TopicsGeneral TopicsBirds Names – Explore List of 100 Names in English and Hindi

Birds Names – Explore List of 100 Names in English and Hindi

Birds Name in English

Bird Names: Birds are some of the most interesting creatures on Earth, and the names we give them are just as fascinating. We name birds based on various things, like how they look, act, where they live, or even stories from long ago.

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    1. Looks: Some birds are named after their appearance. Take the bluebird, for example. It gets its name because it has beautiful blue feathers. The robin is named after its orangey-red breast.
    2. Behavior: Other birds are named after what they do. The chickadee, for instance, is named because it makes a cheerful “chick-a-dee-dee-dee” sound. On the other hand, the cuckoo is named because it tricks other birds by laying eggs in their nests.
    3. Environment: Birds like the ostrich are named after the places they come from. The ostrich is found in Africa, so it’s named after that continent. Penguins get their name from their black backs and white bellies, which look like a priest’s robe.
    4. Mythology: Some bird names come from ancient stories. The phoenix is one such bird. It’s mythical and is said to rise from its own ashes after burning up.

    Birds Names in English with Pictures

    Birds name

    Birds Name in English for Kids

    Here are some common bird names in English for kids:

    • Sparrow
    • Eagle
    • Hawk
    • Owl
    • Pigeon
    • Crow
    • Robin
    • Parrot
    • Penguin
    • Flamingo
    • Swan
    • Hummingbird
    • Peacock
    • Woodpecker
    • Seagull
    • Toucan
    • Canary
    • Finch
    • Pelican
    • Falcon

    These are just a few examples, and there are thousands of bird species with unique names in the English language.

    100 Birds Name in English

    Below are the list of 100 Birds names in English

    Crow Kite Dove
    Sparrow woodpecker Owl
    Eagle Hen Parrot
    Raven Stork Swan
    Quail Pelican Kingfisher
    Parakeet Ostrich Cockatiel
    Vulture Crane Penguin
    Hummingbird Weave – bird Hornbill
    Albatross Cuckoo Turkey
    Oilbird Emu Falcon
    Drongo Cockatoo Nightingale
    Sandpiper Goldfinch Robin
    Swallow Pheasant Toucan
    Canary Heron Potoo
    Bush warbler Cassowary Mallard
    Common swift Megapode Spoonbill
    Ospreys Rail Budgerigar
    Wren Loon Arctic tern
    Lovebird Rallidae Bee-eater
    Grebe Passerine Pelican
    Moa Nightjar Guinea fowl
    Dodo Greater coucal Turkey
    Gannet Avocet Catbird
    Bluebird Dunnock Northern cardinal
    Teal Gadwall Northern pintail
    Hoatzin Oriole Partridge
    Tailorbird Weaverbird Skylark
    Pigeon Goose Coot
    Peacock Finches Lark
    Duck Hawk Conure
    Macaw Wagtail Cygnet
    Thrush Myna Kiwi
    Roadrunner Blue jay Azure dollar

    Birds Names and Sounds in English

    Birds are fascinating creatures with a rich diversity in species, each with unique vocalizations, flight patterns, and ecological roles. Birds communicate through various calls and songs, which serve different purposes like marking territory, warning of predators, or attracting mates. Here are some common bird species and their sounds:

