchayat raj has been in existence for centuries and follows traditional practices. Our subject experts are well-versed in this ancient system and have created Panchayati Raj Class 6 notes. These Gram Panchayat Class 6 function notes cover themes such as what happens when representatives are elected by the people, what and how talks are held, and so on. Students can learn and revise these concepts by going through NCERT Solution Chapter 5 of Class 6: Gram Sabha.

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      NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Chapter 5 Question Answers

      Questions (Page No. 48)

      1. What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face? What did they do to solve this problem?

      Ans. The villagers in Hardas village faced the problem of drinking water shortage. They did the following tasks to solve this problem.

      1. They deepened the two hand pumps.
      2. They cleaned one well.
      3. They sought information about the scheme of watershed development from the Block Development Officer.

      2. What, in your opinion, is the importance of the Gram Sabha? Do you think all members should attend Gram Sabha meetings? Why?

      Ans. Importance of Gram Sabha

      1. Gram Sabha is the elected body of people consisting of several Gram Panchayats.
      2. It has more powers than Gram Panchayat.
      3. It controls the money received by the Gram Panchayat.
      4. It also suggests various tasks to be done by the Gram Panchayat.
      5. All members should attend Gram Sabha meetings because they have to make decisions about the welfare of the village people.

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      3. What is the link between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?

      Ans. Gram Sabha consists of all adults living in an area covered by a Panchayat. Sarpanch, the Panchayat President, is elected by all the members of a Gram Sabha. The Gram Panchayat has a secretary who is also the secretary of Gram Sabha. The secretary is not an elected authority but is appointed by the government.

      The secretary is the link between the Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabha. He is responsible for calling the meetings of Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat. He is also the custodian of the records of the proceedings. Gram Sabha controls the functioning of the Gram Panchayat.

      4. Take an example of anyone task done by a Panchayat in your area/nearby rural area and nd out the following:

      i. Why it was taken up?

      Ans. The task taken up – repairs of drains. It was taken up because the drains were in damaged condition. Dirty water was spreading in the streets and on the roads, making them unusable for traffic.

      ii. Where did the money come from?

      Ans. The money came from taxes, government grants, and donations.

      iii. Whether or not the work has been completed?

      Ans. The work has been completed.

      Class 6 Foundation Course

      5. What is the difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?

      Ans. Difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat. Read the following news item.

      Panchayat raj








      6. Read the following news item.

      Nimone is a village on the Chaufula-Shirur Road. Like many others, this village has also been facing a severe water shortage for the last few months and villagers depend on tankers for all their needs. Bhagvan Mahadeo Lad (35) of this village was beaten with sticks, iron rods and axes by a group of seven men. The incident came to light when some villagers brought a badly injured lad to hospital for treatment. The FIR recorded by the police said that he was attacked when he insisted that the water in the tanker must be emptied into the storage tanks. The storage tanks were constructed as part of the water supply scheme by Nimone Gram Panchayat, so that there would be equal distribution of water. However, he alleged that the upper caste men were against this and told him that the tanker water was not meant for the lower castes.

      Adapted from Indian Express, May 1, 2004

      a. Why was Bhagvan beaten?

      Bhagvan was beaten because he insisted that the water from the tanker should be emptied into the storage tanks built by the village authorities. This was meant to ensure everyone in the village got an equal share of the water. However, a group of upper caste men did not agree with this because they believed that the lower castes should not have access to the water.

      b. Do you think that the above is a case of discrimination? Why?

      Ans. Yes, this is a case of discrimination. Discrimination means treating someone unfairly or unjustly based on various factors like their caste, color, religion, etc. In this situation, Bhagvan was harmed because he wanted equal water distribution for everyone, regardless of their caste. The upper caste men’s actions were unfair and harmful, based on their belief that lower caste individuals shouldn’t have the same rights as them. This behavior creates inequality and is a clear example of caste-based discrimination.

      7. Find out more about watershed development and how it benefits an area?

      Ans. Watershed development is a process that focuses on water conservation and replenishing groundwater in targeted areas. It uses specific techniques like rainwater harvesting to ensure water availability, turning dry, barren areas into fertile, green spaces over time. This transformation, achieved within a few years, enhances the local ecosystem, bringing back a diverse range of plants and animals. It not only improves the scenery but also boosts the area’s ecological balance and agricultural productivity, contributing to long-term environmental sustainability.

      1. Watershed development helps in conserving water and recharging the groundwater resources.
      2. Under the watershed development scheme, the following tasks are performed: (a)Trees are planted. (b) Check dams and tanks are constructed to harvest rainwater.
      3. An ample quantity of water is available both for drinking and irrigation.
      4. Barren lands are turned into green meadows.
      5. Arable land is reclaimed.
      6. Land become fertile.

      Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj Overview

      In Chapter 5 of social science class 6, “Panchayati Raj,” students learn about the system of local governance in rural India. The chapter introduces concepts such as Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, and the roles and responsibilities of each in the decentralized governance structure. The Gram Sabha is presented as a platform for all eligible voters in a village to participate in decision-making, while the Gram Panchayat, led by a Sarpanch, is the executive wing responsible for implementing developmental programs. The chapter emphasizes the importance of active community participation and the impact of Panchayati Raj on rural development .

