MathsProperties of Addition

Properties of Addition

What is meant by the Properties of Addition?

The properties of addition are a set of mathematical properties that define the operation of addition. These properties include commutativity, associativity, and distributivity.

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    properties of addition

    The List of 4 key Properties of Addition

    1. Closure: This states that the sum of two numbers is always another number.

    2. Associativity: This states that the order of operations when adding numbers does not affect the sum.

    3. Commutativity: This states that the order of the numbers being added does not affect the sum.

    4. Identity: This states that there is a number that, when added to any number, will always result in that number. This number is 0.

    Additive Inverse Property of Addition of Rational Numbers

    The additive inverse property of addition of rational numbers states that for any two rational numbers a and b, their sum a + b is equal to their additive inverse a – b. In symbols,

    a + b = a – b

    The additive inverse property of addition of rational numbers states that the sum of a number and its additive inverse is zero. In other words, if a is any rational number, then a + (-a) = 0. This property also sometimes called the identity property of addition.

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