    • Common Sparrow – This small bird produces a cheerful “chirp-chirp” sound, often heard in urban areas.
    • American Robin – Recognized for its melodious “cheerily, cheer up, cheer up” song, often a sign of spring.
    • European Starling – A talented mimic, this bird can imitate other birds’ songs and even human-made sounds.
    • African Grey Parrot – Known for its ability to mimic human speech and various environmental sounds.
    • Hummingbird Species – These tiny birds make high-pitched “buzzing” sounds, often accompanied by the rapid hum of their wings.
    • Waterfowl Species (e.g., Ducks, Geese) – Ducks typically “quack,” while geese produce loud “honks” to communicate in flocks.
    • Raptors (e.g., Hawks, Eagles) – These majestic birds emit sharp “screeches” or “kee-eee-ar” calls to mark their territory.
    • Shorebirds (e.g., Sandpipers, Gulls) – Their calls range from high-pitched “peeps” to loud, laughing cries near coastlines.
    • Songbirds (e.g., Warblers, Finches) – These birds produce intricate melodies, essential for territoriality and social behavior.
    • Flightless Birds (e.g., Ostrich, Emu) – While they don’t fly, ostriches “booom,” and emus produce deep “drumming” sounds.
    • Exotic Birds (e.g., Macaws, Cockatoos) – Macaws have loud, raucous calls, while cockatoos can whistle and mimic sounds.

    Birds Name in Hindi

    Here are some common bird names in Hindi:

    • Sparrow – गौरैया (Gauraiya)
    • Crow – कौआ (Kauwa)
    • Peacock – मोर (Mor)
    • Pigeon – कबूतर (Kabutar)
    • Eagle – गरुड़ (Garud)
    • Parrot – तोता (Tota)
    • Owl – उल्लू (Ullu)
    • Swan – हंस (Hans)
    • Duck – बतख (Batak)
    • Falcon – बाज (Baaz)

    100 Birds Names in Hindi

    • उल्लू
    • तोता
    • स्वैन
    • नीलकंठ
    • पेंगुइन
    • हॉर्नबिल
    • टर्की
    • फाल्कन
    • बुलबुल
    • रोबिन
    • टूकेन
    • पोटू
    • जंगली बत्तख़
    • एक प्रकार का पक्षी
    • पशु
    • एक आर्कटिक समुद्री पक्षी
    • पतेना
    • हवासील
    • गिनी मुर्गा
    • केटबार्ड
    • चकवा
    • भारी अड़चन
    • ऑइलबर्ड
    • ग्रेटर रैकेट-टेल्ड
    • ड्रोंगो
    • सैंडपाइपर
    • लोट लगाते
    • पीतचटकी
    • बुश वार्बलर
    • सामान्य स्विफ्ट
    • ऑस्प्रे
    • रेन
    • तोता
    • ग्रेब
    • मोआ
    • सुस्तदिमाग़
    • गैनिट
    • ब्लूबर्ड
    • टील
    • होट्ज़िन
    • दर्जिन चिड़ियाउत्तरी पिंटेल
    • तीतर
    • कबूतर
    • मोर
    • बत्तख
    • बत्तख
    • फिंच
    • बाज़
    • एजीटांट
    • मैना
    • ब्लू जे
    • हॉर्नबिल
    • अधेला
    • तार्लिंग
    • गंगा-चिल्ली
    • खलिहान निगल
    • परी पक्षी
    • कूट
    • लवा
    • सिग्नेट
    • कीवी
    • नीला डॉलर/बैंगनी डॉलर
    • थ्रश

    10 Birds Name in English and Hindi

    Here are 10 bird names provided below:

    English Name Hindi Name
    Sparrow गौरैया (Gauraiya)
    Crow कौआ (Kauwa)
    Peacock मोर (Mor)
    Pigeon कबूतर (Kabutar)
    Eagle गरुड़ (Garud)
    Parrot तोता (Tota)
    Owl उल्लू (Ullu)
    Swan हंस (Hans)
    Duck बतख (Batak)
    Falcon बाज (Baaz)

    20 Birds Name in English and Hindi

    Here are 20 bird names provided below:

