MathsLinear Pair Of Angles

Linear Pair Of Angles

Know About Linear Pair of Angles

A linear pair of angles is a pair of angles that are adjacent and have a sum of 180 degrees.

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    Real-Life Examples of Linear Angles

    In the real world, linear angles can be found in many different places. For example, they can be found in the shapes of objects, in the way that objects are positioned, and in the way that objects move. Additionally, linear angles can be found in the way that light travels and in the way that sound travels. Finally, linear angles can also be found in the way that people and animals move.

    Explanation for Linear Pair of Angle

    A linear pair of angles is two angles that are adjacent and have a common vertex. The sum of the angles in a linear pair is 180 degrees.

    Properties of Linear Pair of Angles

    The angles in a linear pair are supplementary.

    The angles in a linear pair are adjacent.

    The angles in a linear pair are vertical.

    Linear Pair Postulate

    A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints.


    Axiom 1

    Axioms are basic statements that are assumed to be true.

    Axiom 2

    Axiom 2 is a statement that is assumed to be true.


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