      Summary of Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj Covering Important Topics

      The Gram Sabha is described as a meeting of all adult members in a village or group of villages within a Panchayat area. It is a platform where people can directly participate and seek answers from their elected representatives. The chapter highlights the importance of the Gram Sabha in decision-making and planning at the local level.

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      Class 6 HOTS Course

      The Class 6 HOTS Course is designed to boost students’ critical thinking and analytical skills. Through innovative activities and challenging exercises, this course helps students develop a deeper understanding of concepts, ensuring they excel academically. With a focus on higher-order thinking, the Class 6 HOTS Course prepares students for future academic challenges by enhancing their problem-solving abilities.

      The Gram Panchayat is the executive wing of the Gram Sabha, consisting of the Sarpanch (Panchayat President) and other elected members (Panchs). The Gram Panchayat is responsible for implementing development programs and maintaining infrastructure such as roads, water sources, and school buildings. It also has the authority to levy and collect local taxes.

      The chapter also discusses the importance of the Secretary of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat, who is appointed by the government and is responsible for organizing meetings and maintaining records.

      One of the key issues highlighted in the chapter is the problem of water shortages in villages. The Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat of Hardas village discuss various solutions, such as deepening hand pumps and cleaning wells. The concept of watershed development is introduced as a long-term solution for water conservation and recharging groundwater levels.

      The chapter concludes by emphasizing the significance of the Panchayati Raj system in promoting participatory governance and ensuring that local communities have a say in their development. It encourages students to understand the functioning of local governance and the importance of their participation in the democratic process.

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      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      What are Gram Sabha Critical Functions?

      Gram Sabha is an important body that makes the majority of decisions in the village. It is also in charge of identifying and choosing people who are in need of assistance. Gram Sabha performs a number of important functions, including: To put the panchayat's and the state government's development plans into action. To determine which beneficiaries are qualified for the program or scheme. If the gram Sabha fails to do so, the duty will be handled by the gram panchayat. To cooperate and promote harmony among the inhabitants of the town and village to keep a watch on other important issues and bring them to the Gram Sabha attention

      What is the Sarpanchs role in the Gram Sabha?

      The Gram Sabha’s head and most important member is the sarpanch. He/she is accountable- To take critical actions to ensure that a larger number of individuals participate. Sarpanch is responsible for taking all efforts necessary to maintain social and cultural harmony. When making a decision, you should be objective. Should be in charge of the Gram Sabha and make important decisions. Is in charge of responding to the members questions addressed to the gram Sabha.

      What powers does the Gram Sabha have under the PESA Act?

      The Gram Sabha has specific functions under the The Provisions of the Panchayats 1996 Act. These are some of them: Safeguarding and preserving the local peoples traditions and culture. Approval of social and economic development plans, programs, and projects before they are executed at the village level by the panchayat. Right to be consulted prior to the purchase of land or re-settling of those impacted by such plans. Complete control over minor water bodies in designated areas. Granting a prospecting license or a mining lease for minor minerals is recommended. Control and execution of local plans

      Will my examinations accept INFINITY LEARN NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 of Class 6 Social and Political Life?

      INFINITY LEARN qualified teachers prepare NCERT solutions for Chapter 5 of Class 6 Social and Political Life with the primary goal of preparing students for their CBSE Exams. Each solution is written with the CBSE test grading structure and pattern in mind. The solutions are also updated on a regular basis to reflect the most recent CBSE syllabus. As a result, you can rest confident that when you choose INFINITY LEARN NCERT Solutions as your study companion, you are selecting the most trusted and legitimate solutions accessible online.

      According to Chapter 5 of Class 6 Social and Political Life, what is the Panchayati Raj System?

      In contrast to the urban government, Panchayati Raj is a unique self-governance system in rural India. It is one of the oldest forms of local government in India. In India, it is the first level of democratic administration. All Indian states, with the exception of Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Mizoram, and all Union Territories, with the exception of Delhi, have adopted this governance structure. It allows citizens to engage in their own governments decision-making process.

      According to Chapter 5 of Class 6 Social and Political Life, why was Bhagavan beaten?

      Bhagavan lives in Simone village, which has been suffering from a severe water deficit. For their water supply, the locals relied on water tankers. Bhagavan was thrashed by upper caste men of the village when he asked that the water from the tankers be dumped into the water storage tank as per Simone Gram Panchayats water delivery program for equal distribution of water. This is a clear indication of the persistent caste inequities in our country.

      here can I get NCERT PDF Solutions for Political Science Chapter 5 for CBSE Class 6?

      Follow these steps to acquire CBSE Class 6 NCERT PDF Solutions for Political Science Chapter 5: Choose chapter 5 from the NCERT Solutions for Social and Political Life for Class 6 page. Find the Download PDF option by scrolling down. Select it by clicking on it. It will take you to the next page, where you will find a download link. You may also get these solutions using the INFINITY LEARN app if you have it loaded on your phone. Both of these solutions are easy to use and do not cost anything.

      Apart from chapter 5, how many chapters are there in the Political Science textbook for Class 6?

      The NCERT textbook for Political Science in Class 6 is titled Social and Political Life - I, and it has nine chapters: Understanding Diverse Populations Discrimination and Diversity What is the definition of government? A Democratic Governments Essential Elements Panchayati Raj is a type of local government in India. Administration of the Rural Administration of the City Livelihoods in the Countryside Livelihoods in Cities

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