    English Name Hindi Name
    Sparrow गौरैया (Gauraiya)
    Crow कौआ (Kauwa)
    Peacock मोर (Mor)
    Pigeon कबूतर (Kabutar)
    Eagle गरुड़ (Garud)
    Parrot तोता (Tota)
    Owl उल्लू (Ullu)
    Swan हंस (Hans)
    Duck बतख (Batak)
    Falcon बाज (Baaz)
    Robin रॉबिन (Robin)
    Hummingbird मधुमक्खी पक्षी (Madhumakhi Pakshi)
    Heron बगुला (Bagula)
    Woodpecker कठफोड़वा (Kathphodwa)
    Seagull मईना (Maina)
    Kingfisher मछलीखोर (Machhlikhor)
    Vulture गिद्ध (Giddh)
    Ostrich शुतुरमुर्ग (Shuturmurg)
    Flamingo फ्लैमिंगो (Flamingo)
    Toucan टूकन (Toucan)

    Birds Name list A to Z

    Below are the list of Birds names in English A to Z;

    • Canary
    • Cormorant
    • Crane (Stork)
    • Crow
    • Cuckoo
    • Dove
    • Duck
    • Eagle
    • Flamingo
    • Goldfinch
    • Goose
    • Guineafowl
    • Hawk
    • Hen
    • Hoatzin
    • Hornbill
    • Hummingbird
    • Jay
    • Kestrel
    • Kingfisher
    • Macaw
    • Magpie
    • Myna
    • Nightingale
    • Oriole
    • Ostrich
    • Owl
    • Parrot
    • Partridge
    • Peacock
    • Pelican
    • Penguin
    • Pheasant
    • Pigeon
    • Quail
    • Raven
    • Robin
    • Rooster
    • Seagull
    • Skylark
    • Sparrow
    • Starling
    • Stork
    • Swallow
    • Swan
    • Tailorbird
    • Toucans
    • Turkey
    • Vulture
    • Wagtails
    • Weaverbird
    • Woodpecke

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    Flightless Birds Names

    Here is a list of Some flightless birds name in English with their habitat:

    Bird Name Scientific Name Habitat Range
    Ostrich Struthio camelus African savannas and deserts Africa and parts of the Middle East
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Grasslands, forests, and deserts Australia
    Cassowary Casuarius spp. Tropical rainforests and swamps Northern Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands
    Kiwi Apteryx spp. Forests and scrublands New Zealand
    Rhea Rhea spp. Grasslands and shrublands South America (mainly in Argentina)
    Penguin Various species within Spheniscidae Coastal regions and islands, oceans Various regions, including Antarctica, South America, Africa, and New Zealand
    Kakapo (Night Parrot) Strigops habroptilus Forests and subalpine regions New Zealand

    Migratory Birds with Names

    Here is some common migratory birds along with their names in English:

    Common Name Scientific Name
    Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
    Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
    Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus
    Common Swift Apus apus
    Sandhill Crane Antigone canadensis
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus
    European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
    Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris
    Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata
    White Stork Ciconia ciconia
    Snow Goose Anser caerulescens
    Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica
    Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
    Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos
    Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni
    Yellow Warbler Setophaga petechia
    Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
    Painted Lady Butterfly Vanessa cardui
    Red Knot Calidris canutus
    American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla
    Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

    Famous Birds Name in English

    Here are some famous bird names:

    1. Bald Eagle
    2. Peregrine Falcon
    3. American Robin
    4. Northern Cardinal
    5. Snowy Owl
    6. Great Horned Owl
    7. Red-tailed Hawk
    8. Blue Jay
    9. Common Sparrow
    10. Mallard Duck
    11. Great Blue Heron
    12. Woodpecker
    13. American Crow
    14. Bald Eagle
    15. Osprey
    16. Flamingo
    17. Penguin
    18. Albatross
    19. Hummingbird
    20. Peacock

    Small Birds Names

    Here are some small bird names:

    • Sparrow
    • Robin
    • Finch
    • Wren
    • Blue Tit
    • Hummingbird
    • Warbler
    • Goldcrest
    • Pigeon
    • Swallow
    • Starling
    • Nuthatch
    • Kingfisher
    • Chickadee
    • Bulbul
    • Waxwing
    • House Martin
    • Sparrow hawk
    • Sandpiper
    • Black-capped Chickadee

