MathsFractions Worksheet – Best Examples of Fraction Worksheet and FAQs

Fractions Worksheet – Best Examples of Fraction Worksheet and FAQs

Why Choose Fractions and Decimals Class 7 Worksheet?

Fractions and decimals are two of the most important ways of representing numbers. They are both ways of representing a number as a fraction of a whole, or as a decimal number. Decimals are more accurate than fractions, but fractions are easier to understand

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    Our fraction worksheets start with the introduction of the concepts of “equal parts“, “parts of a whole” and “fractions of a group or set”; and proceed to operations on fractions and mixed numbers.

    A. Circles in a Fraction

    In a fraction, a circle can represent the number 1. This means that when a fraction is written, the circle can be placed over the number that is being divided. For example, if 1 is being divided by 4, the fraction would be written as 1/4.

    B. Comparing Simple Fractions

    To compare simple fractions, one needs to consider the numerators (top numbers) and the denominators (bottom numbers) of the fractions. If the numerators are the same, then the fractions are equivalent. If the denominators are the same, then the fractions are also equivalent.

    If the numerators are not the same, then the fractions are not equivalent. The larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator. If the denominators are not the same, then the fractions are also not equivalent. The larger fraction is the one with the larger denominator.

    C. Strips in Fraction Questions for Class 7

    I. Convert the following fractions into decimals.

    1/4 = 0.25
    3/4 = 0.75

    II. Write the following decimals as fractions.

    0.25 = 1/4
    0.75 = 3/4

    D. Fractions on a Number Line

    A fraction is a number that is written as a division of two whole numbers. A number line can be used to help visualize a fraction.

    On a number line, a fraction can be represented by a point that is located between the two whole numbers that are being divided. The number line can be divided into equal parts to help represent the fraction.

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