    Cute Nicknames for Birds

    Here are some cute nicknames:

    • Tweety
    • Feather
    • Birdie
    • Chirpy
    • Fluffy
    • Sunny
    • Sweet Pea
    • Flutter
    • Cheep Cheep
    • Pippin
    • Tinkerbell
    • Whistle
    • Bubbles
    • Angel Wings
    • Coo Coo
    • Peanut
    • Jellybean
    • Rainbow
    • Skittles
    • Snowflake

    Birds Names in Sanskrit

    Here are 20 bird names in Sanskrit provided in a table format:

    English Name Sanskrit Name
    Sparrow गौरैया (Gauraiya)
    Crow काकः (Kakah)
    Peacock मयूरः (Mayurah)
    Pigeon कपोतः (Kapotah)
    Eagle गरुडः (Garudah)
    Parrot शुकः (Shukah)
    Owl उलूकः (Ulukah)
    Swan हंसः (Hansah)
    Duck सारसः (Sarasah)
    Falcon शुकः (Shukah)
    Robin नलिनी (Nalini)
    Hummingbird मधुमण्डितः (Madhumanditah)
    Heron कोइश (Koish)
    Woodpecker द्रुमकुली (Drumakuli)
    Seagull सागरमृगः (Sagarmrigah)
    Kingfisher मत्स्याकर (Matsyakarah)
    Vulture गृध्रः (Grudhrah)
    Ostrich टिट्टिभः (Tittibhah)
    Flamingo अर्द्रमञ्जरी (Ardramanjari)
    Toucan रुचिः (Ruchih)

    Birds names in English and Tamil

    Here are some common bird names in English and Tamil:

    1. Common Sparrow – கூழைக்குருவி (Koozhaikuruvi)
    2. Peacock – மயில் (Mayil)
    3. Kingfisher – மீன்கொத்தி (Meenkoththi)
    4. Parrot – கிளி (Kili)
    5. Eagle (Raptor species) – பருந்து (Parunthu)
    6. Pigeon – பரவைக் (Paravai)
    7. Cuckoo – கோழிக்குயில் (Kozhikkuyil)
    8. Owl – ஆந்தை (Aandhai)
    9. Duck (Waterfowl species) – வாத்து (Vaathu)
    10. Flamingo (Exotic birds) – பூநாரை (Poonarai)

    Fun Fact: Tamil Nadu is home to the Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, a biodiversity hotspot attracting migratory shorebirds and songbirds.

    Bird Names in English and Telugu

    Telugu-speaking bird enthusiasts can discover fascinating species across different ecological roles. Learning about bird vocalizations, foraging techniques, and nesting sites enhances appreciation of birdlife. Here are some common bird names in English and Telugu:

    1. Common Sparrow – పిచుక (Pichuka)
    2. Peacock – నెమలి (Nemali)
    3. Parrot – గిల్లి (Gilli)
    4. Crow – కాకి (Kaaki)
    5. Eagle (Raptor species) – గద్ద (Gadda)
    6. Owl – గుడ్లగూబ (Gudlaguba)
    7. Pigeon – పావురం (Paavuram)
    8. Dove – పరవ (Parava)
    9. Swan – హంస (Hamsa)
    10. Woodpecker – మరిగూడి పిట్ట (Marigoodi Pitta)

    Did You Know? The Kolleru Lake Bird Sanctuary in Andhra Pradesh is home to thousands of migratory birds and is a crucial site for bird conservation efforts.

    Bird Names in English and Malayalam

    Kerala’s lush forests and coastal regions provide a haven for a wide variety of birds. Understanding their conservation status, territoriality, and seasonal migration routes helps protect these species.

    Here are some common bird names in English and Malayalam:

    1. Common Sparrow – അണ്ണാൻപക്ഷി (Annaan Pakshi)
    2. Peacock – മയിൽ (Mayil)
    3. Parrot – തത്ത (Thatha)
    4. Crow – കാക്ക (Kaaka)
    5. Eagle (Raptor species) – പറുന്ത് (Parunthu)
    6. Owl – ഉള്ളി (Ulli)
    7. Cuckoo – കുയിൽ (Kuyil)
    8. Hornbill (Exotic bird) – മലയാൻകൊക്കൻ (Malayan Kokkan)
    9. Duck (Waterfowl species) – താറാവ് (Tharav)
    10. Kingfisher – മീൻകൊത്തി (Meen Kothi)

    Trivia: The Thattekad Bird Sanctuary in Kerala is famous for bird photography and attracts ornithological studies on hummingbird species and shorebirds.

    Bird Names in English and Kannada

    Karnataka’s Western Ghats and forests host an incredible variety of species diversity, making it a paradise for backyard birding tips and bird-related festivals.

    Here are some common bird names in English and Kannada:

    1. Common Sparrow – ಗೂಡುಗೊರತು (Goodugorathu)
    2. Peacock – ನವಿಲು (Navilu)
    3. Parrot – ಗಿಳಿ (Gili)
    4. Crow – ಕಾಗೆ (Kaage)
    5. Eagle (Raptor species) – ಹದ್ದು (Haddu)
    6. Cuckoo – ಕೋಗಿಲೆ (Kogile)
    7. Pigeon – ಪಾರಿವಾಳ (Pariwaala)
    8. Owl – ಗುಬ್ಬಿ (Gubbi)
    9. Kingfisher – ನೀರು ಹಕ್ಕಿ (Neeru Hakki)
    10. Hornbill (Exotic bird) – ನಸುಕೆ ಗೂಬೆ (Nasuke Goobe)

    Did You Know? Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary is one of India’s best places for field guides, birding apps, and spotting waterfowl species like pelicans and herons.

    Significance of Knowing the Birds Name in English

    Knowing the names of birds holds significant value for several reasons:

    1. Connection to Nature: Recognizing and naming birds helps deepen our connection with the natural world, making us more aware of the environment and its inhabitants.
    2. Biodiversity Awareness: Understanding bird species fosters an appreciation for biodiversity, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect different species and their habitats.
    3. Cultural and Historical Knowledge: Birds often hold cultural and symbolic meanings in various traditions. Knowing their names can enrich our understanding of cultural stories, myths, and historical significance.
    4. Scientific Observation: Birdwatching and identifying species contribute to citizen science. Accurate identification can aid in tracking bird populations, migration patterns, and ecological changes.
    5. Enhancing Outdoor Experiences: Whether hiking, camping, or simply spending time outdoors, knowing the names of birds can make the experience more enriching and educational.
    6. Communication and Education: Being able to name and describe birds allows for more effective communication about nature and wildlife, whether in casual conversations or educational settings.

    FAQs on Birds Name in English

    What is the names of birds in English?

    There are many different names of birds in English. Some common bird names include Sparrow, Crow, Peacock, Pigeon, Eagle, Parrot, Owl, Swan, Duck, Falcon, Robin, and many more.

    How many types of birds name them?

    There are thousands of different types of birds in the world. Naming all of them individually would be quite extensive. However, you can find various bird species in field guides and online resources.

    What's a good name for a bird?

    A good name for a bird can be inspired by its appearance, behavior, or personal preference. For example, if it's a colorful bird, you might choose a name like Rainbow. If it's a bird with a melodious call, Singer could be a good name.

    What is the name of the bird in English pigeon?

    The bird known as pigeon in English is called Pigeon.

    What is a 5 letter bird name?

    One example of a 5-letter bird name is Eagle.

    Which bird is beautiful?

    Beauty is subjective, and different people may find different birds beautiful. Some commonly admired beautiful birds include the Peacock, Flamingo, and Hummingbird, among others.

    Which bird is a pet bird?

    Many bird species can be kept as pets, but some popular pet birds include Parrots, Canaries, Budgerigars (Budgies), and Cockatiels.

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